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Topics - Cruzel

Introductions and Group Management / Need an idea!
July 22, 2011, 09:54:22 PM

My first PC on EFU:M died pretty fast, but I got to see enough of the server to make me want to stay and see more!

I'm looking for a new concept, something that'll help me see all the cool new stuff EFU:M has to offer, with a cool group of folks.
First off, I really like the new look and layout of the pages. They're crisp and neatly arranged, nicely styled and such.

But I gotta say, I spent a lot of time looking for information with the new setup, and if past experience hadn't told me it was worth reading awesome EFU info, I honestly wouldn't have bothered and given up. Information is not nearly as easy to access as it used to be. While most of it is there in the documentation, things like rogue and general perks took me a while to find. (Deliberately not using the search function)

While it looks cool, a lot of the information used to be condensed into less categories in the old posts, and it made it easier to read, scrolling down a post or two of relevant information rather than having to click and load a dozen or so info links. I'm not suggesting the documentation pages get removed, merely that the old forum for this return!

With me coming back like this, I can't really consider myself a 'vet' anymore, and so I figured the perspective of an essentially new player on something like  this might be constructive, or something.

TL:DR - Information assorted into stickies in the old format was much easier to read, access, and learn relevant/desired information. The new page looks very nice, but when looking for something specific, it is much more tedious to find it, if you don't know where to look as a noob!
Off-topic Discussion / Cruzel!
June 14, 2010, 07:42:43 AM
A few people have asked me why I just sort of disappeared a while back. Well, I was approached a couple months ago by some people who knew me from my first run of schooling, and they wanted some help designing a small game for their finals. After we finished that, we started a new project and we've been spitting out code for a while now and are almost ready to start looking for a small group of alpha testers.

From my time playing here with you EFU'ers, I've come to think fondly of your capacity to break things and find errors in the simplest and complex systems alike.  Which is why I'm extending an invitation to you folks first, to anyone who'd like to volunteer to try to break our game in any way you can think of once we're ready for testing.

Toss me a PM and I'll check my box every so often and tell the interested folks when we're ready for them.
Suggestions / Alternate scripted XP gain for druids
October 06, 2009, 06:15:34 PM
Druids are a class on EFU that like the paladin, are bound by oaths and codes. If they falter from their duties they will lose their powers just as a paladin does.

One of the main objectives of the druid is to uphold the balance of the land. Right now the only real way to do this is to do scripted quests making up some reason why the monsters in this quest threaten the balance (Which can be fun and cool to hear the creative reasons druids come up with) and via PVP, striking at those PCs who would threaten the balance (Necromancers, people who overhunt, etc.).  But while these can be fun, I really think there should be another way to uphold one's druidic oaths, and a large portion of this is to walk the lands that the druid is supposed to protect.

I am not counting DM quests and stuff as a 'thing for druids to do' because it is unreasonable to assume every druid is going to have tons of DM attention and DM Quests/plots to drive them.

I propose a couple scripted additions for druids :

1: A scripted system to allow a druid to 'patrol' the lands, which grants them XP as they do so. By throwing in a few triggers (Yes, I know that is tedious and time consuming)  to track how much of an area a PC has covered. Once they have gone through an entire area they get flagged for having an area 'patrolled', and once they have a certain amount of wilderness areas fully patrolled they are awarded a decent XP bonus (200-400 XP?) As they get up there in levels the amount of areas needed to get this bonus should go up by a fair amount.  Restrictions could be in place to make sure they don't just stealth the entire way, such as checks being made to see if there are any abberant or unnatural creatures/balance threatening creatures or placables in the area before it will flag them.

2: Quasi-quests for druids - (Random?)Placables and the like with scripted conversations that are generated, having to do with threats to the balance. When clicking the placable druids have the option to take a number of actions regarding the the threat, some giving more XP than others (Say, a minimum of 0 and a max of 50) These could be incorporated into the 'patrolling' system suggested above, maybe a druid who is on patrol will encounter a few of these things and must deal with them in order to complete their patrol.
Suggestions / Random Exploration Areas
October 06, 2009, 05:50:26 PM
I would suggest a scripted method be added so that people can't enter these alone.  I've never witnessed it myself, but I've heard talks of people going in alone, killing the stuff and then taking all the loot and supplies within for themselves, and some stories of  people going into these areas and killing the stuff only to find the loot already gone.  It was my understanding these were supposed to be 'mini quests' for players to get others to come with them on, to get more supplies and do something outside the usual scripted norm. I don't really see it being anything like that as long as one PC can go in and do it themselves.

I think adding a few more of these areas with wilderness PCs in mind would be great, where only druids/rangers/other wilderness PCS(Maybe via DM flag as 'wilderness') can enter these areas, and they contain loot and supplies aimed specifically to help these kinds of PCs out.

Making some of these solo-only might be good as well, to appease the 'lone wanderer's' about who will cry about not being able to enter some of these alone.

So in short : Make three different types of random areas. One which requires a group, one for wildnerness PCs, and one for loners (These should have far less loot and such in them imo)
Suggestions / Lootboxes/bags revisited
September 30, 2009, 03:52:25 PM
I've been messing around with scripts to allow for a server and player friendly way to show loot to everyone in the party/group without needing to clutter the ground with items which contributes to lag (Because people always leave 'trash' behind!), and has the added benefit of nobody losing their things when the server crashes.
 I have a small framework working that does this to good effect.

What this does is checks for all the items within one or more containers, and adds them to a store in which everything can be viewed by other players. (At the moment, items in this store cannot be bought, only viewed.) This saves the time of laying everything out, and allows everybody to see the things.

This is also cool for merchants, and is what I originally made the script for. We've all lost some sweet loot to the server crashing at a bad time, and sometimes people crash only to find people have looted the 'empty' stall thinking it was abandoned. With this we can show off our goods, and not need to fear crashing.

If people are interested, I would suggest this for EFU.
Suggestions / Remove swam rats
September 29, 2009, 10:13:40 PM
These spawns are utterly annoying. Swam spawns are supposed to be just that- large amounts of ridiculously weak and easy to kill creatures. As they are now, they seem to have more health than any other rat spawn in the sewers.  If they are supposed to use the swarm script where they 'share' health, that appears to be broken for the moment as well.

These spawns are nothing but a headache and add nothing to the server as they are now.  If their health was lowered drastically and their numbers increased, and/or the swarm HP script working properly I could sort of see these little bastards being fun to  wade through, crushing as we go.  But for the moment they are just ridiculously annoying.
Bug Reports / Delete this.
September 16, 2009, 06:09:50 PM
Oops. Delete this!
Suggestions / Use Haks.
August 10, 2009, 07:50:04 AM
Years ago when there was tons of people fishing around for a new server, Making a hakless environment made sense. Now It doesn't

There are no flocks of eager players looking to settle on a server of their favorite new game. The NWN community is closed and dying. The few hundreds of people who still play are dedicated to their own servers, and any serious transition from one to another is done through word of mouth among friends.

EFU was a good server and attracted lots of people by letting them just jump right into the game. EFU:A Continues that tradition, but somewhat pointlessly. There are so many workarounds and things left out of the module because of the refusal to use haks of any kind.  

No, I'm not talking about bloated and ridiculous hakpaks like CEP which have ludicrous amounts of content no one will ever use or need. A few smaller haks for tilesets, models/skins, spells, visual effects and even items could make a world's difference in how the game is played. The EFU:A DMs these days are making all kinds of radical changes to how nwn is played on this module.

Why miss out? Make some haks, 9/10 worldhoppers on NWN these days are greifers, and the majority of the new players are brought from word of mouth, not gamespy.  NWN is an old game, a dying and boring game with a horrible engine. EFU and EFU:A and similar roleplay environments are pretty much the only reason anyone still plays it. NWN's appeal is the community built settings and worlds, almost any of which outshine the peice of trash bioware threw together as an official campaign. The community in every way outdid bioware with their custom content, pushing this game to the very limits of their imagination.  

Neverwinter Nights is a game designed for custom content. It's such a shame to see most of that potential not even being tapped by what is probably one of the most prominent NWN communities  currently active.  Custom content is easy to create, and isn't something that the DMs would have to do alone. Hell, all of you guys can look on the nwvault and find a tutorial to get you going in no time. Even the most computer illiterate person could pitch something together to help.

Together you guys could make something truly spectacular, something that not only the Dev team can be proud of creating, but the players can be proud of pitching in as well.
Suggestions / Priority targets - Fox two, Fox two!
July 31, 2009, 08:02:52 PM
Short of adding a command to heal the nearest ally of yours with the lowest HP (which would kind of suck)

I've some suggestions to counteract the "Healing enemies" when your allies are surrounded and unclickable that was complained about in a precious thread.

1) Modification of the healing spell scripts that check if the person you are healing is hostile, and checks to see if there is an ally within 3m (touch range) and targets them instead.  This way you cannot missclick healing on a hostile creature at all, preventing clunky nwn  target highlighting from stopping you from getting to your allies in time. This would be the easiest and most viable solution.

2) Priority targets. Allow a player tool to allow players to choose targets which sets a number on them, allowing them to type something like "/c heal a1" to heal their first ally, etc.  This system would be kind of complicated to implement but would provide the best results for the time taken.
General Discussion / OOC Quest avoiding
July 25, 2009, 07:56:50 PM
Quote from: Professor Death;137365That's one I will readily be metagaming in the future - to NEVER take it again, much like Clowns in Sanctuary was for so many people.

Seeing stuff like this makes me sad, when people absolutely refuse to take certain quests for OOC reasons.  If you have a bad rub once or twice It is really no reason to say you will NEVER go on it again, and it is kind of immersion breaking and IMO very silly to see people make up excuses to not go on certain quests just because they don't like them OOCly.  Lizardfolk is another grand example of this. The quest is really not that bad, yet many, many people seem to dread it for whatever reason.

I mean there is really nothing saying you have to do these quests, maybe you're fine with just doing the easy unrewarding stuff. That is cool too. But personally I think it is kind of immersion breaking when an 'adventuring PC' or some big brave guy suddenly turns down some of these tougher quests just because they are harder than harpies. Maybe your PC has a phobia of lizards or something. I don't know and I don't really care.

But I definately encourage people not to avoid the hard quests. You might fight You'll have even more fun on these than you will on harpies. You might not. The point is, if you refuse to try something, you will never know!

Go for it, Go crazy. Try something new. You might even have fun!
Off-topic Discussion / Need an Artist
July 21, 2009, 11:55:25 PM
I need an artsy person for a long term project of mine, I figured I'd offer the chance to the EFU community first.

I know we have some exceptional artists here, and I'm looking for some high quality work.

I need someone prepared to make from 6-12 pieces for me, ranging from scenes to characters. I'm looking for a level of detail and quality

What's more, is I will pay real money for these.  If this sounds up your alley or even up the alley of someone else you know, catch me on IRC or forum PM me.
Introductions and Group Management / Join Cruzel
July 20, 2009, 03:36:43 AM
I have a concept and a plan in the works.

There will be plotting.

There will be conflict.

And of course, there will be shameless powerquesting.

If you are in between characters at the moment and any of the above catch your interest, send me a PM on the forums.
Off-topic Discussion / oh my god
July 05, 2009, 06:56:57 AM
thread 200 in this forum :O
Suggestions / What is your name?
July 03, 2009, 09:54:34 PM
When asked this by the various NPCS who provide services, a PC should have the option to answer for themsleves, rather than it being scripted 100% of the time to  default to their IG name.

The other scripted services could then use the name provided the first/most recent time, stored on the token imo.
Suggestions / Make darkness a non-hostile spell
July 01, 2009, 05:05:55 AM
It's pretty easy to do, but make darkness a non-hostile spell.

Why? It affects  NPCS in bad ways.  It can screw their AI up when they try to attack something  that they can't see while blinded in retaliation for casting the spell;  and if it hits a friendly NPC it will make all of them hostile :/

The 2da required to be editted to add another type to put any AoE you want to modify this way, so that they still break invis and stuff, but don't mess with factions.  This could either be darkness only (2 minutes work) or maybe other AoE's like clouds (25 minutes tops)

If you're going to be using this hostile (On purpose) on 'friendly npcs', chances are there will be a DM to control them appropriately in reaction to the darkness which they may not have time to do faction changes before it all gets fubar'd.

Otherwise, chances are you hit them by accident and then you can't hang out in populated areas because the NPCS will crush you.
Off-topic Discussion / Impromptu Vacation!
June 05, 2009, 06:44:38 PM
Shockingly I have not logged in for a few weeks, as I guess some of you have noticed!

Yet again I am abroad, this time in europe!

We're on our way to germany now :D

If anybody has any suggestions on cool places to see in germany/europe in general feel free to share :D

I have no idea when I'll be back home but It definately won't be anytime soon
Bug Reports / Guildhouse rent,
May 27, 2009, 07:03:08 PM
Cannot seem to add time to my guildhouse rent. I have more than enough gold but it simply does not give me the option.
Suggestions / New forum : Questions and Answers
May 25, 2009, 02:24:44 PM
Make a forum where players can ask general questions, since I see a lot of posts in the DM question/Answers forums that could easily be answered by other players!
Suggestions / Change to tailor dye scripts.
May 16, 2009, 09:08:11 PM
I have a system that could (very)  easily replace the current one that the tailors use to select dye colors.

Because we alll know how much scrolling through more than 150+ colors to find the one you want sucks, especially if you need to do it multiple times to get your outfit to match.

The system I have sorts the colors by hue and type, giving you a few categories and making it extremely easy to quickly choose the colors you want