Reminder on behavior outside game

Started by Paha, November 22, 2014, 03:56:37 PM

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Spoiling secrets. Sleuthing identities. Giving detailed information on quests, other characters, players. Behaving poorly. Trolling. Trashing and verbally insulting others.

As these particular traits in behavior are raising in popularity, and therefor in complaints, it looks like it may be needed to remind you of why we are here.

We are here to play a game. Have fun. As it happens, by being here you have also chosen to have fun within boundaries of certain rules and expectations, placed upon you by this community. Not only by the DM team, but your fellow players, also.

These rules can be difficult for newer players, but generally they follow very nice logic that we expect all to abide. Respect others. This means respecting fellow players, the DM's, the new and curious people. Don't troll, don't trash anyone, and most of all, don't do anything you wouldn't want others to do to you.

This means that you should not go being a blabbermouth. Don't talk about mechanics outside basic nwn stuff, like builds or others. It's fine to advice and talk about how you can enjoy your characters better, but do not delve too deep into mechanics that might spoil their experience in efu.

Do not speak about players or their identities, if you are not sure that they want their identity known. Every player at times makes new account and wants to play with "fresh" face. To just enjoy the experience IG, as it is through interaction, without any bias or expectations. Respect it.

Do not speak of IC events. Pvp. Locations. Secrets. Just don't speak of it at all if you have slightest of doubt that you can spoil something. What happens in game, belongs there. Even general events sometimes are something many others do not know of outside the game, and they lose the chance to learn it through playing. Do not speak of secrets, locations, or ruin work of someone who has put days, weeks, maybe even months into it. That one line just screwed someone over irrevocably. Consider others for a moment before you speak.

Sometimes silence is truly golden.

Most of the playerbase tends to have grown more mature. We are of the generation that are either older and experienced people, or now young adults, with still younger people among us. I have high expectations for the people in this community, and I know everyone in this community is capable to be really great, respectful and helpful. Word to word, I am aware people here are by no means stupid. Please, don't then act like it. Additionally, and without any joking, people in efu tend to be quite clever and intelligent, when they choose to be. Don't let yourself lose it.

That's all I ask. Think on it a bit. Have fun in game, talk with fellow players in chat, help each other, but know when not to say something, especially if all you have to say is a cause of grief to someone else.


I have slightly edited this old post, to bring it up again. I want everyone to be reminded of it, and our top rules for the server.

In a nutshell: Be respectful towards others, don't cheat, don't exploit things, do not meta-game and stay true to in character actions as much as you can.