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Topics - Griggs

Bug Reports / Adamantium Bank Charisma Check
January 30, 2019, 04:36:37 AM

Seems like it's having trouble. If you try to continue from this point, the conversation freezes up.
Suggestions / Bard Songbook
July 19, 2013, 05:28:07 AM
Could we possibly get bard songbooks added to the merchant vendors in the Trade Hall? Thanks.
The Captain

Ah, where to begin. Lord-Captain of the Mayor's Muster and Slayer of Dragons Midah Resher, or Midah for short, died as he lived: fighting for no good reason. I first created Midah back in April, and according to EFUSL played him far more than I'd like to admit. My aim was simply to play a character who was fun to play. Sort of a greasy, sleaze-ball, free-wheeling mercenary whose primary aim was to make money and enjoy the finer things in life without a thought forward. The character evolved over time, developing into a more solid personality but never losing the core willfullness and never giving in. When I first set off, I outlined a few goals for this character, as seen in this excerpt of my personal notes:

QuoteGoals (of the character)

-Become fantastically rich. This one is fairly obvious.
-Become one of Ymph's very elite, and be thought of as on par with nobility (but decidedly not nobility).
-Be the most finely-dressed man in the islands.

Goals (for the character)
-Pursue riches and go on as many adventures as is possible.
-See the island and travel far in search of plunder and coin.
-Be the most finely-dressed man on the island.
-Hit on female characters and chase tail non-stop.
-Work for whoever pays the most, and be involved in politics without actually picking a side.
I believe I generally accomplished each of these, especially with the awesome assistance of the DM team. It should be noted that "forming a mercenary company and becoming stupidly successful" is not a goal listed for me personally: the Gilded Arrows in their entirety, as well as Midah's gaining of the position of Lord-Captain, were entirely off-the-cuff decisions, usually suggested by other PCs.

There were two other major aspects to the character that I never quite put down in note form but I stuck to like glue for the duration. The first is the making and individual loyalty to friends. It was one of the few redeeming factors of a character that was, for the most part, with few scruples and without any classical honor. The second is the unshakeable and proud devotion to his goddess, Tymora. Her dogma is simple: Be bold, be your own master, take chances and always keep striving. Midah almost never backed down from a fight, never bent a knee, always rolled the dice and always kept working at something. These two things were really what kept my interest in the character: he was incredibly fun to play, throwing caution to the wind and diving headfirst into almost everything. The fact it worked out astounds me.

As for thanks... hell. In the four (!) months I played the character, I think I met and interacted with just about everybody, and roleplay was, in most all circumstances, excellent. I suppose special thanks should go to ALL of the Gilded Arrows and Musterman who made up the very bread and butter of the character, to CalimportSmoke's Harriet Thistlespike for being a constant mysterious benefactor, to RPG for TWO great characters, to Sixclaw for a defining antagonist and Tarell for another, and Massive Fucking Special Thanks to the DM team and doubly so to ShadowCharlatan, who probably did more work for Midah than I did.

I did take a number of pretty decent screenshots, though somehow I managed to miss almost everything of any importance and took pictures of funny shit, instead. Without further ado:

(Which I somehow managed to miss two pieces of.)

[hide=The Armor][/hide]

[hide=The Glory Compass][/hide]

[hide=The Visor][/hide]

The Early Days

[hide=Meet Rodryk Sosay][/hide]

[hide=Hidden Talents][/hide]

[hide=Scaring Alex Harker][/hide]

A Tarot Reading
(No, not Mylo's, but that was great, too.)


The Gilded Arrows

[hide=A Deal With The Conclave (Bennett and Broseph)][/hide]

[hide=Good To Be The Captain][/hide]

[hide=A Conclave Spy In Sosay's Court][/hide]

[hide=To Sum That Deal Up...][/hide]

[hide=Much Love.][/hide]

Mistlocke's Finest

[hide=Struttin' His Stuff][/hide]

[hide=Zoltan Lugo: Obligatory Loose Cannon Cop][/hide]

[hide=Great Balls Of Fire][/hide]

The End
(Courtesy of SC)





So ends the glorious tale of the best character I've ever played: Captain Midah Resher, ladies and gentlemen.