Raid the Illusory Castle / Castle Vrazdn

Started by wundyweiss, December 21, 2017, 08:41:17 AM

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PC- Oliver Orrell
Gsid- Like a wom, undecided

Myself, Olof Ingman, and Alaethe Savhoste completed Castle Vrazdn, but the quest complete was not given after slaying the boss, Lord Escobros Vrazdn. We contacted DM Vlaid, but he was unable to figure out the solution to the bug IG. Hope someone can fix this fun quest, thanks!!!

I love cats

I should also add the description of the quest in our journals is the same description as in chapter 2. IE it mentions stargazers hiring us to kill some evil lord conscripting goblin and Ogres. Also there are +1 bolts in the loot table and many standard mundane plain NWN weapons. (I"m pretty positive this is a bug.)


yeah but are the loot tables fixed?

paging ninelives


Killing the boss should appropriately allow quest completion as of next reset.  A few adjustments have also been made to the rewards.  I've also slipped in a few minor tweaks to some other quests, which can be discovered in-game.