UnholyWon's Play by Post Forums

Started by UnholyWon, March 25, 2015, 08:17:02 AM

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Hello Everyone! So a while back my friends back home posted on my Facebook saying something to the effects of, "Will (because that's what my friends call me), I wish we could play D&D like we did back when we were young when we didn't have responsibilities, but we're so busy with babies, school, work, marriages, mortgages, bills, etc...."

I thought to myself, I can totally make this happen. 1. It will be in my favorite setting Forgotten Realms, 2. Make it non-canon so I can feel like I'm being creative, 3. Play D&D with my friends again and invite new friends, 4. Actually test the 5e books out rather then let them collect dust on my book shelves, 5. And make it a leisurely format to fit anyone's busy life schedule, Play by Post.

All that gave birth too: The Storytellers RPG: Lost Continent of Portalus

As stated above, it is a Play by Post forum with me acting as the DM, it's that simple.

The reason I'm writing this here is because I have friends here too, probably not as close, but friends none-the-less. If any of my old or new friends want to stop by the forum and give it a look, feel free to do so. I have everything set up so you have to sign up as a member to view "everything" but if you don't want to sign-up but still want to view "everything" let me know and I'll change the restrictions.  

But let me make this blatantly clear, this has nothing to do with EFU:R, or previous chapters. Its is just a way for me to have fun with friends at our leisure. Thanks everyone, see you on IRC or IG EFU:R.