Inspector Hale Duststone- Pipeweed and Bolts

Started by Arc, June 28, 2014, 09:46:21 AM

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This character was created on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 at 04:17:45 PM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 343 times.
The character has spent 12 days, 23 hours, 37 minutes, and 18 seconds online.

I rolled Hale a few months ago, while on a western binge, to see how a western theme would integrate with EfU. Hale's one of my favorite characters I've ever played, and while every story has to end, this is one that it feels very melancholy to see end.

Thanks to all the players who spent hours and hours in meetings or out hunting criminals with Hale- Abala, Narvis, the whole DM team, but in particular DM Caster, all the Watchers, and- most importantly- the villains of EfU, who I had no end of fun spending hours hunting.

[hide="Screenshots"]Even as a recruit, Hale was uncomfortably preoccupied with long coats.

Hale actually arrested the Sons of Cyric once before they became major server villains- and let them free, after that.

The song leading to the biggest fine Hale ever issues

Leading up to the war

Super secret war meetings

Sailing off with half the Watchers to kill D'rul

Hale had a troubling tendency to flirt with hallucination- one of the coolest player plots I've had

It actually got pretty bad, and yet...

... Still completely fit to disperse sub-vigilante justice


Overall, Hale was a hell of a ride. I dont regret anything about Hale-

Besides his accent. I'm never playing a character with an accent again.

Ya'll 'ave a goodun now.


Seeing justice done.


Great character man. Fantastic watcher. One of the best so far, in my opinion.
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "


Crazy mad hatter with a Crossbow, I cant elieve you didnt share any of your many knee cappings. xD <3



R.I.P. Hale Duststone 2014 - 2014 :(

Was an awesome run.



*salutes* Pleasure working with him on Mari, or was it mali? or... nevermind, anywho, he was one of the best watchers I know, ( knew, as well) and I never had a bad moment with him. R.I.P Watcher.


Hale was probably one of the people Eddie interacted most with, so it's sad to see him go. From fellow recruits to smoking buddies to being Eddie's most reliable superior.

Don't regret the accent.