Issues loading EFU

Started by Rookie, April 16, 2015, 01:51:15 PM

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Hey there,

I just recently reinstalled NWN Diamond from, ran the critical rebuild for 1.69, installed the EFU launcher in admin mode, and downloaded all the necessary haks, overrides, etc.  I double checked to ensure they were in the right spots, and they are.

I can create a character, but when I try and enter the server, the game crashes halfway through the loading screen for the starting area.  I'm not sure what the issue is, or if anyone has experienced this before.

I run windows 8.1 off a partitioned mac using bootcamp.  All my drivers are up to date, but I will be double and triple checking that here in a few minutes.  I'm not exactly a computer literate person, so if more information is needed, please let me know.

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.



Did you get a multiplayer CD key?


I don't know much about computers either but this was an issue for me before. This could help maybe?


The CD Key I have isn't the common one used by GOG, as highlighted in the "connecting to efu" thread.  I can also connect to the server (passed the login screen where it would say your "CD Key is banned.  Cannot connect to the server." etc.  The issue is in crashing while trying to load the starting area after creating a character.

I also tried the dual processor guidance with no luck.


Did you install / activate haks at any point, and now do not have them? This is one thing that would immediately boot you out of the game / crash it, in most of the cases. It's enough if you have faulty haks or so as well, possibly.

Edit: I apologize. You did install haks. However, with what did you install them with? Do you for sure have the launcher or did you do them manually? This sounds like one of few things: You either do not have the compatibility mode set properly, in which case windows causes you to crash during loading windows. Second is faulty hak issue.


I used the launcher to install the Haks.  The launcher ran just fine, all the Haks were downloaded, and placed in the proper folders.  I will check to see if the compatibility mode is properly set.  I'm not entirely sure how to do that, but I feel a quick google search will explain.  That might be the issue.

I might be asking dumb questions here, but will other Haks in the Hak folder, outside of the EFU ones, cause an issue?  I'm mostly talking about the standard NWN Diamond modules like Kingslayer, etc.

Thanks for all the quick responses, guys.


Only if they are the same name as ones efu uses. Which mostly is unlikely.

Compatibility is right clicking the nwn shortcut and finding compatibility settings from the properties.


I've seen something like this happen also when you try to use the CD key from an actual copy of NWN Diamond with the GoG install. Were the keys you are trying to use provided by GoG upon multiplayer key request?