The First EfU:A Fish Duel!

Started by Egon the Monkey, September 12, 2008, 09:31:59 AM

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Egon the Monkey

Now, thanks to our wonderful, *inventive* DMs, there is now a fairly common drop in seaside areas of the Dead Fish Club.

(they don't usually glow in the dark, by the way. I just cast Continual Flame on mine)

And of course, where you have fightin' fish, you will inevitably need a fish fight!
So, having acquired suitable armament, Labur decided to challenge proud fish-wielder Foop Applebelly to a piscine duel.

The combatants prepare:

However, to see how the duel turned out, you'll have to wait until Omma (who was spectating) posts some of his screenies, as I was too busy making awful fish-related combat taunts to be able to take pictures.


Soon! I just need to convert/process them and get them on a site.  :)



Beats dwarf tossing hands down, back to front and upside down.


This brings a whole new level to trout slapping.


'Ere we go!

Fish slapping, gadzooks! :mrgreen: