Quick Guide to Installing EFU

Started by Hound, November 05, 2014, 08:21:55 PM

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[SIZE="3"]Starting from scratch:[/SIZE]

1. Go to //www.gog.com and purchase Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition. http://www.gog.com/game/neverwinter_nights_diamond_edition

2. Install Neverwinter Nights using the GOG downloader. Don't forget to also download the Premium Modules re-installer, available from your games library on GOG under Neverwinter Nights.

3. Install the NWN 1.69 Critical Rebuild, HOTU Edition: http://neverwintervault.org/sites/all/modules/pubdlcnt/pubdlcnt.php?file=http://neverwintervault.org/sites/neverwintervault.org/files/project/1585/files/nwnenglish1.69hotuupdate.exe&nid=1585

4. You will find that, after installing Neverwinter Nights, you will be unable to connect to the EFU server due to your CD key. You need to request a unique CD key from GOG's support staff. Follow the instructions in the linked image after clicking the hyperlink below.:



5. You will need to wait for GOG to provide a CD key for you. This may take from between 24 hours to several working days. Your CD key will be sent to you through the email you used to register on GOG. The email will also contain instructions on how to change your CD key.

6. Download the EFU Hak and Override installer, available here: http://www.efupw.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81588

The first link posted by Howland will take you directly to the installer download. If you would prefer to install your HAKs and Overrides manually, follow the instructions on the provided link. Run the installer and wait for the HAKs and Overrides to finish downloading.

7. After they have done so, NWN will automatically be launched by the installer. It will take you to the login page for multiplayer. Type in a username and login.

Direct Connect to: nwn.efupw.com:5121
leave player password empty.

Create your character and away you go.

Note: to enable your HAKs in-game, you must type /c haks on


[hide= ]In order to play EFU, you will need to obtain a copy of Neverwinter Nights and a valid CD key. The easiest way to go about this is to buy the game at GOG.com here, but there are certainly hard copy alternatives elsewhere for a greater price.

If you go through GOG, you will have to request a valid CD key for multiplayer purposes  by logging into their website with your account and creating a support ticket. You can find GOG's support page here. Make sure to have Neverwinter Nights installed with a valid CD Key before you try logging into the server in order to avoid any problems!

Once you've installed Neverwinter Nights, you are going to have to manually patch it by downloading and installing the latest patch. I recommend going  here.

When you're settled in and ready, boot up Neverwinter Nights, click multiplayer, set up an account, and click either "Join Internet Game" or "Join LAN Game." At the bottom, click "Direct Connect," and then enter the server address: nwn.efupw.com:5121. Now you're set to make your first PC!

Although EFU does not require haks to originally log into the server, many of the areas and content do require haks. You can find information about EFU's custom installation launcher and the haks it uses by going here. It is also strongly recommended that you browse the announcements, mechanics, and information for new players forums to get a feel for the content of the server and its rules.[/hide]
I wrote one too, but the only thing I hit on that Hound didn't was the 1.69 patch. I don't know if GOG provides the patch in their installation, but you may or may not need to manually install this in order to connect to the server, depending on where you bought the game from.