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Topics - Gordan

Suggestions / Should you take all the money?
November 12, 2021, 05:34:38 AM
my characters have been robbed so many times that I've lost count, and it's not news that banditry and bullying are commonplace on the server.

despite this I would like to point out how extremely frustrating is the act of not killing a character and taking away all the money he has, especially if the character is not a recent made one

a high level character is forced to spontaneously uneven to reach a low level, so that he can regain the minimum necessary to recover, I think you all understand how frustrating this is.

i'm not saying not to rob people, and i also realize that a robber should take it all and end, but this is a game, and we will have to be a community that ultimately tries to make evryone have a good time...

And this just leave a bad taste in the mouth of the victim

and please don't take this post as "Gordan is complaining about being robbed" I have seen experienced players leave money on those who they rob (i'm talking of few hundreds of coins), and only rarely do you get robbed to the bone.

but I think you should leave enough to  a character tfor allow him recover in the future or put him down forever.
Introductions and Group Management / Wealdath Enclave
October 11, 2021, 07:23:59 PM

Humans nobles ask their retainers to bow  and swear under their titles,
Wealdath ask you to stand and be free, so you can be an inspiration of beauty and will for all Fair-folks.

-Tamia Vilow-

This is a project that has been going on IG for some time but is not having the success I was hoping for, and so I try to recruit by introducing it to OOC.

With noble house Wealdath recognized by Velstra (more or less) Tamia Vilow tried to recruit various elves and half-elves around the ring 99 and 98, with the intent of creating a real elven community in the ward, the plan is to create a role-setting area similar to that of the elven alienage of Dragon Age, a community of elves submissive to humans but still proud of their culture, their heritage and their blood.

I therefore wish to create such a faction which will use the name Wealdath and will be attached to it but will offer much more freedom and will be much more focused on the politic of ring 99 (Burgage and little ticker) than on the ponds and ringrunning.

QuoteAlignment: Focused towards good and chaotic.
Races: Elves and Half-Elves, other races in a case by case basis.
Class: Any and all are welcome aside from necromancers.

Feel free to send a message to GordanWolfheart  on Discord if you'd like to chat.
My playtimes are usually GMT+2 (Europe/Italy)

SIbas Thorne concepts were abaut 2 things

1) i wanted to try Orza, who know me already may be aware i always despised the house because of the Bulling play style but i wanted to try for see if i could enter the asshole RP ....Spoiler, i failed

2)  there was the plan to collect poisons, both from blades that from food, and test them for see their effects. and in time write a master of poisons book with all effects on it.. Spoiler also here i failed

At the end because of a tons of bad decision i decided to retire the char, just when a whisper was going to make things interesting but timing was not the best, the point because i wanted to retire him may not be the ne many believe.

Is because i realized i was acting out of characther for Player wishes. send that whisper against Egbert was truly out of  characther and was just Gordan wanted to do a mess, same from that fantastic roleplay i had with Lapis of Velstra. was something i'm proud of but looking back...Sibas was a CN jerk, why should he cared abaut a hurted velsrtran?

He would not care, But i (Gordan) cared, and soo i stepped in.

I realized then i was just not playing what i wanted to play, i was not able to be Sibas Thorne, and soo after a kinda last attempt for glory i will not tell because FOIG i decided to retire him.

I apology for the ones i had stories with that maybe had plans for the little axe wielding poison entusiast, but i believed was best for me play something i can and have fun to play that remain with something unfunny and unable to truly RP


Lets see what come next.

Suggestions / Weapons for the Minor houses
March 16, 2021, 10:27:05 AM
Zheng as a minor house have some cool weapons you can spend prestige in and buy. weapons for enter more in the oriental style of the faction.

I believe even the houses of Khawajar (i believe is written like this), Greywood an flevas deserve  some special weapon  equipment , Expecialy Greywood who have only one plate and one cleric dress at the moment

House Flevas may have a a woodcutter's ax, a hunter's longbow and a ranger rapier.

Kawawabanana may have a falchion, scimitar and a crossbow:

and greyhood may have a cleric's mace, a pilgrim's shield and a heavy flail for smite heretics:

This are just adviced os course yet i believe this may push more people to try the minor houses as more flavor is added to them
When i make the application to play Gawen, i had in mind something completly differenti.

He had to be a aasimar

And he had to be a cold calculative Grifith from berserk kind of char ( but of good alligment) that was willing to do anything for his Dream... Became Gawen Velstra

But even if the idea was great on paper i was the wrong player for the job, i cant play cold calculative chars, Just too many emotions to keep in the chest, so he became aggressive, uncaring and angry abaut all the despise he was gaining from the rest of the city, that he Simply considered undeserved .

And then decide For me to Jump inside a ongoing fight without truly understand what was going on was my unduing

Shame because i had accepted this failiure as a new way, a new Path that would have maked a good run For the exiled bastard... But no One can escape DrD desire of kill players .

I have fee screenshots i Will post later. here

My kuddos go to: Raina Proudmore, Totenkinder, Huo Zhuhong, Eda Hamer,  Ages Von Mordek, all the Haremarch , Cuib of Glitt and most important, William Redspur.

See you next time

Out of nowhere Theo Winespill leave the figth of the Arena for no apparent reason, this happened even to other players it seems,

The arena is supposed to be locked no?

I myself  do not know if is a bug or if is a wanted thing
Introductions and Group Management / Velstra reborn
January 01, 2021, 06:20:29 PM
Thanks the universe  for Dwarven wisdom

Very well

After tried some indipended chars and Glitt i find myself always stucked in the beuty that is house Velstra.
And the finding out that may have not been the house i always believed it was for all this time, finding always more shadow and secrets of his past

Soo i have a choice, embrace the past, or like Valentina always sed figth for a brigther future. and this is what i want to do

I wish to organizate and create a new Velstran retainerhood, one focused on good alligment (Or at least no evil ), philanthropic actions and regain lost honor, i wish to give Velstra the same treathment Glitt had with  the rebellion against Skudge.

As you may be aware Velstra has taken some heavy losses lately after losing many retainers . in this moment i'm the Only retainer of the house aside 2 who do not know if are actualy still active

There are also quite a few interesting Velstra  related DM and player based  plots being pushed  that would certainly be great to participate in, we are the underdogs now figthing for reclaim honor and protect family and friends,  The time of parties and arrogance is over, now is the time of brotherhood and action.

Be free to contact me on Discord as GordanWolfheart#3281 if you are interested or leave me a message here on the Forum.

The red lion need you .

((I suck soo much in this posts :-P))
Suggestions / Ward Prestige system
December 29, 2020, 05:51:19 PM
I think there is a misunderstanding or a false confidence that prestige points work like coins, you win them, you lose them, it is not a drama that is important and not to give up and move on.

The problem is that in my opinion this is absolutely not the case.

The groats are virtually infinite, every time the server resets you can do quests and from these quests receive money that fills your pockets, it can be a long operation but you always have the security that the coins can arrive if you find the right people to the right quest.

With prestige, on the other hand, there are 3 ways to get it
Prestigious items: which are mainly found in low-level missions and dispenceries, and in any case they offer very little

Darksull Quest: And we all know how little perstige and XP that quest gives

And with duels in the Arena of the Spinning groat.

Now, with the new bridge duel system it has been made that each person loses a TOT number of prestige points in a duel, points that you mainly get with duels in the  arena that you can't redo, so mainly you have very little chance to to gain prestige after you have lost it, there is no other option.

So I suggest adding new options where players can take prestige points, and let it be clear, I'm not doing it because I want to join the race for the 5th house (Which Zheng sure wins) but because if you already lose money during a robbery was a frustrating thing but at least you knew them that with commitment and time you could take back what you lost, with prestige instead the largest supply of prestige and disposable, that is the gladiators.

Werewolf heads plus a paltry 40 groats could give 10 prestige points for killing a vile beast

Killing Goblins and Kobolds players could be claimed with slight prestige points comparable to the destruction of nature in inhabited rings.

I ask you to reflect because at the moment prestige is an essential thing for the plot, it is extremely difficult to acquire, easy to lose, and even more difficult to regain.
Off-topic Discussion / I must ask evryone a favor
December 07, 2020, 10:56:45 PM
I just figured out this is happening more times that i wish could happening and i do not want ruin evryone else play with my behavior.

soo, this is what i would like to ask anyone in the future

If i send you a OOC message that accuse your behavior in game or worst you as a player please inform the DM and made me note my behavior in private  if you like, i do not note or remember most of the times but i remember too well to have sended serius treaths  and offencive words to just too many people who do not deserved that. no one deserve this,

Most of the times i act out of impulse without seriusly considering what i'm doing, and i believed that was something that happen few times but now i realyze both IG private sendings and in discord i can became extreme toxic and i do not wish to became that kind of player.

When you get too involved with your point of view and your side of the spectrum you forget is all a game and we just want to have fun.

Thansk for reading
I think as much as i will try again i will never have a char like Yashan ever again.

He was, he was realy something, and i will miss him, a lot

If something i learn from Yashan is that you DO NOT have to start a char with a idea in mind abaut his story, ths is not Arelith, here you play a sheet and see what the world offer you, Yashan had to be a Glitt, i made him for been a Glitt..and that is what happened

Soo, where to start:

Yashan Sarde was part of the Sarde family, a merchantile family of the Burgage, and like many kids of the Burgage he just had one dream in mind, became a knigth, but not much because of the Wealty and prestige you gain from it, but because he believed in his heart he could have beena good knigth, someone who would have changed the ward and the ring for the better, Been son of a wealty merchant made him realy against Sub-humans laws having dealt with many of them and even had sister Mongerbeast who was sended to die in the ring 98.

At age of 20 his story begin, after lived for most of his life in his father house in what can be considered a golden cage, he decide to Start travel araund With the hope to became a retainer of a noble house and gain with time Knigthood, but things do not get as planned as He get in a complicated position between Nephzar and Glitt, the last of those he realy wanted join but they do not considered him worthy and the first was too racist for him and even if he shared their faith he did not agreeded with many of their members.

Bored of the lies and presions the houses were giving him he decided he would have left his dream aside, and still be what he always wanted to be, a force of change in the ring, and soo he joined the weavers guild, he started to act as Valentina personal knigth, she became a motherly figure for him and took all his admiration and loyalty, Yashan became in this time even realy smoochy and stard "Collect" several Hearts all over the Square and the Ward.

His life was good, until the weavers guild was not burned to the ground, thing that forced him join the ranks of Velstra, He actualy do not wanted be a retainer, not anymore after he saw what nest of vipers the Ward truly was, but Valentina ordered him too, and soo he followed her orders.

Loyal to Valentina until the end.

There are many characthers i want to thanks for this run, and i will Surely not named them all because are too many,  i'm sorry if i did not name you, but the greatest of thanks go to DM Hound, He helped this char evolve a lot and helped me as a player accept many rage and depression i had, in case you did not noted i'm a realy Emotional person and i'm sorry if some tiems i rage out and i offend someone, please understand and forgive me, Not the less, Thanks Hound, Thanks from the heart.

Allis Weaver ( Isabeal) : She was by far the most inportant char in Yashan run , the woman who made him open eyes abaut the ward

Leopold sobol: He is actualy the FIRST char Yashan ever meeted, i think we started play araund same time time, and i must go away before him. you are Great Leopold, continue to shine in the darkness!

Arek Vlasi: what a bastard, but a true enemy,  i enjoyed been close to him and try understand what he was planning

Ordyn: Just, Too many plunders toghever

Richard of the relovers and his orcs: WHY DID YOU STOP PLAY GUUUYS! YOU WERE SOO FUNNY! XD

The Harcourts: what been a good Retainer meaned for Yashan

Antonietta Applewine: Yashan first Love interess, a shame the player had to change char because of a Prelude event, they would be realy great toghever.

Warsor Chanter: The mind and spirit of the Weavers, the last of the weavers and assitent in the Free Nymph plan

Errata of the Bearchocker clan: This woman raped yashan..yup. that happened, they two had a realy complicated relation, but at the end they were friends

Finn Draker: Yashan Brother, in all, Yashan was like the Younger social brother and he was the oldest wiser a bit shy one, they were great, toghever

Hazel: a sister, a warrior, a soldier, a halfling.. no one before us

Tia Kris: Yashan second love interess, and this time because of real life problems player culd not went in, but we exchanged letters realy sweet in the forum,

Gawen of Glitt: Thanks for allowed me to pass 95, a true friend

Dorian raventree: Yashan was like Dorian biggest fan, he knew all his hostory and endevors and when he meeted him he sparked of joy..he gave him a lucky coin...actulay i think that coin gave him missfortune as after that all went to shit...but still, Long may he reign

Ruth of sunpurse: The only friend Yashan had in the ward aside Finn from a long time

Eris Hale: You are just great ...but pleae...CONFESS PLAYERS!  :P

Giras of the Ponds: Yashan did nit had  luck with lovers, she died the day after Yashan started fall in love with her

Hatun of Orza: a nice Orzan? a Orzan who is not a giant asshole? is that possible? it seems soo, well done

Zaza: Another Yashan love interess, a elf this time, and a druid, Yashan was soo close after the weavers fall to join her in the ponds, she only had to tell him she loved him back , that do not happened, ans doo the ward went

Bad Tom of Glitt: strangely him and Yashan could not be more different and yet we worked well toghever, the Bad of the good and a Ugly...that was anyone else :-P

Samantha blake: If someone can take Yashan Mantle is she , and i hope she will, let the Wyvern never die

Blackjack Fowler: Well, Not fuck with Yashan, girl

Tristan of glitt: a good friend, a realy good one, thanks for been close to Yashan after Hazel demise

Gabriel of Velstra: Yashan final FIance...and the two was going to get merried, if Yashan survived the expedition he would officaly made a proposal... and now she is widowed even before get on the altar

i have a LOT of sceenshots i will charge later..probably

Bug Reports / Helm of glory changed summon
October 26, 2020, 05:25:00 PM
I do not know if this is a bug or is a wanted change but knowing the Helmet in question i suspect is a bug

Normaly when i use the Helmet of glory i always summoned a Ligth, now its summon a rat

Suggestions / Paladin travel with evil people
October 24, 2020, 05:09:21 PM
Now. i'm not playing a paladin myself so this is not a personal complain or else but is something i wish to discuss abaut

Paladins cant travel with evil persons as they doing soo risk to loose paladin status, they can use detecte evil for it and see  the alligment of people araund , it have sense if he travel with necromancer who hide thier powers or other evil entiny and individual, but i think all evil chars its a not stay araund is not great from a RP point of view, its just a giant (You cant travel with them) and stop there.

I think a paladin should know if there is evil in somone heart and see if can find redeption, many people play evil chars and they they are just  playing rude and brutal chars but not truly evil that see their good above the good of others, i think is compassion that made a char good or evil and i think a paladin if can sense evil should also not only smite it or avoid ot, but try to change it

a paladin shoud get closer to the evil char and show them there is a better way  if the char can have redemption, of course if a paladin find out is beyond any redeption  Let him Smite..but i think the paladin as a force of retribution that bring others is a better way is some kind of Good RP we should not denie

all personal opinion of course, tell me what you think.
I'm not good in making this "The red lion need you" kinda of talk, i'm not a great recruiter both In-game and outside the game, but not the less i will try ...

Hi awensome people!

House Velstra started realy well in the tourment but the players get most of them extremly busy IRL and soo we remain realy few active Velstran in this moment, and we would realy like have more life in our little group .

We are playing mostly good alligment people now but we can accept also more evil ones if are not  warlock or spicopaths,  The good thing of Play a velstran is that the house of Scandals soo no one care if you are a bit odd,  goofy or even a  not-human, we can find way to make you a retainer of the house.

If you want some ispiration or help in join House Velstra be free to send me a message OR contact me on Discord, I'm Gordan, Yashan Sarde player...if your char is female you know him  :-*

Clerics of Phanax, Paladins of the books or loyalty and rogues with a heart of gold are a MUST and will be welcome with all the love i can muster

I hope this will work,
Suggestions / NPC different behavior depending on the DM
September 23, 2020, 08:06:18 AM
Normaly i would not think this is a problem but recenty are happening thingd realy strange and soo i wanted to give this peace of my mind hoping to not look like a demanding player or just a complaining one.

I think the important NPC should have some "Line guide" on  them that made them consistent , because i noted with different DM taking controll of them some times they are just not the same char, some times even completly different behavior.

Now, i do not want to name the DM's because i do not want start a topic "This play this NPC better than this one" this is not my purpose here, my purpose is express this "problem" that may result in some missunderstanding between players and their decision.

I do not want make examples because they may be used as Spoiler but i can Name the NPC that i'm convinced souffer this problem

Capitain Alo Caso of the blackjacks

Valentina Velstra 

Nicholas Velstra

Talking with others players i have heard there are others NPC that had this problem, this 3 are the oncei can confirm i saw them act in realy different ways depending on the DM who used them.

Now of course i'm not pretending the NPC to be all the same and to be played in the same ways from different DM, but if someone play this NPC as a motherly, hopefull, and generous individual and few days later after no major changes start act as a demanding, spitefull and angry individual i think is Odd.

I think this can be resolved if the DM would write between them Some NPC behavior notes to play soo that they may not look like completly different people without any significant characther progression.

Thanks for reading.
Bug Reports / Cigarette Holder not work
September 20, 2020, 06:00:34 PM
Yashan Sarde Buyed a Cigarette Holder  buyed with it a cigarette pack, pipeweeb and a loose cigarette ... but nothing it continue to tell me this

In the first floor of the Webber's wonder not all the clothers above the dubbies cant be examinated or Buyed

1 )Black robe of the Magi

2 )Garden ranger's leather wear

3 )Troubadaur's leather

4 )Vestement of the Mudlark mage

All the others clothers Works

And PS: is possible recieve when you desire to examine the clothes at least a part of their stats? becase especialy with the mage colors is a roll of a dice for what is good for anyone,
General Discussion / What am i doing wrong?!
September 07, 2020, 12:54:46 PM
This Post is me complaining abaut stuff happened in game, is childish i know but i would ask if someone have something to say or suggest me abaut it to please tell me, because i'm preety sure there is something wrong here and i do not understand what is it.

Its from some times now that i'm complaining (as my usual) that as a member of the weavers i do not have much to do, that my char is not good for been a weaver and  i asked both DM and Players in the guild to give me more stuff to do.

Because at the contrary of many other players i realy do not have interess in Ringrun, go araund seeking quest bore me, See deeper rings do not interess me , its something i must do for gain loot and XP but i risk to die at the same times and  i do not consider the risk worthy.

The politic of ring 99 can be fun to interact with but as a  player of a char with extreme low Wis i understand why people do not trust me in be a part of political games, i would not trust me either even if is something i like.

And this lead me to the true reason i play, the thing that realy like me, Interactions betwee characthers... Because yes i had more fun have a hanghover, Discuss what dress is better,  celebrate Festivities, woo and have  meetings, Talk with people , that is what i realy like to do...

And last Nigth i knew of The parlament meeting, and i, that is finaly a opportunity for me to do something that is not roam araund like...a ringrunner, and do some actual RP i like to do! My best evil run in NWN online was with a Gargauthian so i LOVE politic....

a problem... it was at my midnigth...

And with knowledge the day after i would be tired at work and i would have probably regret it i acepted to be part of this meeting, Avoiding the Feast in the ponds that sounded way more interesting just because i wanted be considered as part of my faction, i wanted have stuff to do, i wanted to play a weaver for once ....

And i died...i died because a DM decided was a good moment for summon some freaking mustruosity that was able to kill me.
Now, i was not ready for a figth in many ways and i died in a way i did not even knew was possible to die (Reach level 0 with level drain istant kill you, good to know) ...

Now, let be clear, i'm not crying because i died, i mean, it suck be level 7 again and not have the Str for carry stuff, but is part of the game... I  think that was cruel, unfair and absoluty not expected but DM rules soo i have no point in it.

But is possible that Everything in this server end with a figth? evrything must always end some absolutly incredible difficult combat that 50% of the times kill you?

I will never reach level 9 i get it but dear god if is frustrating, I'm playing a char weak, and i know is weak because i made it that way, he have more Cha that Str and is a figther...And i like him, i LIKE play Yashan, but if the only situations i can play him end in a figth that is a terrible char for the server...

All i ask is play the char and have some good interactions and stories with other players, this is all i want, but at the end of the day even a political meeting end in a figth, all is questing questing questing questing and i'm Sick of it...

I want to roleplay if all i had to do was made a quest and entering the dungeons i would have played a Diablo-clone.

That is coming with a huge delay, like, 1 month of delay from the actual char elimination

But people SOMEHOW tell me they had fun with him and they liked him, even if was my first char and i had No idea what i was doing.

Soo, where to start

Dart Ashall was a Awoken, a Cormyrian noble, and as is my tradition all my char are inspired by epic  heroes or characthers of novels... he was Dartagnam of the 3 Musketters, one of my favorite Stories ever,

He was a NG noble origin boy who just wanted with all his heart join Velstra as it looked like the most  "France" of all the houses, and i still believe the favour of Velstra is something no onther house have and they are by far the best house of the ward in term of story and falvour...but that are personal opinions.

I as a newbie just started i had a HARD time understand what to do, and one of the prime problems is that i readed the wiki realy hastily and i have problems deal with the "Bullyng" that now i know is a comon part of the server, but back then was realy frustrating, i even remember one time i asked  DM Hound to please talk to me OOC that i was absolutly freaking out from all the Orzan vexations.

Every DM is a saint but Hound must be the pope because he did not sended me to fuck off as i deserved  :-*.

I will remember the time i turned into a frog and started cause havic in the ward believing i was doing something funny WITHOUT KNOW trasmutation was a crime,

OR that Beutiful evening when 40 groats Godfrey and some orzans thugs came in the Vale asking for Kanna Vauntz and The Red Lion send them away, he became my fav NPC after that and is STILL my favorite NPC of all Efu, he became Exactly all Dart wanted to be...(I still keep the screenshots)



And then...crap started to happen

Had to leave the party because we were too much for doing a quest dart is been assaulted by  a bandit player (I completly forgotted the name )who stole all his money (and i believed the House Key, few days after i finded out was still inside the bag ..big facespalm here ), i freak out, i reached the square where this one lived and i started figth him WITHOUT DM approval, and then when i returned in the ward i was Laughed by the Orzans once again telling how he was weak and pathetic...

I think i as a player broke out, i decided SCREW THE WARD! and he became a oathbreaker living into the ponds for some time...

I met some nice people there, Druids and healers who teached Dart abaut the land, and all those things he have no idea what a blur potion was (yes i reached level 6 without know what a blur was)
i actualy enjoyed my time as a pondsfolk, Until velstra did not started hunt down druids AND myself, and i was robben, like..3 more times, by goblins players, knaves and even Orzans in the ponds.

I believed i had a good run and was time for him to die there, he was a test, i tested, it was time to end him...but as soon as he was going to toss himself in the peerage ward for Drown...Vahsa appeared.

Vasha, he was the best, he was the mentor, realy, he offered a place in the prostectors and he accepted because he wanted be part of a family again, and teached me a lot of things important for survive in Efu i still follow..and all was doing well and wonderful...Until the blackjack do not started act as morons against the Prospectors and Nephzar killed Vasha for reasons i still do not fully understand, they told Dart he summoned devils but that have no sense, he was a saint.

That  was the first step of Dart inside madness and evil a step that would became even more deep with the arrive of a new realy important char in Dart run, Beatrix Dspna

She was a necromancer, Dart finded that the first day they meet, but he did not cared, i as a player did not knew Necromancy was Evil by nature and been close to them made them evil soo started slowly to became more evil, and to travel more with Trix and the two became even lovers. she convinced him to leave the prospectors (even if i was like, the last one araund becouse evrone else leaved bored abaut this entire IC situation) and to join the Bonescollector as a Death knigth

he was a puppet, a minion in her hands, but i noted without Trix Online play Dart was becoming Toxic, just, play him became unfunny and i get angry, like, play him was getting extremly toxic for me in real life, as i'm a truly emotional individual who RP mostly for express emotions if the only emotion i can think off is Anger, then play is not worthy ... without count i reached a total of 7 robbing attempts

so i started Yashan, and as he joined the weavers DM asked me to kill Dart as i as a player could not have both weavers and collectors info in game.

And soo, Dart disappeard in the shadows of the city, maybe if you will find a death knigth roaming in the nigth it may be him, mad, insane... still looking for vengence for his mentor... or maybe he is just another puppet in Lord Darkskull army, not the less, this is where his story end...

A shout out of all the char i want to offer Kuddos!

Alexandra Winespill: for offered me the opportunity of became a retainer. (Something Yashan never Had)

Kanna Vauntz: She was soo nice and sweet, another reason to hate Orza

40 groats Godfrey: For been the closest thing to a nemesis, even if was WAY stronger and at the end the 2 made truce, 9 are the numbers.

The bear of Orza: I will be forever be your "Frogboy" :'(

Inquisitor Imir: i still think he is the best Inquisitor... HE KNEW BEU WAS A KNAVE!!!!!

Venom: The best Pondsfolk ever, Cleric of the Hidden one, she was soo close to convert Dart, a shame she disapeared

Vasha: The best Mentor a Newbie can have, and the best Prospector who ever lived.

Meatkliff: The Mud King can talk..and can punch you in the face...

Vinnie:  I kiiiiillled yoouuuuuu  ;D (is still the only PC i have ever killed)

The Sultan:  a good merchant who just wanted go home.

Trix: Welcome to the Dark side!

Peter the blackjack: The one who must stop play jerks  ;D

The Nirsk Sisters: They actualy converted him to Sa'i before he get curropted by Trix, it was fun, only clerics to actualy convinced a char to convert

The Red lion: Kill the fat man and made this one House lord please.

And there is someone else i want to kuddo i'm clearly forgetting

Bug Reports / Relics without domains [Phanax]
August 30, 2020, 11:32:27 AM
The NPC Celebrant of Phanax in the curch of Phanax (Ring 99-Ticker Square-interiors) inside thicker square sell 3 relics but do not explain you the domains of them, is a informations you learn after buying the item, and i think is a Bug as no one want to buy a relic for a Domain that is not his/her own.

I actualy know they are relics only because there is the OOC note (Only for Phanax clerics)