The Adventures of the Mystic Zulfiqar

Started by Veteran C, March 27, 2009, 10:25:59 PM

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Veteran C

Zulfiqar and Friends Under the Night Sky

The Veil

The Last Part of a Tale of the Desert

The Newly Constructed Docks

The Test of the Flame

Addressing the Goblin King

...and his task

Zulfiqar and Friends in the Swamp

Wandering the Mountains

Zulfiqar's Lesson of the One Arm

Adventures in Old Port

The Sinister Enclave and Ruins Below

Zulfiqar's Underdark Adventures

Zulfiqar Fighting Drow

Zulfiqar in the Desert

An Encounter with a Drow Champion

The Great Flame in the Sky

Veteran C

Oh, he isn't dead. Just posting a few of the choicer screenshots. So many amazing moments left undocumented, unfortunately!

Previously posted ones from Red Eleint:

After a long period of waiting at the bridge to the settlement, Grand Larson Burkden leads a group of willing adventurers into the woods to do battle with the immense orcish army waiting there.


After ages of fighting - including a quick raid to take out the orcish siege weapons, which sadly I did not capture in screenshots - we made our way to a ruin where the orcs were encamped, and did battle with the exceedingly fierce General One Eye.

After delving into the ruins and stealing some orcish plunder, we were driven back to the settlement. There we guarded the bridge for a long time against huge numbers of orcs.

An emissary arrived and demanded ships. Although I didn't capture it as it happened, you can see in the dialogue here what Grand Larson's response was - a thrown harpoon through his gut.

Eventually we got driven into the Ziggurat, and guarded the gate here. We were ultimately victorious, and having heard that the Stygian reinforcements had arrived, counter-attacked the orcs... heading back into the woods.

The Stygian Infantry reinforcements were a welcome sight to be sure!

With most of the orcs dead, we eventually headed back to the Governor's Tower for some official thanks and awards.


I can has fun?

I don't even know what to say.

Lux Lucis

I know what to say...

AWESOME! :lol:

Jayde Moon


Tight as hell.  It's a continuing joy of mine to work alongside the Mystic.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


A very interesting and fun character with an infectious personality. Don't pass up a chance to see it for yourself!


And the Stygian Armada comes to save the day with one actual PC in it at the time O.O


Listen in Silence

Oskar Maxon

A wonderful character to be around!
