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Messages - Black-Forest

Bug Reports / Re: Earth God Essence Polymorph
March 08, 2019, 12:25:52 AM
Follow up!

Trying the new "/c polymorph ______" commands works, allowing me to use any form normally available under Polymorph Self. If the custom form suggested by the item in question is available, none of the various guesses I made as to its name worked, and it's not listed under the help.
Bug Reports / Earth God Essence Polymorph
March 07, 2019, 08:19:08 AM

The item "Earth God Essence" which is a Relic for the Earth domain, appears to have a bug in how its polymorph functions. The item description suggests it'll turn you into an elemental, and the spell name even says "Custom", but when used it turns you into a Giant Spider. I tried everything I could think of, thinking the option for the elemental might in sub-menu, kind of like protection from alignment, but it doesn't seem to be.

This is the item in question:

User error, or bug?
Quote from: Damien on March 04, 2019, 08:57:46 PM
I think people are misunderstanding how crafting works, or rather the purpose of it. Only do it if you're interested in, for lack of a better word, tinkering. It's something fun to play around with in your spare time. It's also a  massive puzzle, when version one was first launched it took probably about 2-3 years before most people knew any real recipes.

To think you're somehow owed something or deserve instant gratification is silly. And the idea that you sacrifice anything mechanically is also ridiculous. Spellcraft? Fucking useful. Lore? The most useful non mechanical skill there is.

You guys should just stop whinning it's hard honestly. And grouch is right, you can literally craft with anything.

I struggle to believe you actually read the OP. Even crafting with cards is still engaging with an absurdly complex system with enormous RNG that will take an absurd amount of hours of your real, actual life to master.  "Instant gratification", what???

This is a game we're playing to have fun. That's what we're "owed". That's the gratification people are looking for. For some, that's crafting and spreadsheets. Clearly the OP is one of those people, but exists in the (fairly broad, based on discord discussions) spectrum of crafters who will quit/scale back because of the card change.
Specifically in regards to the plot-relevant quests, being encouraged to die so you can progress seems pretty outrageous to me, especially given the random nature of quest availability in that area. Encouraging people to die intentionally to remain in the level range and lose the hours upon hours they invested getting that xp is seriously backwards, especially for people with more limited playtimes.

My group finished that up the process in question yesterday, the same day I hit level 8, and I'm just thankful I didn't hit 8 sooner.

It would have been very unfortunate for the group to have one vital member suddenly be unable to assist with the recovery of the objects in question. I'd have no objection if they weren't plot relevant, but given they are, a bit more leniency on the level cap could go a long way towards easing potential frustrations.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
June 01, 2014, 10:29:58 AM
I remember vividly the time Horace polymorphed himself into a child and trolled Senta and Braxton, ending with said child droppping Phantasmal killer on Braxton and instantly subduing him.

Good times, man, and good luck with the next one!
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
May 13, 2014, 06:15:52 AM
Senta will be sad to see him go! Enjoyed having Braxton around, he will definitely be missed. Good luck on your next one!
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
May 11, 2014, 07:45:58 AM
Dawn was an awesome character that I loved interacting with. Hardass Tyrran Watcher with the giggling scimitar. Truly a blast to have around, I look forward to your next!
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
May 05, 2014, 07:40:08 AM
Senta and Celor were only friends for a short time, but he will be sorely missed.

Both because he was a good friend, and because Senta never did get to strangle him for clowns.
Suggestions /
May 04, 2014, 03:07:53 AM
Likewise it'd be nice if Saves vs. Death applied to the Beholder rays. Last I heard from someone who died to one, their +4 vs. death belt didn't work when hit with a Beholder's fort save or die.
Introductions and Group Management /
April 28, 2014, 06:43:14 PM
This is.. life changing.

This is what God made surround sound for. Bookmarked right next to this.
Bug Reports /
April 28, 2014, 06:57:23 AM
As a mimc, I have.. rather a lot of potions. Several pages worth, all meticulously stacked and ordered and split into smaller stacks and so forth. I've never run in to any problems with potions re-arranging themselves, though.
Off-topic Discussion /
April 28, 2014, 12:50:02 AM
Ah, so awesome. Thanks Arc!
General Discussion /
March 27, 2014, 03:42:36 PM
Just wanted to say thank you to Archie's player for an awesome time last night! That was our group's first time through those particular dungeons and it was great fun.
General Discussion /
March 25, 2014, 09:41:43 PM
Hi there! I, like Cat, am a NWN2 refugee fleeing that barren wasteland. I never played NWN back when it released though, so it's all quite new to me!

Thanks to the folks who've been helpful OOCly so far, and thanks to the guy who poked me about blocking others out of the mushroom quest. D:
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Senta Marke
June 01, 2014, 10:16:09 AM
Retiring my Ordinant, Senta Marke. He was my first character and suffered throughout his 2ish month existence from severe First Character Syndrome, as I didn't really have any idea how to work with goals on EFU and get stuff done.

Got a better idea of all that now and I decided it would be better to start fresh than try to salvage a sinking ship.

Thanks to all my Ordinant Brothers who helped me out and kept me around because I made them nice potions, and thanks to Esme and Jonus and Jormund and everybody else outside the Society who hung out with Senta and tolerated his grunted replies and bizarre seat-of-his-pants sorcery.

It was fun, folks. Onwards to brighter horizons!

Have screenshots (Spoiler alert: they're pretty boring)!

Humble beginnings from before Senta bolted on his Society Armor (I basically never took it off after I put it on the first time).

The first time I saw Ordinant Kingsley, she drew steel and tried to kill Narvis.

Conjuration shenanigans!

And, most importantly, People Making Bad Decisions™