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Messages - Incorrigible

General Discussion /
July 03, 2014, 07:18:49 PM
On efu:a I played a few things, but only three who really came to any prominence.

Veronica Mesmerte: One of the Mesmerte sisters. Very open diabolists. Veronica was the more charismatic one who would turn crowds against paladins to defend her, and bound a succubus to service. Despite being a very public worshiper of Graz'zt she was still working well to become a noble, until she died while pursuing the Bloodmage ritual when a certain coral dragon decided he'd rather munch on her than have her serve him after all.

Jaya: A lightning evoker sorc, part of the Coven of the Misty Mountains who would just blow up EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE. Became part of the Agony of the Hunt. She was a mystical Rashemi witch who would commune with the spirits of nature and led a mini-circle inside of the coven of sorceresses of four elements.

Claire Aseph: Leader of a mist cult from Old Port. They believed there was another diety in the mist: only one diety, in fact. Individual ideas varied but most were lead to believe it was the mist itself, or the goddess of the mist trying to be reborn. The truth is it was H'bala, but the cultists didn't know that, except for their leader. Their symbol was a black rose with a sword in front of it, wrapped in chains. The Battalion of the Locked Rose, seeking to free their fair maiden of the mist and bring doom to an island of unbelievers. Well she's free now, bitches, and the rose is no longer locked! Or at least wasn't. :(  Time will tell what the future brings. Remember the symbol on the description of those 'Cultist' npcs we found on Ymph so recently?


Kara Arashil: A tiamatan barbarian of the Wyvern totem. Hailing from Unther she developed a hatred for godhood, especially the Mulhorandi pantheon, and would regularly beat the shit out of anyone who even mentioned the name of a god, and would attack every cleric on sight. In the end she defeated 50 something clerics though never actually killed any. Kara took the great druid, 'The Fury', as her mate and they ruled Ymph together as a violently chaotic, destructive and intimidating couple for a while.

Leto Talborough: She was a warhammer 40k Sister of Battle. Black Lion Tribe barbarian converted to the worship of Torm. She was not an aasimar, but the family line was of angelic descent tracing back to a war hero who died in the Time of Troubles fighting off Bane at Tantras. She was the last to wield the family weapon and become Torm's Angel of Death; Talborough's Winged Axe, a MASSIVE battleaxe shaped like spread angelic wings, which ended up becoming a poweraxe. Leto was as violent as you can imagine from a warhammer inspired concept, though good aligned, and was known for being recklessly aggressive. And for running up alone and punching H'bala in the face, even making H'bala run away! Leto became 100% withered AFTER defeating H'bala, and turned on her once allies, seeking to free the lichess as an undead servant now instead.

Elianne Nimue: Cleric of Garagos. Very preachy preachy, which is usually very atypical of efu's clerics of Garagos who are more cutty cutty. Ended up forming a pretty decent following, few converts, some fun massive bloody rituals and conversions. She prophecised the rise of the 'Blood Star' (mystryl) and the events that would follow from it, but who listens to Garagosan clerics anyway right? She was a descendant of a Netherese warrior turned Nightriser and wanted to conquer Nebezzdos, or at least its temple, and defeat this ancient kin. She died to a Zango pc in a duel with a wild magic area when he spammed cure minors to fireball effect which was buggy at the time. Get it, buggy? And it was Echr? It was buggy though and she got blown up from 15 or whatever fireballs at once. Died in battle like every Garagosan.

Ssashea Velantil: Water Genasi huntress who was adopted as an abandoned baby by none other than The Veneroida. Lived with him in the Gap of the Veneroida until adulthood where she ascended to Hyrelican's Seat. She turned the prophecies of The Veneroida into reality and created the plague that would prepare Hyrelican's Seat as his throne. A real daddy's girl honestly who was treated more or less like the princess she is- a violent, fanatical and bloodthirsty princess who actually got results and earned her place. Best feeling in the world when the leader of your faith refers to you as 'Exalted One'. Ssashea now sits as a npc helping rebuild daddy's city and train special agents, waiting for *spoiler*.

Sascha Corris: A transmutation wizard who was also an alchemist. Collected blood, which was kept in boxes with icedust powder. Did all sorts of crazy blood and aberrant alchemy, was a monster maker releasing mutant creations in the wilds. Even made a parrot with shiny gold feathers that trailed glittering fairy dust (the only non-grotesque creation). She was a part of the Temple of Mystryl that formed after the rise of the goddess, she went into the Weave and actually met Mystryl face to face which was awesome, and she tried to hijack an alien research ship that got knocked off its path and chashed in the desert. It was to become a laboratory where she would spawn an entirely new race of monsters which would constantly mutate and evolve and absorb the genes of all they consume, but she failed, and now she roams across the cosmos on the planar research vessel as a crew member doing all sorts of rad stuff.


Tallulah Bourjade: Not really big, but was the first person to rent the temple, and did so publicly in the name of Cyric. A real stupid ditz that would preach and praise openly, who only survived because people thought she was just too much of a crazy goof to consider a threat to anyone but herself. She was jealous that Sanctuary had a dragon (the skeletal dragon in the illusion) so dragged a great lizard corpse into the temple and had some parties with free meet encouraging people to help themselves to the body and 'free the dragon' inside it. She died and no 'dragon' skeleton came from it. Just a corpse that rotted away and made the temple stink for ages.

Ceres Aers: A kindly, but violent priestess of Jannath. Not Chauntea, but Jannath. She was a Northlander of the Moonshae Isles where where Yggdrasil is worshipped, married off to the more druidic Ffolk where she found her faith. Fey friend, nature lover, guardian of the Shroomstalk, Steward, defender against Tulathek. Ceres did lots of things. She slowly lost her flesh over time and became more and more planty which made for some opportunities of creepy vine tentacle emotes. She is still alive as a npc but is now a dryad. FOIG the rest.

T'riss Oussani: A drow spymaster. Real sneaky and devious bitch who twisted Sanctuary around her finger, until the males screwed that up! She was a venemous serpent through and through.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
October 31, 2013, 05:21:09 PM
And the goodly druids rejoiced for they no longer would gain evil points by association as a result of bringing their pet troll to kill hives of aberrant monsters. Bjorl was difficult but an exciting character. Never got our troll fight though.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
August 07, 2013, 02:42:14 AM
I never got to meet him unfortunately but enjoyed keeping tabs on what was all going on down there. Pretty great work.
Suggestions /
August 06, 2013, 12:55:54 PM
While riding on deep lizard mounts.
Bug Reports /
August 06, 2013, 08:47:32 AM
My turn. I can confirm that when this happens the drowning tic comes twice as fast. Two tics of damage per round at least. When dying from it the death was counted as a FD, making it unable to respawn from. Carmen Evans killed Carmen Evans. In the past I have drowned before *coughkelpcough* and been able to respawn, but those were normal drownings. Might be related.
Suggestions /
August 06, 2013, 12:20:52 AM
Worse yet with those transitions you too often end up re-transitioning two or three times. WASD will make you run right back into the transition or because of camera angle clicking to run will make you transition back by not being able to actually see the transition without spending a few seconds to rotate and find the ground. A slower movement for the giant rumbling mound of rocks wouldn't be bad.
Bug Reports /
August 06, 2013, 12:09:12 AM
It sounds like the air suffocating bug, but in reverse. The one where servants of the Veneroida would have their air timer count down twice as fast when going to the surface sometimes, specifically when entering the Old Stones. This time it is drowning when going into the water instead of out of it.
Suggestions /
August 04, 2013, 03:56:16 AM
What I did for it was used the writing tablet. The messages name was Last Will and Testament of (name) and the description was the actual will, using lots of spaces to try and add lines to it. Last I was aware writing tablet created messages lose their description after reset though.
Off-topic Discussion /
August 01, 2013, 10:01:22 PM
I'm pretty terrible at that game, but I enjoy it so much as an engineer.
Suggestions /
December 17, 2012, 12:45:20 PM
Cool idea. Reminds me of the randomness of Kants which made it so enjoyable.
General Discussion /
December 17, 2012, 10:08:10 AM
It comes and goes in phases. I once had to leave irc for a period of two months because it was simply intolerable.
General Discussion /
December 15, 2012, 10:08:01 AM
Mages are healers plain and simple in most content. It is outside of quests that they really become what they are, when they're able to actually use their spells. That is when you shine.

The reason you rarely see crowd control things used is because monsters tend to have high saves for it and if it's a cloud effect it makes them automatically target the caster and they become unable to go invisible. Evocations are not because.. well.. ridiculous hp on enemies. Quests are designed for fighters, and unless it's a low level thing it'll suck up all your limited spells real fast to do what can be done with unlimited sword swings.
Off-topic Discussion /
December 12, 2012, 02:21:50 PM
Ambient old stones npcs have a scripted dialogue response talking about Bitterlips. Now come back and play again.
Suggestions /
December 11, 2012, 08:51:21 PM
I'm in the same boat as Zoe on this one. Unless you're in Grosse's the only thing you can see is the minimap and it's just.... a lot of strain that is easier to avoid. Not really opposed to any of the curse things, they're pretty cool, but my eyes are bad enough already y'know. Normal night darkness is enough that I hardly see more than arms reach in front of my character.
Off-topic Discussion /
December 10, 2012, 08:30:07 AM
OH... MY... GOD.

This is what EFU is all about right here. Amazing rp.