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Bug Reports / Can't use /c two-handed on a trident.
April 05, 2015, 07:35:09 AM
I made a character this morning named Samuel Wilk, a Barbarian. I did not want to use a shield, so I used /c two-handed. It says that I can't two hand this weapon, but it's a one hand weapon by default.
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but during a sail to the Lizardfolk settlement, the ship came under attack by kraken tentacles. The Causril Commune Sailor that you talk to for disembarking decided to charge one of the tentacles, then died.

Once he died, I couldn't disembark.

I had this problem on Sammi Booker.
Suggestions / Half-Orc Blood Frenzy token
September 22, 2014, 06:21:49 AM
In a what, why and how fashion.

A token that grants Blood Frenzy twice a day for Half-Orc characters.

Half-Orcs do not shine much in the way of mechanics. They take one bonus for two different stat penalties, with their only other bonus is natural dark vision. In 2nd edition of D&D, Half-Orcs received a natural rage ability as a result of their short tempered nature and brutish genetics, which was a nice feature.

Upon character creation, when the character is being assigned its' loot, gold, skin, etc, this item is given if they are a Half-Orc. It is weightless, cannot be traded, sold or dropped, with a OOC notification of 'do not loot' in its' description.
Suggestions / +1 Ammunition Purchasable at Vendors.
July 10, 2014, 08:05:02 AM
In a what, why and how fashion.

What: Weapon vendors to sell +1 ammunition (bolts, arrows, throwing axes, throwing knives and bullets).

Why: Magic weapon cannot be applied to bows, crossbows, slings or throwing weapons. With ranged weapons being as weak as they are without rare special ammunition or mighty bonuses to their weapons (which are equally rare), Rogues and Rangers might as well just sit outside twiddling their thumbs because they can't hurt their target.

How: Vendors would sell 99 +1 of [ammunition] for 200GP per bundle. I suggest this price, because ranged characters go through a /lot/ of ammo during combat and the cost will add up accordingly.
Doomscribe Azar, if paid the 500 GP, will do a spellcasting effect, and that is that. He does not actually remove any curse on you, nor does he alleviate any withering progress.

This once happened on an old character of mine named William Kingsmouth, but assumed it was fixed after reporting it. It has happened again recently with Vungar Macbatterton, played by Zango_Unchained. This happened on July 10th at 11 PM Pacific time. (GMT -08 )

Additionally, would it be possible to have 300 GP returned to Vungar Macbatterton, and my 200 GP returned to my character, Artorus Taylor? It was a split pay to afford the cast.
In a what, why and how fashion.

What: Make the Missing Watchers quest (2-6 level range) soloable.

Why: The quest itself gives next to zero payout in both XP (I've received only 86 XP for completing it just the other day, I think that's a good range as to how low it is) and GP, with a really easy difficulty. All the other solo quests are capped, and cannot be done repeatedly. Playing an antisocial character with low charisma sort've hits its' dead end because of this.

How: The amount of characters required to access it is lowered. If it is feared that the quest'll be farmed for GP and loot (which it comes with very rarely), have the GP payout upon completion reduced to 0, so that there is reason to explore other profitable avenues as an Adventurer.
In a what and why fashion.

What: Animals Companions to cost less XP upon death.

Why: The AI for Companions are brain-dead more often than not. If they're not accidentally clogging the battleflow, they're sprinting right into a blatant death trap. It feels as though I'm being shot in the foot for having an animal companion (and I'm sure most people who play Rangers agree), not counting that they are weak in comparison to simple illusion spawns of the third circle or higher.

Simply lowering the amount lost, or removing it entirely, would be a lot less irritating than losing 900 XP for the AI wigging out and not immediately responding to commands.
In a what, how and why fashion.

What: Faction Quartermasters to sell natural armor amulets. ( I'm almost positive, but not 100%, that other factions have them as well.)

They already offer deflection rings. A long term standing faction member is going to end up buying mostly everything they want, then have nothing to spend their favor points on. Extra stuff to work towards wouldn't go unappreciated!

How: The Quartermasters would sell this for a hefty cost of favor points (for example: the Scriveners sell their top-tier stuff for 10-15 corpse points, selling it for 15 or 20 favor points would be fair I think.), or a very large sum of coins (1,000 GP or something expensive of that nature, so that this installment doesn't blow player merchants out of the water entirely.)
Off-topic Discussion / Dark Souls 2.
April 25, 2014, 12:12:44 PM
So a few of us have been playing this since it launched (and I even attempted to stream it to complete and utter failure due to how hard it lags) and was unsure who else among us still played.

If you play Dark Souls 2, join our steam group and enter the chat for JOLLY COOPERATION.

You can find it here, PM me or Mortui for an invite.

Just as well, you can post your screenshots here if you're inclined.
William was fun to play, though nothing lasts forever. Unless it's made from steel. You should've bought some of his steel. That would've lasted forever, maybe.

Oh, and since he's dead, most items with the 'W.K' hallmark might now be a valuable collector's item. You should buy them for expensive amounts. Even his books. Buy all of his books.

QuoteName: William Kingsmouth|Age: 32|Deity: Ilmater|Alignment: Lawful Neutral|

Born to a coupling of a Orcan Warrior and a female Barbarian, William was a Half-Orc of Icewind Dale. Found as a baby by a group of Adventurers in a cave while his family wasn't present, William was saved and carried back to a village, where he was put into an orphanage.

He was adopted at an early age by an Ilmateri Priest named Rasmus Kingsmouth and was brought across to Neverwinter, where the Priest attempted to raise William in relatively safer location, or so he believed. Near the boarder to Luskan, they lived in a village named Shiverpeak stop. As was typical of most uneducated civilizations, the populace viewed William as a bizarre creature, and parents warned children away from him.

He spent his childhood in solitude, and the only thing that brought him comfort was his fathers' stories. Stories of heroism, of places lost and forgotten, stories of where people placed themselves against unthinkable odds for the sake of others, and saved by divine intervention.

As he grew, the first thing he tried to do was paint, but to no success. He then tried to become a Doctor, following in the footsteps of his father. This also failed, because he wasn't smart enough to understand how to apply various medicines. After this was carpentry, astronomy and other trades, though like the trades before him, they all failed. To pay for food and housing, he submitted himself to menial labor to those who would take his kind.

Eventually, William realized that he couldn't stay with his father forever, and wandered off into the world on his own, carrying nothing more than clean clothes, a hatchet, dried food and water to hold him over. It wasn't long until he bumped into the Grey Scale Monster Hunting Company. He had strength, but wasn't proper taught on how to fight. They took him in and trained him, in exchange for his service.

This career of monster hunting was profitable in comparison to the alternatives, so William stuck with it, even learning how to repair and forge equipment to ease the costs of the company. Eventually the apocalypse came, where his outfit was broken over the knee of the Illithid invasion. He lived his darks out in solitude once more, eating chopped leaves and bug soup in a dark cave.

It was a fateful night that he discovered the Spellguard portal, spotting a bright blue light on top of a hill above his cave. With nothing to lose, he went through it, finding himself among the illusion of a civilization that yet lived. Once acquiring his ring, he went on to do many things. It was there he made friends and enemies alike, making something better out of his life than he could've ever hoped for.
The early days.


The shenanigans that came past after he lost his arm. He eventually went on to be a Bodyguard to a Director, though he saw his boss as a close friend, rather than an employer. He risked hell and high water to ensure her safety, which landed him in hot water occasionally.



Some things he acquired in his travels. The boots were a gift, though the Tigereye Vanguard was his greatest achievement as a smith. May it serve its next wearer well!



So long.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / EFU does wizardry.
February 19, 2014, 04:33:26 AM
I went to go make a suit of chain at Tagnar's, and I dyed it with my own cloth and metal dyes. Then I put it on the engraving anvil to add a property. The message I got was 'I didn't make this, so I ain't touching it.'.

The character this happened on was William Kingsmouth.

I wanted to know if I could get the 473 it costed to make the chain, so that I could remake it, add the properties, then use my own dyes?
Bug Reports / No Acid defense on Tagnar's engraving
February 06, 2014, 03:33:50 AM
I had attempted to use the engraving anvil on a suit of chainmail, and give it acid protecting properties. It said it was done, I took it off the anvil and saw it had no property. I tried to put it back on and replace it with concentration +2. It said the suit was already modified.

The character I did this on was William Kingsmouth.

As an off note, would it be possible to get the 500gp back to re-make the suit and make it engravable?
Suggestions / Tagnar to make helmets
February 05, 2014, 09:55:42 AM
Like said above, there's a lot of models that aren't available to be purchased.

For a fair fee (maybe 50, not counting dyes. Normal Workmill helmets cost 23.) maybe he could allow you to make them, and allow them to be used on the engraving anvil, for the same prices of armor?
Kobolds should never be Captains, especially on the astral sea, attempting to anchor down on a planet.
This game has been out for awhile. y u no thread?

Basically, in the span of 250 years of the first Guild Wars, the Elder Dragons have awoken and have rampaged across Tyria as massive forces of nature. The player is thrown into different scenarios across the land in this fight against them.

The player can choose male or female from the races: Charr, Sylvari, Asura, Human and Norn.

Personal storylines are available, baring quite a few different branches in terms of story, differing between race, upbringing and early life choices or events.

In a gameplay sense, Guild Wars strives to be different in comparison of other MMOs. It's not just pick up quest #12 and go to town. You can craft, PVP (dueling or World Versus World, which is a massive battlefield between servers at any given time) or explore, which gives you a very large XP and loot reward for discovering every landscape and point of interest. Weapons can be mixed and matched. You can duel wield axes, swords, daggers and maces while mix-matching with another of your choice, use war horns, torches and swap with another loadout at the blink of an eye. It creates an interesting way to perform combos instead of your regular click and slash.


Soldier professions are frontline fighters who use heavy armor and  are highly resilient to damage, thanks to their high toughness.

The Warrior.

Axe or Mace? Rifle or Greatsword? You know, they're all good.

Warriors can be played a variety of ways, but are aggressive melee fighters suited in heavy armor. Their high health makes them palpable to use in close quarters fighting and should there be an engagement out of reach with a melee weapon, they have several ranged abilities with their rifles and bows that allow them to exchange blows until they can close the distance.

The Guardian.

I'll guard you. Let them come through ME first!

Guardians are a combination of the Guild Wars 1 Monk and the Warrior. They can be played aggressive, but they play more like a D&D Cleric than a D&D Fighter. Their powers circulate more towards removing side effects and enchanting both themselves and their nearby allies. Their health is much, much bigger than the Warrior and can be a walking wall of steel that can cross large amounts of ground unmolested if such a situation ever arises.

They can recover health and deal damage in even amounts, which can be scary in both PVE and PVP.

Adventurer professions fight from the traditional midline. They have a  good mix of ranged and defensive weapons, and are otherwise flexible  combatants.

The Engineer.

I'd explain it all to you, but a demonstration would be more useful.

The Engineer is a new class to Guild Wars, and is supportive, high damage dealing medium class that requires you to pay attention, as most of their abilities are more useful as utilities, and if streamed together well enough, you can probably level the ground where the enemy was just standing two seconds ago.

They make thorough use of bomb kits, grenade kits, flamethrowers and turrets, like the Net Turret, the Rifle Turret, the Rocket Turret and the Medkit Turret.

The Ranger.

Good dog! Hold the enemy down while I shoot them! You get a biscuit!

Rangers are self explanatory. They roam with a pet of their choice, that has specific abilities per beast. They excel well with bows and can switch to close quarter weapons if need be. They can bleed the enemy out before they get close, pin them with arrows and put some land between them by using knock-back abilities.

The Thief.

I'm sorry, did this belong to you?

The Thief is a simple slasher, a hybrid between a Warrior and a Ranger. They wear enemies down with bleeding and poisons, but are capable of going toe to toe before having to break engagement. Thieves can use 'steal' on an enemy, which they gain an ability based on the enemy's classification. They can also do extreme amounts of damage doing backstabs and pouncing before speeding off. The Thief has at least four methods of escaping into stealth, which they can use to flee or do special attacks, such as unloading two pistols into an enemy, or stab them in a vital spot.

This class requires you to react quickly, but it can, and usually is pretty lethal.

Scholar professions are the least durable fighters, possessing only  light armor, but still prove formidable, especially from long range.

The Elementalist.

Fire, Air, Earth and Water. I can deal death with any of them.

Elementalists vary greatly between eachother, like D&D Wizards. Some use earth magic to endure assaults and cripple, knock down and pin enemies, some use water magic to cleanse and heal themselves and their allies frequently, some use fire to burn down enemies and some use air to spring from target to target, hitting them with lightning before retreating and coming in for another strafe.

An Elementalist is capable of flipping between all four elements at the drop of a hat, but can greatly empower one element over the others depending on how they create their build.

The Mesmer.

When I'm done with you, you won't trust your own mind.

Mesmers are illusionists that rely heavily on misdirection. During a fight, a Mesmer is pushing out at least two to three different illusions that do different things. They can control these illusions to do different things, like causing them to run towards the enemy and explode, or vanish and cause confusion which hurts the enemy on every ability usage. They are great at survival, but must hide with their illusions.

The Necromancer.

The great thing about minions is that they never last long enough to work up a horrid stench.

The Necromancer is the toughest of the Scholars. They are a hybrid of the Mesmer and the Guardian, stealing health off of their enemies and shrugging off blows. In the Mesmer aspect, the Necromancer uses multiple minions that do different things, which can be controlled as they wish. In the Guardian aspect, they are capable of enchanting themselves heavily and can cleanse themselves easily. Their special ability is a spectral form, which absorbs all damage and deals high amounts of damage to anyone close enough. This ability is built up by dealing damage and gaining kills.


I'm looking to see how many people here play it before I make the guild. Servers only matter for WvW, so we have no specific home server.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Mason Fields.
October 15, 2013, 05:59:59 AM
I've gone ahead and put this character into retirement. He's not dead, but I don't believe I'll ever be playing him again. Or at least, not for a long, long time.

Mason was made for the OOC purposes of seeing the first Escape From Chapter through the point of view as a character, not through age old screenshots on the old board. His IC get-up, hunting the Chosen, was nothing but a form to compliment this OOC goal, as the Chosen were an enemy from the first Chapter that were plentiful and easy to hold a vendetta against, even if they weren't Residents of Sanctuary.

Lower Sanctuary and the Machine were the only places I could find that were mostly the first Chapter un-molested. With most PCs from that area dead, the backing on that front is gone, and that'd rely solely on DM support. I'd rather not take up their time to re-explain something that's already available to be read on the old forums.

Talir, Halfbrood and Sternhund were awesome on this front though. Thank you. :>

Alexei Antonov, Toigan Strongstrata, Thomas Mis-Born, Stephan Wonderbringer, Tiffiny Kurtfell, Shakti, Atto Proverson, Zsigmond, Ringol and Jebediah T. Firefly were primary characters that honed the character's story, and for that, mad props.

Some SSs.

His hunting. (Yes, all of the Greater Chosen in those pictures were made K.I.A. :>)


Meetings, weird stuff and mourning the losses of those that died in the effort of hunting with him.


Some shiny stuff. Was p. cool.


I'll be on another character.

pce m8s.
Introductions and Group Management / The Hunter's Call.
October 02, 2013, 07:57:13 AM

This circle is something I've been tooling around with since the beginning of this character, but nothing ever became of it, tried as I might with offer of gold from out of pocket and free equipment. Still, I haven't given up on it, and I've been vigilant for the occasion that someone might want to apply their character concept to something similar, or even in the neighborhood of it.

If you're transitioning between characters or if you're up and coming, I openly invite you for whatever shenanigans may be down the road later.

The goals of this group:

ICly: Hunt all forms of Werebeasts, where ever they may be, as well as restore what has been overran by them, be it recent routes of transition, or ancient villages, homes, shrines and general places long forgotten.

OOCly: Allow player characters the opportunity to learn more of the first Escape From chapter through the point of view of a character, rather than age old screenshots from the previous forum. This plays itself out as facing a threat from the first Escape From chapter, as well as passing through older locations and how they've changed drastically over the course of time.
Suggestions / Custom Armor Perks
September 20, 2013, 12:46:26 AM
In a what, why and how format.

What: Additional enhancements to choose from when using the engraving anvil with a custom suit of armor bought from the vendor.

Why: The ability to make your own armor is pretty cool, if not extremely high priced. The problem is that this suit of armor is very easily replaced by loot in quest areas. Although I understand it's this way to encourage people to adventure, I feel kind of let down for the massive sum I saved up to get that armor.

I'm not saying this thing should be cream of the crop with uses per day, AC bonuses and what not, I'm just asking for maybe a few more benefits to save up for.

How: When at the engraving anvil, there could be additional options at the last two pages, where you can pick ONE damage immunity of 5% versus slashing, piercing or blunt, and another one being where you can pick ONE damage immunity of 5% of a selected element. Both are obviously expensive choices.
It was cool. Didn't get to do much but it beat just sitting around.

Some screenshots.

She collected a lot of foods and rationed them to feed the refugees. She also treated their withering with a buddy of hers, a Cleric of Ilmater.

She went off to the Volcanic Eruption.

She fought the Undead. In other news, the grass is green.

Francois becomes a X-man.
She met a dragon.
