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Previous Chapters => Realmslore => Faiths of Faerun => Topic started by: Mr. Cheez-It on September 28, 2005, 01:47:55 AM

Title: Halfling Pantheon
Post by: Mr. Cheez-It on September 28, 2005, 01:47:55 AM
The deity Yondalla rules the pantheon of the halfling peoples, and the group takes its collective name from her:  Yondalla's Children, which are:

Arvoreen, Brandobaris, Cyrrollalee, Sheela Peryroyl, Urogalan, Yondalla

Post by: Mr. Cheez-It on October 12, 2005, 10:08:41 PM


The Defender, the Wary Sword
Symbol:  Two crossed short swords
Home Plane:  Green Fields
Alignment:  Lawful good
Portfolio:  Defense, war, vigilance, halfling warriors, duty
Worshipers:  Halflings, fighters, paladins, rangers, soldiers, warriors
Favored Weapon:  â€œAegisheart” (short sword)

Cleric Alignments:  LG, LN, NG
NwN Domains:  Good, Halfling, Law, Protection, War

History/Relationships: Of the halfling gods, Arvoreen is most closely aligned with Yondalla, Cyrrollalee and Urogalan. He disapproves of the more capricious memebers of the pantheon, such as Brandobaris. Evil deities, especially the patrons of goblinoids incite Arvoreen to great wrath. He opposes Bane, Cyric and the Deities of Fury.

Dogma: Vigilance against attack protects the community. Prepare an active defense, drill continuously and leave nothing to chance. Put down danger before allowing it a chance to rear it’s head. Seek out allies, no matter how unorthodox. Stealing from other halflings or allies is never acceptable but thieving is not dishonorable when employes against enemies to better the odds in later combat.
Post by: Mr. Cheez-It on October 12, 2005, 10:12:06 PM


Master of Stealth, the Irrepressible Scamp
Symbol:  Halfling’s footprint
Home Plane:  Green Fields
Alignment:  Neutral
Portfolio:  Stealth, thievery, adventuring, halfling rogues
Worshipers:  Adventurers, bards, halflings, risk takers, rogues
Favored Weapon:  â€œEscape” (dagger)

Cleric Alignments:  CN, N, NE, NG, LN
NwN Domains:  Halfling, Travel, Trickery, Luck

History/Relationships: Brandobaris gets on well with most of his pantheon. He especially enjoys the attention and ministations of his paramour, Tymora, though the tems of their relationship are perhaps best described as casual. His sense of fun and obsession with putting himself in danger earns him respect and companionship from the likes of Gral Glittergold, Baervan Wildwanderer, Erevan Ilesere and Vergadain. He respects Mask as a fellow miscreant of unsurpassed skill but the Shadowlord’s cruel streak keeps them from true friendship. Brandobaris’s exploits have earned him the enmity of Beshaba and Urdlen. He has no love for Abbathor, who he views as in it only for the money. For his part, Abbathor thinks Brandobaris a base cad worthy of little consideration.

Dogma: Seek excitement and danger wherever your feet take you, for risk-taking leads to life’s greatest rewards. Lust for the thrill, not for the treasure, for greed obscures the true prize of the experience. At the end of the day the halfling with the wildes tale is the most honored in the eyes of the Irrepressible Scamp.
Post by: Mr. Cheez-It on October 12, 2005, 10:13:27 PM


The Hand of Fellowship, the Hearthkeeper
Symbol:  Open door
Home Plane:  Green Fields
Alignment:  Lawful good
Portfolio:  Friendship, trust, the hearth, hospitality, crafts
Worshipers:  Artisans, cooks, guards, halflings, hosts, innkeepers
Favored Weapon:  â€œCamaradestave” [quarterstaff] (club)

Cleric Alignments:  LG, LN, NG
NwN Domains:  Good, Halfling, Law

History/Relationships: Cyrrollalee enjoys cordial relationships with her entire pantheon, as well as with nearly every other kindhearted deity of Toril. As such she sometimes acts as ambassador for Yondalla’s Children when disagreements arise with other pantheons. She harbors slight disappointment towards Brandobaris, feeling that his frivolous pursuits and adventures distract the halfling people from achieving their full potential. Any god who would stand in the way of the destiny of the hin ranks among her sworn enemies. Happily for her, most of Torils malevolent deities have either not noticed her recent epiphany or have chosen to ignore it altogether.

Dogma: Be generous in friendship and welcome all friends into your home and trust. Never betray the trust of a host, break an oath or violate the sanctity of another’s home. The Day of Discovery approaches, when all hin rally around a new home based upon dignity, companionship and love.
Post by: Mr. Cheez-It on October 12, 2005, 10:14:48 PM
Sheela Peryroyl


Green Sister, Watchful Mother
Symbol:  Daisy
Home Plane:  Green Fields
Alignment:  Neutral
Portfolio:  Nature, agriculture, weather, song, dance, beauty, romantic love
Worshipers:  Bards, druids, farmers, gardeners, halflings, rangers
Favored Weapon:  “Oakthorn” (sickle)

Cleric Alignments:  CN, N, NE, NG, LN
NwN Domains:  Air, Plant, Halfling

History/Relationships: Sheela counts all her pantheon as allies but is closest to the inscrutable Urogalan, appreciating his aspects as Lord of the Earth. All Toril’s nonevil nature deities value her as a cool mind and level-headed thinker capable of disarming tense diplomatic issues with forthright honesty and warming smiles. Such qualities make her the perfect “celestial mediator” when tensions flare between such worthies as Silvanus and Waukeen. This role has transcended to the mortal realm, where even some non-halflings give honor to Sheela Peryroyl before entering a pact or important negotiation.

Dogma: Living in harmony with nature requires a careful balance between the wild and the tame, the feral and the tended. The need to preserve wild growth is equal to the need to take in the harvest. While nature can be adapted, it should be evolved, never forced; work within the framework of what already exists.
Post by: Mr. Cheez-It on October 12, 2005, 10:16:03 PM


He Who Must Be, Lord of the Earth, the Black Hound
Symbol:  Silhouette of a dog’s head
Home Plane:  Green Fields
Alignment:  Lawful neutral
Portfolio:  Earth, death, protection of the dead
Worshipers:  Genealogists, grave diggers, halflings
Favored Weapon:  “Doomthresher” [double-headed flail] (any flail)

Cleric Alignments:  LE, LG, LN
NwN Domains:  Death, Earth, Protection, Halfling, Law

History/Relationships: Urogalan finds little comfort in the company of his pantheon, keeping up cordial relations but maintaining a certain emotional distance. As his detached, somber mien is as off-putting to the other halfling gods as their frivolity and merry-making is to Urogalan, the arrangement works well for both parties. He finds some companionship with other earthlords such as Grumbar, Callarduran Smoothhands, Dumathoin and Flandal Steelskin, but is most at home when visiting the Crystal Spire and discussing the nature of death with the likes of Jergal and Kelemvor. The time requirements of stewardship over the dead tax even those worthies however and such visits are rare. Urogalan has no time for deities who include necromancy and undead among their portfolios, treating them as sworn enemies.

Dogma: Earth is the giver and receiver of life, prividing shelter, food and wealth to those whose toes embrace it. The sacred soil is to be revered as the mantle of Those Who Have Been and the shelter of Those Who Will Be. The thanatopsis of He Who Must Be reveals that death is to be embraced as a natural end, thus giving honor to the life that was.
Post by: Mr. Cheez-It on October 18, 2005, 09:32:23 PM


The Protector and Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, the Blessed One
Symbol:  Cornucopia on a shield
Home Plane:  Green Fields
Alignment:  Lawful good
Portfolio:  Protection, bounty, halflings, children, security, leadership, wisdom, creation, family, tradition
Worshipers:  Children, halflings, leaders, paladins, parents
Favored Weapon:  “Hornblade” (short sword)

Cleric Alignments:  LG, LN, NG
NwN Domains:  Good, Protection, Halfling, Law

History/Relationships: Over the millennia, Yondalla has cultivated strong relationships with Garl Glittergold, Corellon Larethian and Moradin and can generally count on their support for her positions. Though her love for her halfling subjects knows few limits, she holds even greater admiration for her fellow members of the halfling pantheon, sometimes known as Yondalla’s Children. Though the Blessed One is content to ignore those evil deities who do not threaten her “families” (mortal or divine), she holds deep grudges against certain evil deities who have crossed her in the past. Such beins include Bane, Cyric, Talone, Talos and the Deities of Fury.

Dogma: Those who seek to live in accordance with the way of the Provider will be blessed with a cornucopia of riches. Although violence should never be welcomed, the Protector’s aegis extends to those willing to fiercely defend their home and community. Lead through example, knowing the activities of those you lead so you can shoulder their burden if need be. Treasure your family, for your parents gave you life and your children are your future. Care for the aged and the weak for you never know when you may be one of the strong laid low.