Harsher death penalty

Started by Dr Dragon, August 20, 2014, 02:59:05 PM

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Dr Dragon

I am going to make an unpopular suggestion that many will dissaprove of.

Too me it is very immersion breaking when I hear PCS describe engaging in activities that generate conflict as somehow less risky of going on quest stomping. This has created an environment of double think that I myself have partaken in.    

When I hear someone tell a PC that angering other PCS is somehow more dangeorus then the career of raiding entire dungeons of monsters I think it is absurd, and for a better phrase in Swedish. Jävligt efterbliven.

I say that we implement a cap on the number of times a PC can respawn. After 4-6 deaths make it mandatory for PCS to have a raise or ressurection. Make it a risk to go out cruising the underdark alone, make it a risk to go quest stomping with the wrong group. You literally are going to have to trust they wont just loot your corpse, and bury you somewhere!    

Make it so when a PC dies on certain quests he is just effectively out of the quest until a raise, and even cause it to make some PCS pack up or have the dilemma of carrying a heavy body around. (I also suggest on particularly long, and challenging quests drop some 1 charge raise dead items that dissapear on reset like the candle.)  

I say we bring EFU, adventuring, and questing to a new age on EFU. I believe this will fundamentally transform the server culture.


This seems like a great way to cause frustration and bar characters from longevity - especially for the less proficient players who die more often. The sheer amount of XP loss gives enough incentive for being wary of the Underdark's dangers as it is, I think.


Place a system like this as an option on Hardcore pcs, if its going to be implemented at all. Given to just your everyday laymen player will just cause ultimate frustration.


Quote from: Grotesque;403447This seems like a great way to cause frustration and bar characters from longevity - especially for the less proficient players who die more often. The sheer amount of XP loss gives enough incentive for being wary of the Underdark's dangers as it is, I think.

Agreed, and lets not forget the occasional lag death which with that kind of system would infuriate players. Also things like genuinely exploring would happen a lot less, and stuff like alchemy which is already dangerous enough and often painful would be rendered eventual character suicide.


Alright, I don't post often in suggestions but here is my two cents.

The death penalty is pretty harsh as is.. maybe not as harsh as it could be, but I think it's fine, I mean getting close to 8/9... then that one death. However, I do like the idea of the longer more challenging quests having to do that, they are suppose to be challenging, can't just go in with one tank and a bunch of mages as back up. Also with the spawn limits, I occasionally like to go "hardcore" meaning die once never respawn... but an option to do something like previously suggested would be awesome. Just not mandatory.


Personally, I would love to see the respawn option taken away for everyone right from the start and always, leaving IG resurrection/raise dead means as the only way someone can 'come back' after dying. I understand how unfeasable it is given how frustrated a large portion of the server may become, but the realism of it is very appealing to me. Those who manage to live for more than a month (lol.) will have really beaten the odds. Most of all it seems to me that it'd encourage TRUE caution when venturing forth. I feel as though so many PC's are sort of/kind of built on the attitude that surviving the apocalypse in the Underdark surrounded by all sorts of monsters and other dangers is.... only moderately challenging.

How many of us are guilty of running around doing a delivery quest out across the wilds solo because we don't want to waste time getting to a 'tolerable' level and "Hey, if I die I hardly lost anything anyways since I'm so low!"

I don't think my suggestion is perfect, and if I had a better one I would have put it forward. But I DO believe that the current system can be improved on.


In regards to character conflict being more risky than dungeon bashing RPly that does make more sense. A dungeon is optional and you can choose not to go, character conflict can come from nowhere, anytime, any place, and is also more difficult to see coming in some cases, and is almost always more creative. Character conflict is unpredictable, you dont know all the risks. Dungeons on the other hand, you know what your risking when you decide to go on a adventure.


I just feel that implimenting a harsher death system like any of the current ones suggested would require editing a LOT of existing content to balance out risk and reward otherwise we will see a lot of players doing truly nothing, and that would kill a lot of potential rp. Just isnt worth all the effort, the server would lose more than it gained imo.


Mandatory hardcore permadeath systems do bad things to servers that have built their foundations on a nonpermadeath platform. With that, most of the perma servers I've played on usually lasted a year or two at most before going belly up.

I've had fun on those servers, but it really doesn't do good things for server lifespans.


Automated perma death without a clear and obvious sign should never be implemented. And if it is an option, then give it some sort of benefit.

Instead of it just being "Die five times and your perma'd lol" make it that you get like 5% increased exp or something and when you die the ghost informs you that your soul is not for the world that remains, your potential is needed elsewhere, but if you must return then he'll allow you... for now then eventually he won't and your ghost will be ported to some spectral battlefield retirement area.


We are where we want to be right now. If we make changes to these systems, it will frankly be out of the teams decision and hard consideration. This is something we will stick to quite rigidly and won't really bend on any one way with player requests. So, end of discussion. There will always be some matters where we follow what we envision as best solution, despite any number of opinions.


I don't think it's an awful idea if the xp penalties for respawning were lessened or done away with for those five times.
 However, it's just as easy to keep your own count if you wanted to, and allow other players to continue playing if they want to. Older PCs can be really nice if you don't have time to play every other day, because you can jump right in to doing what you hoped for with them, instead of trying to build up your PC's dynamics to get to the point you want them to represent.