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Topics - Val Royeaux

Introductions and Group Management / Witch Hunters
September 10, 2013, 08:53:57 PM
Hello, people. I meant to spring up this concept in accordance with this - - but never got the oppourtunity until now.

This faction is derived from Selgaunt's Inquisition, a secret fellowship of fanatics and contemptuous zealots alike that would roam Sembia's countryside, butchering what they consider to be ''witches and their offspring.'' With the Darkening, the remaining stragglers banded together, making their purposes clear to all - to eradicate every vestige of sorcery in the world. They're convinced that the capricious artifice of sorcerers brought about the apocalypse, and they're now intent upon destroying every being that is remotely associated with witchcraft.

[SIZE="2"]''The Witch has many forms. You must know them all.
 You must tell the Witch from her disguise and root her out from the hidden places.
Trust no-one. trust not even yourself. It is better to die in vain than to live an abomination at the hands of sorcery.
The zealous martyr is praised for his valour: the craven and the unready are justly abhorred.''[/SIZE]

From superstitious mongrels to self-righteous crusaders, the current inquisition flaunts a broad array of members. Many adapt pseudo-warped dogmas of the gods to justify their deeds, while others are simply scornful of the gods. They all share a fervent contempt for witches, however. Blaming them for a multitude of events.

Things to expect -
    - Vigilantism
    - Relentless pursuits of witches (i.e mass scouting/tracking sesssions)
    - Political campaigns (coups?)
    - Creating a greater differential gap between wizards and sorcerers
    - Clash of ideals with the clergy of Sanctuary
    - War camps
    - Attempted establishment of a priory

Being a witch hunter will entail PvP at some point, and it is meant to serve as an institution that is anti-thetical to the Stewards, chaotically-inclined magi, and cohorts of Magnatz the Red.

Viable alignments -

[INDENT]Favoured classes: Rangers, rogues, fighters, barbarians - creativity is encouraged
              Prohibited classes: Druids, sorcerers, paladins[/INDENT]

PM me on IRC if you're interested.
Bug Reports / Shadow Maze End XP
August 16, 2013, 12:28:20 AM
Killing the boss of the labyrinth doesn't update the journal, and renders you incapable of getting the reward XP.