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Topics - derfo

Off-topic Discussion / Political Compass
October 24, 2010, 10:08:34 AM

I don't think this test is without flaw or anything, nor am I looking to discuss it or any other political debates here, I am merely curious to see where efu folks stand. Of course if you want to do either, feel free.

Here is mine:

Economic Left/Right: 3.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.00
Off-topic Discussion / 1000th post dedication
July 20, 2010, 10:43:14 PM
my thousandth post is dedicated to core

here's his picture + his favorite poem

rest in piece brother

Suggestions / Donation Bowls
March 09, 2010, 05:33:37 AM
I remember in the Underdark, there were donation bowls for some factions, that would count the donation totals given by a PC.

I don't really remember if these are displayed in EFU:A factions, but I have not found them for ones I am inclined to donate to.

Places like Pallid Mask, temples, Conclave, or whatever, would help.

yup that's all
Off-topic Discussion / Cat Themed Avatars 2
February 06, 2010, 07:05:26 AM

The other topic was closed for some weird reason, continue here! :)
Off-topic Discussion / plum's bday
January 19, 2010, 03:34:29 PM
happy burFday
The transition from the docks to the Sand Reef spider quest whatever does not work.
Off-topic Discussion / Happy birthday core
January 05, 2010, 01:20:49 AM
Happy birthday to our cheerful girl gamer core, happy 37th birthday babe

don't hit on me you silly boys~~
Off-topic Discussion / How much do you weigh?
December 22, 2009, 03:01:53 AM
Hey, for a sociology project I'm doing can you guys please tell me how much you weigh, and say how much meat, measured by the hamburger images, you eat per week?

This is done to see if there are any similarities in meat eating, vegetarianism, and role-playing dragon slayers.

Also if you could please post the hamburger value image accompanied by your weight (KGs or LBs is fine) it would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the image:

Here is an example post:

QuoteI weigh 155 pounds.

Off-topic Discussion / happy thanksgiving
November 26, 2009, 07:53:00 AM
happy thanksgiving to everyone in USA

in the spirit of the holiday let's share something in efu we're thankful for

i'm thankful dangerousdan isn't really around as much anymore
Off-topic Discussion / francisco de olid tribute
November 06, 2009, 03:05:48 AM
here's my haiku about francisco de olid

francisco badass
de olid fury amn man
unrelenting dof'

A minor change, but when you try to wade through larger groups of these corpses in narrower parts of the sewers, it's easy to get stuck on these piles of rats.

While it's cool to see dead rats around and people picking the meat out of them, and really not a problem on more docile sewer treks, I've been somewhat hindered by getting stuck on these corpses in PvP chases/escapes or running from nightrisers and the like in the past, to the point where it produces a frustrating outcome.

In short, I don't think this would detract too much, and would be pretty helpful.
&&& &&&

QuoteHey gang, I normally don't recruit like this, but given the exclusively specific nature of this concept, I consider it prudent that I try to rouse up some OOC interest beforehand.

I know coming from a person like myself, this sort of approach to a character could easily be taken in jest. Allow me to assure you that I want to inject some abstraction into my often articulate tendencies of character traits and try something relatively fresh and relevant to the setting and recent events. I encourage anyone interested thus far to post in this topic or send me a PM about any concept that they feel would be accordant.
Without further a due, allow me to organize the public thoughts and goals of the concept thus far.


The primary goal of the Red Eleint Historians United is to learn the ins and outs of the Red Eleint battles. I imagine this will involve a lot of PCs, NPCs, and monsters (mostly the powerful orcs who are so easily and obviously related to the Red Eleint battles) in both the past and current times.

This presents a wide array of opportunities of characters from all walks of life, from you scholarly librarian PCs/players, to the knightly, yet intellectual, orc-crusher. The elven keepers of the wilds or reclusive Stargazers to the more political or researcher types, delving into figures who were involved in the battles.

This is also a good way to learn of characters in the past involved in the battles aswell. For example, governor Erasmus Ortred played by the studly Caddies, the noble hero Conrad de Sonnac who stood up to some skeleton monster for the honor of his father and died anyways hopelessly, or the cunning Francisco de Olid who was cunningly portrayed by a really cool dude -- but I digress with this paragraph, and stretch the truth obviously in that last bit.

Suffice to say you can involve yourself in a multitude of ways with fresh or existing characters, and in all honesty I know little of the Red Eleint events and their underlying depth, which is part of the fun! I encourage new players and those who were involved alike to relive Red Eleint through my concept; making it our concept.


QuoteEveryone who knows me with any degree of reality, knows that I like to keep serious track of characters in my conceptional groups and know that they have depth and flavor in excess. Here, everyone's character and public profile can be listed. If your character eases more towards the subtle or secrecy, feel free to make their profile as short and concise as need be.

Character Requirements

Any. Though the Red Eleint historians will easily tend to ease towards neutrality. I don't think obvious evil/good characters will fit the agenda, as they probably cannot grasp the complexity of Red Eleint while working towards a perceivable end of good/evil will fit in easily, but I can see it working with a creative concept. Again, a lot of characters could easily be welcomed into this.

Any. Paladins may have a hard time if there is evil involved, clerics of some deities may find too much irrelevance in the historians' goals, unless of deities like Oghma or Deneir, though I am sure many could fit. Druids would possibly find trouble keeping much relevance as well.

Any. Half-orc may have specific difficulties due to the nature of the Red Eleint conflicts being primarily against the orcish race, but again, with a creative concept they could fit in.

Any, though again orcish deities may be unfitting.

QuoteA post with a character name, mugshot, and small description should suffice for character profiles.

Characters thus far:

  Richard Phulling

My character will be the generally welcoming, contemplating, battle-hardened, and grizzled orc hunter/historian Richard Phulling, who has taken his interest in the Red Eleint conflict to an all new height, eager to learn all he can of the aforementioned battles. He is planned to be the figurehead of the Red Eleint Historians United, but anything can happen.

Ricky Fuller

Dan's character will be Ricky Fuller.
He served in the Ubel Rebellion and was called 'The Animatron Killer' because he killed lots of Spellguard Animatrons, and did a lot of woodcuttings of it. After it, he was outlawed and sought the surface alone, before returning to Sanctuary to lead Seeker rebellions against the Spellguard once more, before ultimately escaping from Sanctuary's finale, and to begin his hunt for Red Eleint's secrets.

Sobostian Funky

Sobostian Funky, pronounced foon-kaaay, played by our own resident Calculor, is a Tormite priest, sometimes schoolteacher, full-time logger. He happens to very much enjoy history and battle. His interest in Red Eleint stems from the amazing discussions with his mother that the conflict lead to, as he seeks to learn more by trading logged wood with the Red Eleint Historians United. He also secretly has a crush on Ubel.

(More to come, I hope!)


QuotePhew! I guess that sums up what I'd like to bring in this group in an organized fashion. Again, if you've any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me or post here. Already got a character in mind? Feel free to pin up his profile with a post and I'll put it on the list ASAP.

Thanks for reading,

big d-laro
Off-topic Discussion / IRL nwn stats
March 18, 2009, 09:38:06 PM
hey gang what do you think your irl nwn stats are? i don't want to exaggerate and still keep my stats around what i think they really are. maybe just use the stats in the character builder, trying to be modest you know? i know we all have our strong points.

anyways here is mine

32 str
65 con
54 wis
21 int
67 cha
Screen Shots & Obituaries / advetnures of scumbar + cold
February 23, 2009, 09:15:39 AM
hey yall sup im not exactly a screenshot master but i dig if you dig if you know what i mean, yeah? WINSTON_MARTIN really wanted to see my screenshots posted

in the beginning scumbar had some friends and stuff

eventually i was so good at screaming i got this worshiper dude and other worshipers, too bad i forgot to screenshot them because they were all awesome. anyways we talk to those cool kids in blue armor y'know

then like, scumbar got put in jail and just called this guard guy fat or something?

then a dwarf came, he was a cool guy, then mushrooms started shitting everywhere

eventually scumbar met his life partner cold kenson, and they went job-hunting together or whatever

unfortunately during these tough economic times we had to resort to unconventional tactics. desperate times call for desperate measures, as they say

so eventually we tried to raise money by making a toll bridge but some people were like no this bridge is mine. so we fought them over it

eventually shambling corpse, cold kenson and scumbar lost and died and all that but it was a jolly good time, you know? the end
Suggestions / New PRC - Deafbringer
February 20, 2009, 05:06:37 PM
New PRC - DeAfBrInGeR

Description: A deafbringer epitomizes hard of hearing. They are nothing short of a fanatic, as far as a world completely lacking of sound goes, and will stop at nothing to achieve it. Many refer to deafbringers as bigots and madmen due to their completely absurd nature. A deafbringer is a retainer of deafness of the first order, equivalent in power to the righteous paladin or the devious blackguard, but devoted to the cause of deaf. Some pursue the path for a unique way to assault their foes and protect themselves, others with a sadistic desire to create a world lacking the beauty of music and otherwise, but what all deafbringers have in common, is pure deaf.

To symbolize mastery of the unhearing, a deaf master must ritualistically remove his outer ear, pierce his ear canal or drum, or another suitable action at the discretion of a greater being to symbolize his journey into auditory deficit.


Hit Die: d8
  Proficiencies include: Weapon proficiency (simple), armor proficiency (light), armor proficiency (medium)
Class skills include: Concentration, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, hide, move silently, parry, search, spot, tumble. (Listen becomes a skill that cannot be taken)
Full BAB Progression

PRC Requirements:

Base Attack Bonus: +4
Feat: Skill Focus: Listen
Alignment: Non-chaotic
RP: Mutilate own ears in some grotesque manner (probably something similar to or greater than Vincent Van Gogh)

First Level: To become one with the unhearing, the master of the deaf must understand the realm of hearing and not hearing. Each level the deafbringer receives a penalty to his listen skill equal to his deafbringer levels, but in turn, receives a bonus to a bonus to his focus for forsaking useless hearing, in the form of a bonus to his spot, concentration, and discipline skills, equal to his deafbringer levels. The deafbringer also receives a +2 bonus to his saves against sonic, as a symbol to his testament to understand sound in itself.

- (db level) to listen skill as penalty
- 10% increased chance to fail any arcane spell cast (not including spells granted by db levels)
+ (db level) to spot, concentration, and discipline skill
+ 2 saving throw bonus against sonic

Second Level: The master of the inability of the auditory has now furthered his skills and efforts with the art to such a way that he is able to impose his lack of sound upon others. Every day he is able to invoke a deafening clang equal to a caster of the sixth level. In addition, he also possesses the ability to procure a projectile equivalent to a thunderstone multiple times a day.

+ Deafening Clang (6) 1/day
+ Thunderstone 3/day

Third Level: The deaf warrior, in general, further harnesses his ability to command dominion over deafness, and harness it into a usable energy over the senses. His hardiness against sound and influence has become almost supernatural, and he is able to better shrug off tricks of the mind better than most.

+ 2 saving throw bonus against sonic becomes + 4
+ (db level) saving throw bonus against mind affecting spells
+ Blindness/deafness (equal to db levels) 1/day

Fourth Level: Further and further still, the deafbringer continues his pursuit to become so hardy to the point of being oblivious, most would say he has even moved to a point where he is upon his own tempo, This happens in a suitably eery fashion, almost similar to a zombie-like entity that lacks sentient capabilities.

+ 5/- damage resistance against sonic
+ 3 hp retroactive bonus per db level (similar to the pale master's deathless vigor, except, deaf-ful vigor here)
+ 2 bonus to will save
+ Deafening Clang (6) 1/day becomes Deafening Clang (6) 2/day

Fifth Level: Finally, the deafbringer reaches the crescendo of unhearing perfection. He has become too oblivious to pain, physical, insulting, or otherwise, that he can often shrug off damage from most of such attacks. With his or her dedication comes an incredible payload at an incredible price in the form of his or her abilities incredibly supernatural, alas, it will be a day most likely non-existent that the deafbringer can ever hear a word, or even speak a reasonably coherent sentence, without an incredible amount of effort, save a miracle, at this point.

- (db level) to listen skill as penalty becomes (db level x 3) to listen skill as penalty
- Permanently afflicted by magical deafness, making the character completely unable to make listen checks, accept any sort of auditory communication from his or her allies, and 10% chance to fail any arcane spell cast increased to 20% (not including the spells granted by db levels)
+ 4 saving throw against sonic becomes +6
+ Blindness/deafness (equal to db levels) 1/day becomes Blindness/deafness (equal to db levels) 3/day
+ Feat: Bull's Strength 1/day

+ Feat: Skill Focus: Concentration
+ 10% Damage Reduction (as the EFU barbarian receives)
Off-topic Discussion / happy birthday calculor
February 19, 2009, 06:17:42 PM
i'm going to let you in on a secret today is calculor's birthday

&&& happy birthday &&&