Character signature and general graphics request thread

Started by Arc, April 22, 2014, 12:10:36 AM

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Arc's Status: Not Taking Requests
If Arc is not taking requests, feel free to still post, another might still do it.

A lot of the people on EfU are clever graphics designers and know all about where to find good fonts for character signatures to use in the letters and notes forum, free use vector components and how to put them together into logos, all that.

But it was brought up that for those who don't have such talents, it can feel like a OOC disadvantage to many things.

So- heres a thread to request graphics of all types. Character Signatures, Faction logos, Character Portraits, etc.

The rules are simple: Make a request, with the following details for a signature:

[B]Description of Signature:[/B]
[B]General style of Graphic (Western, Steampunk, Elegant, whatever):[/B]
[B]Extra Notes:[/B][/noparse]

Or these for a graphic:
[B]Description of Graphic, In detail:[/B]
[B]General style of Graphic, and a linked image of similar style (Western, Steampunk, Elegant, whatever):[/B]
[B]Content of image:[/B]
[B]Extra Notes:[/B][/noparse]

And post it in here. I, or someone else with some skill with photoshop/illustrator/gimp/inkscape will do it for you. Just please remember to thank whoever does it for you. Feel free to PM me or another designer with any private requests you'd rather not post publicly for IC spoiler reasons, just make sure you tell us it's a spoiler in the description.


[!] <3 much love arc.

Character: Emelia Gravenhearth
Request: A character signature!
General Style Of Graphics: Sewer+ooze. words preferably in dripping letters
Extra Notes: the words smaller beneath her name "The Ooze Is Coming, And Like A Blanket It Shall Cover Everything In My Path"
Have more a cruel look to it!

if extra info is needed feel free to pm me <3



I liked the idea of the mad ooze cultest painting her name on the wall in ooze with her fingers, so thats kinda the style I went with- Is it about what you were thinking of?



Without Subtitle:


Forum Colors:



so amazing Arc <3 thanks. i love it


Hell man if you're offering I'd love one.

Character: Rorimac Thorngage
Description of Request: Signature
General style of Graphic (Western, Steampunk, Elegant, whatever): Magical and show-y, very attention grabbing, preferably in blue.
Extra Notes: The word "Zap!" written underneath if possible.

Aberrant Starlight

Character: Seriah Starlight
Description of Request:Signature
General style of Graphic: Elegant
Extra Notes: Starry Lights Surrounding the Signature


Character: Klaengr Rorikson
Description of Request:
A symbol, image or logo that depicts four elements of fire, stone, thunder (sonic/lightning) and ice set symmetrically against each other over a stone background of some sort. A stone wheel, a square made of stone, a tablet, ect.
General style of Graphic: Dwarven, runes or runic stylings. Should look as dwarven as possible.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


Mortui / Aberrant Starlight



Aberrant Starlight:







I feel greedy but I'd like another to sate my love of Halflings.

Character: None.
Description of Request: A coat of arms, however with all the Halfling deity symbols on it.
General style of Graphic (Western, Steampunk, Elegant, whatever): Whatever you think works best, I'm not the artist.
Extra Notes: Thanks!


Character: Rendirk Stoutheart
Description: Signature
General Style: Fuck, it's gotta be steampunk. But, y'know, low class and stuff.




Have I ever mentioned I love steampunk style? Well, I do.

Sometimes, a scapper feels  damned facy:


And sometimes, he just wants to get his work done and get to lunch:

Sounds awesome! Mind giving me a little bit more detail about the feel, though? Is this for a paladin, a thief, a cleric, good, evil? Any particular colors for the coat of arms?


Character: Malcolm Larrak
Description: Signature and a wax seal from a signet ring
General Style: He is/was a lord of Cormyr so it would be very crisp and aristocratic

Also can you do a very grim/ordered one for use as an Ordinant

Which is "Ordinant M. Larrak"


Beautiful. Thank you!


Character: Rallick Dess
Description of Request: A signature for "Ordinant Rallick Dess". A second, matching one for "Society of the Ordered Mind" to be placed underneath it would be cool, too.
General style of Graphic: Plain. No frills.
Extra Notes: