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Topics - Sankis

Currently, it is too easy and safe for someone to sit in the square making sendings all day.

Peerage folk need to walk across a no man's land.
Pondfolk need to leave 98 and go to the commons.
Even PCs basedin the sewers need to walk a bit to make a whisper.
Tickers only need to go the very back of their hub to make sendings.

My suggestion is this: The ticker square doorkeeper goes down for repair or something. Tickers need to now leave the Open Door and use a sending machine just inside the Commons.

This removes any perception of safety for Ticker residents making sendings while also evening things out a bit.
Maybe some exist that I am unaware of in which case make them more prominent maybe.

Ticker Square is one of the more interesting places on the server but as far as I am aware there's only one point of egress, the path through the open door.

Look at the Peerage: if one were to get into trouble there are a number of places to escape by. You can dive off the side into the canal, you can escape through the catacombs, etc. With ticker, you only have the one option. If that is blocked or otherwise unavailable you are shit out of luck. It's also incredibly difficult to enter without being noticed, unless you have very high stealth and/or invisibility. Add sewers or other kind of paths that connect Ticker Square to the rest of the ring.

Bonus suggestion: Underground tunnels akin to those in Seattle.

I'm unsure if this is intended or not, but another character and mine just recently ran the Astrolaborius quest in the Crosscurrents seam. There were only two of us and the quest seemed the same as when I ran it with 4 or 5 people.  That first large room encounter had what felt like two dozen imps or more.

The AI of the imps also felt a bit strange in a way that felt new. At times imps would beeline us from a room away which I don't recall happening before. The combat routine of the final boss also felt like it was not as dangerous or elaborate as before.

I assume this is unintended since most of them have been murdered and I haven't seen them spawn elsewhere but it looks like that the wilderness Ordinants are still set to spawn in the Dunwarren - The Old Canal area.
Suggestions / Add Red Smile Fungus as a Harvestable
March 19, 2016, 08:50:47 PM
One of the half dozen or so drugs in EFU is "Red Smile Fungus". Unfortunately, it seems the only way to actually acquire it is to kill random humanoids in the wild or in quests. Due to that, it'd be nice if there was another way to acquire it that didn't depend on loot tables. I was thinking of having it spawn randomly similar to Amarite or the Ore would be useful, or perhaps even allowing players to plant and harvest their own.
Suggestions / Change the ability to raise dead from PVP
January 26, 2016, 05:47:01 AM
While there's a system in place for finality in a PVP encounter, DMs are not always available to oversee it and not all conflict can wait.

You may be take victory in a battle against a longtime foe and decide it's time to end their life only there's no DM around. Sure, you can lug the body around and hide it but it's often impractical when all you really want to do is make sure your enemy won't return the next day. There's a certain discouragement that comes from the ability to have your enemies returned to life for only 1500 coin. This discouragement is only amplified when playing outside of the city and your enemies have the backing of Sanctuary.

For a setting where a defining aspect is the last bastion of humanity (and friends) and the Gods are very busy trying to not die it seems silly that raising is so accessible and cheap.

My suggestion is this:

Allow PVP Raises but increase the cost. Gold is extremely prevalent in this setting with many PCs acquiring more than 10,000 coin in a lifespan. Increase the cost from 1,500 to 2,000 per cast to 6,000 or more.
PVP raises inflict full 1/3 XP loss

or just remove them outright and/or require DM approval for it.
After over two years it's finally over.

This character was created on Sunday, September 29th, 2013 at 04:42:31 PM.

September 29th, 2013 - January 9th, 2016

I originally made Rallick with the idea to make as straightforward a character as possible. Some friends who were already playing on the server told me that tanks were needed so I eventually opted to make a fighter. My original intent was for the character to join the Watchers and to be the ideal follower. Things didn't quite work out that way, though.

Rallick Dess was born in a small village located between Neverwinter and the Mere of Dead Men. The older of two children he aspired to be more than the farmers that his parents were and at the age of fifteen he struck out on his own. Eventually he enlisted himself in a mercenary company that operated along the Sword Coast. Originally I had been quite inspired by the Malazan Book of the Fallen series to write out and detail in some depth the way the mercenary company worked as well as some of the characters he fought alongside. Ultimately the information was never needed for anything (why would it have been?) and was never used in conversation. As a result, most of it was lost. No big loss, though.

Rallick served with this company for several years before its dissolution when it was hired, and mostly destroyed, in the siege of Murann by the Sothillisian forces. Rallick was one of the lucky few to sneak out of the city before it fell to the besieging force. With the destruction of his company, the mercenary now found himself working solo jobs. He headed back up north and spent the next few years working small protection jobs. At the age of 43 he tired of the mercenary life and, with what he'd saved, purchased a small farm for himself. This was short lived, however, as the Darkening occured soon after and he was forced to abandon his farm and seek refuge from the rampaging forces of the Dread Empire.

It wasn't long after he fled that he came across a band of survivors that would eventually come to include people such as Tolman, Sevrin Obrist, and Drake Ridelle. Eager for some security he joined up with them and was among their number when they came across the surface holdout of Barag Varn.

Barag Varn was a fortified town led by a Lord Kremlar. Just prior to the group's arrival they had noticed that Dread forces were preparing for an assault. The group quickly took arms and armor from the city's temple and went to work on the fort's defenses.

Ultimately, Barag Varn fell to the Dread Forces but it was not without heavy cost. As the thrall forces overtook the outpost Lord Kremlar gave the order to blow a store of alchemist's fire, destroying both the attackers and those who stood in the city's defense. Somehow, though, some of the defenders managed to survive and soon found their way to Sanctuary

Rallick's first month in Sanctuary involved him frequently going between various groups. I had originally intended him to become a Watcher but upon exploring the city and lower I realized that there was a great deal more opportunity.

[hide=Arrival at Sanctuary/2013]

Rallick faces off against some clowns in the old version of the quest. Notable in that it's the only good shot I have of him in his barag varn armor.

Rallick wandered between the various groups pretty freely early on. Here he is helping the Spellguard kill Wundy's slaad for reasons I don't quite remember.

There were a fair few attempts at recruitment, too, as most of the barag varn prelude PCs were being gobbled up by various factions.

He stood as prosecution against Grog Gruggers after he killed a child in the square. Notable in that this is what eventually led me to greatly overcorrecting and adding my level 4 and 8 stat point into charisma.

I decided early on that Rallick had a thing for Drake Ridelle, one of the other survivors of Barag Varn and soldier of Sune.

Rallick's wanderings eventually led him to a one Count Patrice Vermand. He joined the count's faction as a retainer and enjoyed a great many conversations with the man. Unfortunately the player soon disappeared for personal reasons but I greatly enjoyed it early on. It helped form the basis of rallick's attitudes toward the city and briefly had me toy with the idea of being a lowersman.

One of the interesting side effects of Rallick being involved with Patrice's group was that he, by extension, had a bizarre amount of access to the otherwise relatively secretive Cult of Ascension. Here he is watching the induction of Drake Ridelle. This was highly awkward as I'm not sure anyone realized Rallick was there, nor was he ever asked to join.

After Count Vermand disappeared I began to toy with the idea of joining the Society. Halcron Runiec (and, soon after, Blake Kendon) were inducted about a week before Rallick was. Rallick began to gravitate toward them as I knew he'd need recommendations to join. This, as I recall, is very shortly after Halcron was inducted and decided to attack Traensyr to celebrate.

It went great! I learned about Bionists that day.

Soon after, Rallick met a bright eyed halfling paladin of Tyr named Abala Quickfeet. He befriended her and she became his moral compass for awhile.
Here we are heading down the lift at the Mound of Magnatz to follow up on a mission of Abala's.

The event took us to Ysinode and into a seemingly abandoned laboratory. The event was quite rough with us running out of supplies midway through and struggling to survive on what was found. Abala ended up needing to slay a halfling who had since been enthralled.

Rallick's actions in the laboratory was deemed worthy of granting him a ring of the Oathsworn. Ananfel handled the ceremony. The work for recommendations now began in earnest.

Not all attempts for the favor of an Ordinant involved grand plans or good ideas.

Eventually two recommendations were earned.

And Rallick acquired the final component necessary to be inducted.

He approached the Crystal and was given a vision.

What he saw there essentially ensured his loyalty to the Society forever.

Needing to lie about the Society was pretty common until close to the end.

Balfour and Paub successfully screw over Rallick and Halcron and, as a side effect, completely derail Liruwen's upcoming defense arguments.Rallick ended up telling Ananfel about the arrangement simply because he thought he needed to know. He did not expect Ananfel to react as he did.

Ananfel fled the Chapterhouse after threatening to reveal Society secrets. He was captured by Zsigmond, a loyal Oathsworn.

Rallick initially didn't take it well.

The resulting riots by the elves planted a seed of elven distrust.

Blake was much closer to Ananfel than Rallick ever was. Here is Rallick showing Blake the final resting place of the traitor elf.

He and several other Ordinants volunteered to help clear Gould's manor from the rebels and elves.

Some interesting scenes of the Underdark.

An elven cultist of Tulathek is caught by Halcron and turned into stone. Morfin remained in the Chapterhouse for as long as Rallick was alive.

Following the Society's aid at the manor, Gould sent gifts. Rallick received a fine blade which he named after the Lord of Barag Varn.

The Society was weird.

Inducting a familiar face.


Suggestions / Blindfolds
December 01, 2015, 06:13:03 AM
It'd be neat if an item were added to the module that allowed you to blindfold someone.

It could work similarly to restraints except instead of applying a movement debuff it applies the blindness effect.
I went to try out the sending system in the illusion and the Crystal Adherant gratefully took my money and told me to speak. After speaking and hitting "I am done" it did not seem that any sending was made.

The baublium/lightstone turn in seems to work fine except for the strength indicator. It seems to randomly pick between VERY STRONG and CRITICALLY LOW for each turn in.

Founded by Rhiannon Kingsley, Armand Waters, Crueak Silverkin and Malark Ambelcrown in 1366 DR the Society of the Ordered Mind has been relentless in its Crusade to eliminate the Aberrant since inception. The members of the Society were a prominent part of Sanctuary life and politics for many years with Rhiannon Kingsley even serving several terms as a Red Guild Director. Despite their public presence their Chapterhouse remained a secretive and closed place, with few non-Ordinants ever being granted access past the entrance hall. Rumors would spread and Black Guild Directors would every so often try to force themselves inside but it would take some time for the inner workings of the Society's headquarters to be revealed

On Mirtul 25, 1385 a cascading of unfortunate events led to the Society's greatest secret being revealed to the city. A crystal formation of unknowable power had been hidden away in the upper most level of the Chapterhouse, having been stolen from under the nose of the Dread Empire several years prior, and used as a powerful weapon against the Aberrant. In their desire to see it empowered several Ordinants lured a baublium elemental into the city where it wrecked havoc and led the golem into the chapter house where the Crystal was able to feed upon it.

It was at that moment that the Society's relationship with the city of Sanctuary forever changed. With a bright flash, those who sought to oppose the empowering of the Crystal were expelled from the chapterhouse and a powerful, crystal armor covered the entirety of the Chapterhouse. The Spellguard were quick to besiege the crystallized chapterhouse but to this date little progress has been made in breaching it.

Since their ousting from the city, the remaining Ordinants wage their Crusade with a renewed fervor. It is obvious to any Ordinants that remain that the best hope, the only hope, to win against the Dread Empire is with the aid of the Crystal. Nothing can stand in the way in the empowering of the Crystal, something made quite obvious by the Society's recent declaration of war against the Reformed Order of the Spellguard.

With the Crystal public and the war with the spellguard just beginning now is the perfect time to play an Ordinant or Oathsworn PC!

Ordinants are those who have dedicated themselves entiretly to the Society of the Ordered Mind and, in essense, to the further empowerment of the Crystal. Potential Ordinants should, to some degree, see the Crystal as an immensely powerful weapon against the Dread Empire. Aside from that, your Ordinant can be whatever you wish it to be. Perhaps you're a...

Machievelli - an "ends justify means" approach to the Crusade. Zealotry taken to its natural conclusion, this crusader is willing to destroy anything in their way to ensure the destruction of the Dread Empire.

Death Seeker - the apocalypse has come and gone, and yet this character is still alive. She seeks the death she expects fighting aberrants would bring, but she just will not die.

Pragmatist - No one but the Society and/or the Crystal can do what needs to be done. Who better to support?

Cultist - The Crystal is powerful. Could it be the birth of a new god? Could it be a god? Enamored with the crystal, the cultist seeks to ensure its ascension.

Application: Yes.
Recommended Alignment: Non-Chaotic, Non-Evil. (exceptions possible)
Recommended Race: Non-Monstrous, though exceptions have been made for those very similar to human.
Recommended Class: Non-Druid.

Oathsworn are those who have dedicated themselves to furthering the Society's crusade. With the recent war with the Spellguard, reasons that people would wish to become Oathsworn have expanded significantly from simply wanting allies against the tyrannical spellguard to a paladin wishing to lend his sword to what he sees as a noble crusade. Just about anyone can become Oathsworn.

Application: No.
Recommended Alignment: Any
Recommended Race: Non-Monstrous, though exceptions could be considered.
Recommended Class: Any, though overly nature based PCs may be heavily scrutinized.
Change the Hooded Agent so that he no longer collects rings. Instead, add some kind of lock box that players can put their rings inside. This would remove the ability for the hooded agent to "detect" thralls by forcing people to give and then retrieve their ring from the Hooded Agent and thereby make detecting thralls a PC endeavor.
Suggestions / Lowerdocks Agent/Ring turn in
March 25, 2015, 01:03:31 AM
Would it be possible to have another agent or NPC to hold onto Sanctuary rings at the docks? Maybe have them charge a fee if need be?

 You can't use the lift unless you have a ring which means you can't use the lift to actually use the docks unless you intend to break the law.
General Discussion / IRC Sanctuary Bot
March 07, 2015, 07:41:52 AM
Just a heads up to whoever controls the Sanctuary bot in IRC, as of last night it has ceased to copy in game sendings to IRC.
If you drink a potion of remove curse while withered and do not have enough XP to eat up the loss then it will give the error "Not enough experience to cast remove curse" while also destroying the item.
Using an item with a use of 'Remove Curse' on a withered subject will give the caster a 150xp penalty.

Casting the spell 'Remove Curse' as a cleric/whatever will only give a 75xp penalty. So I am told, can't confirm on my own.

I'm not sure if this intended or if it's a result of one or the other using an older script.
Suggestions / Withered Accessible child messenger
October 23, 2014, 12:17:43 AM
This is probably the most self serving request I've ever made given that my PC is one of maybe three withered PCs currently around. It's also probably not an issue that will affect very many through the course of EFU:R.

It occurred to me that since both Sanctuary and the Crone require DM oversight to be in while withered (so they can kick you out) there's no way for withered PCs to make sendings that I am aware of. Would it be possible to add a messenger kid in the wither pit?
Suggestions / Chapterhouse Trash Barrel
October 04, 2014, 11:39:09 PM
The Society Chapterhouse currently has a trash barrel tucked away in a room that pretty much no one ever has a reason to be in (grogenstern's room). It'd be useful if it was moved elsewhere, like the armory or barracks.

Perhaps turning one of our fireplaces into a 'trash barrel' would even work.
Suggestions / 'Historical' loot cases
September 24, 2014, 01:24:46 AM
I think it'd be neat if certain factions (Sojourners, Society, and Spellguard at least) had a viewing case such as what's in the House of Knowledge to display the armor, weapons, and items of prominent persons from the faction. The Society, for example, has armor and weapons from various dead Ordinants that we'd feel bad about destroying but have no real means to display it. Something similar could also exist to display falconer'sbounty hunter/hero club trophies in the Grotto.

Perhaps this could be a reward from the donations boxes?
Off-topic Discussion / Archeage
September 19, 2014, 12:31:47 AM
There seemed to be a bit of interest in this game in #efu so I thought a thread to get us all together might be a fun idea! So, where is everyone playing?

I personally only just started. I'm on "Inoch" or something similar. I'm not at all attached to the server, however, since my elf lady is only level 5 or so. Is there a server everyone else is on?
General Discussion / EFU sending channel
September 06, 2014, 04:44:44 AM
One of the coolest aspects of the server is the sending system and, even cooler, is how the city sendings are echoed into the server's official IRC.

As a personal project I made a small script in irc to copy and paste sendings from the #efu channel to a channel I made called #efusendings . This way I could have an uncluttered listing of all sendings made without having to wade through hours of chat. After telling someone of this and hearing that it's actually useful to other people I decided to share it.

It's on the same server as the main #efu channel. Feel free to join #efusendings alongside #efu!