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Messages - Red_Judas

Screen Shots & Obituaries /
May 07, 2016, 05:57:21 AM
Ryglos Addresses the Ascensionists

Boba Fett Addresses the Cantina

Suggestions / IG Public Notice Boards
May 05, 2016, 10:54:04 PM
I had an idea to have a few usable notice boards scattered around Dunwarren. Similar to how you would rent a stall, you could select a space on a board, represented by a painting, write up a little message, and have it stay for maybe an hour or so. When the time limit is up, it could be assumed that someone has put up a new notice over top of your old one, or it's been ripped down. A bit like a notice board or a lamp post you might see in real life.

They could be used to temporarily advertise ig about selling merchandise, blanket for a campaign, or announce an event for an extended period of time without needing to rely on making lots of sendings, among other advantages.

Bug Reports / Watcher Beat Patrols
April 28, 2016, 07:51:24 PM
Just something I noticed. When doing the beat patrol along Spellbeggar's Lane, it gets labeled in my journal as Archibald Row. However, the Archibald Estate is at the Warehouse Beat near Serana Tower.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
April 27, 2016, 07:25:22 AM
Priceless. I was only in a couple of those shots because I was hidden in stealth.
General Discussion /
May 14, 2015, 06:39:11 AM
I just want to point out that I do often use  eh in both written and spoken language. Accent can totally translate into written.
Off-topic Discussion /
May 09, 2015, 10:34:39 PM
Never mind. I'm starting to see other posts.
Suggestions /
April 24, 2015, 06:23:59 AM
For the slave escort, I like the idea of buying a slave from one of several slave merchants around the Underdark and bringing them to other merchants. Each merchant pays more or less than what you spent, but their prices fluctuate so you never know if you're going to get a good offer. It could be lucrative or you might lose money on a deal. There should be a limit, though. I imagine if you move too many slaves a day, the merchant will just get suspicious that you're killing the cargo.

Additionally, I like the idea of people hanging out by the edge of the Dark Lake and having slavers spawn to kidnap you. If you get knocked out by a slaver, you automatically get dragged to a slave pen where you can either fight for your freedom, or try to sneak out. And we need more slaver vessels.
Introductions and Group Management /
April 09, 2015, 05:42:51 PM
Concept Nation sounds like a show along the same lines as How It's Made.

Make a Cleric Clerk who can't differentiate the two.
Suggestions /
April 08, 2015, 02:23:46 AM
Never forget the day we won benches for Freedom Square.

Freedom to sit.
General Discussion /
November 14, 2014, 01:15:41 AM
I think what the powers that be were trying to convey is that we live in a gritty industrial 1984 like society. We're at war with an enemy we barely interact with, we have mass production, and we definitely have left-wing thinkers.

That being said, it's portrayed sort of like the middle ages being dragged into the mechanized world by its bootstraps.

Class consciousness is very much a thing. Why else would the workers have rebelled in the Revolution had it not been? The Black Guild has been primarily focused on their rights (to what end?) for some time, while the Red Guild has been focused on enriching themselves and creating a very clear class divide.

To that end, things like communism may seem a little out of place, but I can definitely see anarchy being a driving force. After all, who is the Man in the Mask if not an anarchist (Or is he?)?
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
November 10, 2014, 07:19:18 PM
You dick. No mention of Ducky?
Off-topic Discussion /
November 04, 2014, 09:25:37 PM
Feeling a little burned out with in game stuff and some things in the real world. I'll be around, but not a whole lot until I get my creative juices flowing again. Shouldn't be long.
Off-topic Discussion /
October 27, 2014, 10:31:07 PM
Quote from: Loghaire;171069

[SIZE="5"]Allow me to practice a little thread necromancy.[/SIZE]

Off-topic Discussion /
October 23, 2014, 05:45:28 PM
That video spelled Marine Corp as Marine Core. This isn't for me.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
October 18, 2014, 02:42:07 AM

[SIZE="5"]Right in the feels[/SIZE]