"Glittering Lights" Quest

Started by rolld20, August 17, 2014, 12:12:33 AM

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This is a 2-6 quest in an area that is threatening to every level range.  It's unlikely to get very much use.  I recommend moving it to a place that isn't crawling with things that can instant kill you or increasing difficulty altogether.


It's within the possible lvl range of people that actually try to venture there. I would instead suggest more stuff like it in that area, to draw more brave middle level PCs to go there together. It is a really nice quest!


Quote from: granny;403067It's within the possible lvl range of people that actually try to venture there. I would instead suggest more stuff like it in that area, to draw more brave middle level PCs to go there together.

Or we can just agree that the Lowerdark isn't a place for low level PCs as its intention was always to be a higher level area. . .




I suggest we do away with the concept of areas being tailored to level ranges and instead acknowledge that the area in mind, as well as several other regions on the server, are very dangerous for different reasons. No matter the level of the PC venturing into this or those other areas, survival can and often does depend far more on strategy, planning, supplies, caution, teamwork, and of course a degree of luck.

I also vote that more quests like this be added, should you folks have the time and some great ideas, to this and those other "high level" areas if for no other reason to encourage bravery from more than the peak-level PC's.

How disheartening to see a quest that didn't look outright deadly, but that I was slightly past being able to try out, when I first discovered it. I believe that if such quests were more common, people would perhaps be more willing to brave the (intended) insane danger and maybe even begin to search for a way to predict through the unpredictability that often is the leading cause of all perceived danger from any given region.

I tried to give my two cents and I gave a buck fifty. :(


i dont know about you but when i saw this quest with my L6 i was psycked that it was where it was.. made it seem so much more mysterious and cool


I put that here so that low lvls who dare lowerdark regularly actually get xps out of it. Unlikely to change.


CPT. Homie

Quote from: rolld20;403068Or we can just agree that the Lowerdark isn't a place for low level PCs as its intention was always to be a higher level area. . .

If you follow that logic, "high level quests" should be moved out of low level areas like Sanctuary and surroundings.

I didn't know about this quest until it was too late. Had I known sooner, I'd definitely grab a few pals and explore it. Seems cool!