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Topics - Pig-a-dig

Either that or the quest bubble spawned with the wrong quest zone grate.
It sets both sides of the rope on the same location that you are in.
Bug Reports / Ring 99 - Quest Bug - A Delivery of Pie
January 20, 2019, 11:11:58 AM
After handing over the pie, the NPC we are delivering to "Doorkeeper Guardian Sedukar" states <UNRECOGNISED TOKEN>

The quest completes fine however.
So it ends, roughly how I expected it to given my experiences in battle events: death in a random corner, well before the final boss appears. ;D

Marcus was never intended to be a Watcher. In fact my initial expectations for him was that he was going to end up joining the Covenant. However on my second day playing him he had a chance conscription by Claire Chambers, who explained her thoughts on the Machine to him while dragging him around it, followed by being taken on a whirlwind tour of high level quests by Gentle at level 5.

At any rate, Marcus was a pretty terrible Watcher. I can recall on one hand the number of times he actually followed through on orders given to him by Agents that weren't directly overseen by them. One perfect occasion was when Clorinda Popova conscripted him, Marcus Bryant and Waylon Burke to perform a patrol of the Red Zone. Part way through Clorinda had to leave for a moment, so they told us to continue the patrol without her. Needless to say we all proceeded to beeline back to Sanctuary to seek additional "support", only to encounter Gentle and beg him to take us somewhere else that was less likely to get us killed before Clorinda returned.

Special thanks go out to Marcus Bryant, because without the double Marcus jokes, confusion, etc, this character probably would've been significantly more boring to play!

The only items that this PC received that I would classify as DM loot were: "Marcus Bryant's Sergeant Helm" and "Marcus Bryant's Sanctuary Official Book".
A few screenies:[hide="Screenies"][/hide]
Bug Reports / EE Module Bugs
March 31, 2018, 10:21:07 PM
Account: Pigadig
Character: Rond Ogderman

Bug 1: In the Library on the second floor near the Light Machine quest the door has one of those transition highlight thingies, and there also seems to be a mildly broken walkmesh to get in there.

Bug 2: I am crashing upon entry to the Maintenance Shaft en route to the Bowels. I have nothing else installed apart from EFU:EE and a portrait pack from the Steam Workshop.