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Messages - Juzza

Off-topic Discussion /
September 22, 2011, 10:14:01 PM
Quote from: Juzza;259347For those of you who are still interested but don't know what dominions 3 is have a look here.
Suggestions /
September 09, 2011, 11:48:03 PM
As Pup said they last a long time and are okay. This is a big advantage over any summon because you can feasibly buff them for questing or whatever you're using them for.

Another point to be made is why should they be strong, the domain that grants you the summon also grants good bonus spells and a free long lasting powerful summon seems like a stretch in terms of balance.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
August 29, 2011, 06:58:17 AM
I unfortunately deleted the screens I had of Galen and some brilliant docks antics. He was an incredibly fun character to play with, well done.
Bug Reports /
July 19, 2011, 11:51:29 AM
Granted they were killed quite quickly but this was indeed the case with the exception of the Warlord making three.
Suggestions /
July 17, 2011, 03:23:07 PM
You can unhostile people by going to the player list, shortcut should be P and finding the character on the list of players then checking like/dislike, that doesn't cost you any actions only a few seconds of your time which can be used drinking potions, casting spells and so on.

This is no excuse to use Blackout over another mode that is more suitable to the situation. IMO.
Suggestions /
July 17, 2011, 03:19:42 PM
I think it'd be more practical to have a invisible placable named 'Scale down the wall' with a warning saying once you leave you can't come back in. Putting a mechanism like that on the gate seems like it would be prone to exploitation and bugs.
Suggestions /
July 17, 2011, 11:54:06 AM
You can simply set them to neutral quickly, it doesn't take much more time then stuffing around with the player tool while setting your summons to Stand ground and has been my solution in the past and it has worked fine.
General Discussion /
July 17, 2011, 03:18:36 AM
I agree with this, since this was introduced some PCs, NO PCs in particular however, have basically used this as their standard subduel mode and it just shouldn't be. Thomas makes the rest of the points I would stress about it not being fun for the person blacked out on several levels and it has been known to bug.
General Discussion /
July 12, 2011, 05:58:55 AM
Quote from: Wafflecone;249838Why bother finding non ganksquad ways to handle problems? Thats all anyone loves to do and thats the only way to get props.

That's a very shallow perspective of things and I hope it's a joke because it's very untrue.
General Discussion /
July 12, 2011, 02:05:33 AM
You would really have to be more specific about how many players, animal companions and summons there were and how many Orcs there were for anyone to make a proper assessment from what you've said. Were you killing all the orcs fast enough or were they slowly building up numbers on you? Some party members may not have been pulling their weight.

The Chosen are powerful Orc Heroes, AFAIK if you had several of them spawning you must have had a high lvl party or been accompanied by a lot of summons, which also AFAIK increase the spawns somewhat.

If there were so many Orcs that it caused two of you to crash there are several things that could have happened. The two that crashed need better computers/connections. The server was experiencing problems, you were doing the quest while another resource heavy quest/event was happening or the server had a lot of players on it. Orcs is a very resource heavy quest.
General Discussion /
July 12, 2011, 12:31:48 AM
I can wager a guess as to why this druid ganking subject keeps occurring, druids and guardians are all like minded in the sense that they will band together to fight threats like necromancers and so on. If you are a druidic enemy be smart about the fact that there is a druidic faction AND wildlings out there that hate you just for being what you are and find liked minded people so you don't get ganked. However I'm not sure sure where you're getting the idea that druids are ganking people or that this is some kind of problem or even a larger problem then say people from Mistlocke ganking Drow.

Whenever an enemy of the natural world shows up of course they're going to combat it and want to destroy it. If they didn't that would be unrealistic and immersion breaking. There are other classes such as Paladins who are at constant conflict with ANY evil aligned character this isn't a problem for them and it's not a problem for druids.

In most cases there is a build up of conflict before the resulting death, exchanges of threats and demands, battles that don't result in death and so on. But in the end conflict can easily boil down to someone being beaten and killed especially if they do something deserving of it like attack a druids grove. But there is an up side to being an enemy of a druid, druids are almost exclusively in the wilderness and you can avoid conflict with them fairly easily should you wish it.

Druids aren't necessarily 'helpers' either, druids are caretakers of the land who are one with it. They live a completely different lifestyle and have a different culture to city life. Some revel in savagery and others are more gentle protectors.

As for 'writing laws' I find the idea of chaotic wild people setting down a list of rules they want people to adhere to a bit odd. If you use common sense you can generally determine what will and won't provoke a druid and keeping it somewhat ambiguous is good. Not everything in nature is fair and structured and should be kept that way.

Conflict isn't something to be discouraged for any class/group and if anything should be encouraged and performed more. Otherwise the server just isn't interesting.
General Discussion /
July 06, 2011, 09:54:45 AM
Brilliant post Mist Seeker! I'd love to see this stickied.
Off-topic Discussion /
July 05, 2011, 09:53:05 PM
Equinox has had the worst luck with criticals! I too have a story of at least two criticals in a row on him.
Suggestions /
July 05, 2011, 03:15:46 AM
I love this suggestion, well done LTS!
Off-topic Discussion /
July 04, 2011, 06:38:43 AM
Just chill man. You take EFU:M far too seriously. Relax, join an association if you want some direction without the hassle of an app and enjoy the ride.