Lair Resource Not Accepted

Started by Maxwell Artfall, November 24, 2019, 06:12:03 AM

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Maxwell Artfall

This item seems to be pretty clearly intended to function as a lair resource, but it is not accepted by the ticker square Temple  property.

It's possibly a holdover from the EfU:R lair system.

EDIT: As a point of clarity the problem with this specific item in relation to the Church property has been fixed.


I've used those in the Hall before and they function properly, in case it's either a bug in the Temple or just a type that isn't accepted there.

Easy To Remember

Strange. I just tried turning them in at "The Hall" with no luck.


Yep, they must be bugged right now or something, or maybe it's a different item. I'd turned in a few of them before, though, and they worked previously. We have one sitting in our storage box with no luck. I also put in "Old Wooden Planks" and didn't get any points for them. I'm not sure if they ever gave them, though.


The "[Large quantity of crude building supplies...]" item is still not being accepted.

Additionally, the "Royal Puzzler's Cloak" wasn't accepted.


Was the cloak in its original colors? Because if not then that's the reason why it wasn't accepted, probably.


It was dyed, so I'm sure that broke it. Shoot.


Bumping this, and maybe expanding it to being more along the lines of "stronghold chests are buggy" for the topic.

- While attempting to swap to a new strong hold, we bashed the upgrade box of the Hall and couldn't damage it. No way to steal the upgrade points to move them.

- We swapped to a new stronghold (the Basement of Ticker) anyway and I was able to deposit *one* of the crude building materials for 200 points. The second one I tried bugged out and couldn't be deposited. I was able to add gold (one stronghold point for 5 gold), but prestigious items weren't being added. We tried the dyed cloak, figuring it wouldn't work, but also tried adding one of the spoons to no avail. "Goopy Gem-stuff" was able to be deposited and gave the correct 50 points for it.

- The Basement's upgrade box also says it's for the Church.

- The Basement also doesn't have a storage box at level 1, but maybe one arrives at level 2. Not sure if they're all supposed to have one.