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Topics - Cerberus

Suggestions / Walking stick
August 02, 2013, 03:30:09 PM
Maybe a walking stick should be made to alleviate the "old person needs it to walk" logic.

Walking stick
This light cane is used to help the elderly get around without falling.
Price: 1 or 2 gold
(as quarter staff)
-4 damage
50% of weight

If the player tries to pull off a switch when showing it to a Watchman they would need to roll a bluff check or something.

Just a thought.
Bug Reports / Red guild
July 18, 2013, 10:30:14 PM
Austanias Glademore (in red clothing) in the "Political guild of the Reds" room, says "Welcome to the office of the Blacks" and asks you to join the Blacks[COLOR="DarkRed"]???[/COLOR]
General Discussion / Forgotten Forest frustration
April 12, 2013, 05:28:28 PM
Just a simple question...
Suggestions / alchemy tables
December 07, 2012, 10:09:12 PM
Perhaps alchemy tables should be made to only be able to be set up in areas considered 'indoors' (or something on that line). Watching players set up tables in common areas just next to transition points so they can run away when they create earth-elementals that will kill them is very OOC against the AI. Not to mention the random innocent PC passing by getting attacked by a creature that shouldn't really be there smashing lowbees.  

It would be justified by saying the PC experimenting with alchemy would be unsuccessful out in the rain and wind trying to mix precise ingredients.
Off-topic Discussion / motivational
July 11, 2012, 06:53:29 PM

Suggestions / Rogue sniper
March 04, 2012, 08:51:37 PM
possible rogue perk?

Sniper: Your ability with a bow is deadly.
1st - Point blank shot
5th - Called shot
8th - True Strike 1/daily
Suggestions / EFUSS skill
June 18, 2010, 02:45:29 PM
Yeah, yeah... Not worth the time and/or effort etc., etc...
I suggest a new efusss skill of escape artist, it could either be...:
A) A nothing RP efuss skill used when PC's are tied, bound & gaged or locked in a cell, etc..
B) Maybe add +1/5 senergy to open lock and or tumble
Just a thought that hit me IG last night for some reason...
Suggestions / Drug Addict's & Street Whores
May 22, 2010, 07:09:08 PM
Is there a way the "Drug Addict" can be made to be poisoned each reset? Also the "Street Whores" perhaps diseased?

It would be cool for healing classes (like Ilmatari) to be able to heal them instead of just placing herbs and what-nots at their feet. It would also help if there was a way to monitor the PC's that actually heal them. Not asking for XP for this (although points towards good might be ok) as some might spam healing simply for XP. Just a way that perhaps people will see that the Drug addicts and street whores are clean of illness which would show the healers are doing their jobs.
Suggestions / Persistent storage mail bins
May 10, 2010, 03:58:48 PM
Would it be possible or feasible to have some sort of persistent storage bin in the main inns (Kingsman & Wastrel) and maybe (if done IG/IC) in other places.
My thoughts are about the average of over 10 letters a day that are written on the corrispondance forum better than half of which don't even say where they left the letter, it must just float in the air in front of the person it was writen too. I also think it would be better to IG/IC actually force the players to spend the thousands of gold they pretend to have that they write on the forums with while IG they have nothing (I love seeing brand new PC's make ten posts before the PC actually hits the server, thats tff). Then there is the actual fact that could anybody actually receive the letter intended for them. (I love druids writing on leaves and putting it under a rock and such and the person it was meant for finds it! lmao)
Just my opinion but I think it would be much more fun to do the letter writting IG. Pay for the items needed (pen and paper), write the letter, perhaps pay to open the mailbox (storage bin) to both put your letter in and take it out (tip the guy!). It would make letter writting the luxury it really should be and perhaps get the scribes to be used for something other than looks. Perhaps even give keys to the mailboxes (work it like getting into the Gobsquat, key in or pay)...
This would also open new fields for PC concepts of simple things like scribe and letter carrier (runner/go'fer).
Silly idea, I know, but it's just a thought???
General Discussion / overpowered bent & broken
April 14, 2010, 02:13:46 AM
Quote from: Howland;177659You are welcome to make a new thread against the Perk system, it is a subject off topic in this one. Of course I make no promises that I will even read such a thread or bother to take the time to explain why the perk system is actually very cool and something most players are (and should be) happy that mort took a lot of time to implement.
Quote from: Mort;177687You proposed this (Healing Hands) and say CURRENT perks are overpowered?
Unbelievable... People see only what they want to see...
Quote from: Cerberus;177627Seeing the Drunken Haze and Pathfinder threads brings me back to this perks thread. Sorry, I tried to bite my tongue and stay out of it but I can't control myself...
In a nut-shell simply having these "perks" is considered overpowered. By overpowered I mean that any option that gives a higher value than is expected. Overpowered effects add or remove options, but do not fundamentally change the game.
Then there is bent options, or in this case "perks". Those perks that can actually change the way the game plays out by giving an advantage to advanced players over beginners. Advanced players can exploit overpowered options fundamentally changing the way the game is played between advanced players and beginners.
Last but not least there are broken options, which are options or perks that when combined with other options or perks make something unplayable, puts it into a loop or makes the word infinite appear.
I don't see any of these "perks" as broken but without a doubt they are overpowered. And based on the fact that 4 out of 5 druids recommend pathfinder (if it actually did what it said it does, +10% move rate in the wilds) would make it a bent option. Sorry but a 6th level PC of a certain class that mathematically has a +30% movement rate is beyond a doubt, "Bent". In most cases you shouldn't have that until at least 9th level. With that in mind beginner players could be taken advantage of.

All I did was post what the common definitions of overpowered, bent and broken. I didn't invent these terms or definitions, WotC did (they've been around for years).

If you want my personal opinion I actually kinda like the perks. I'm a firm believer in; As long as everybody is playing by the same rules, it's all fair. I feel it's a fine line between overpowered and optimized. Everybody tries to optimize their PC so no problems with me there.

The thing that I don't think you're hearing from me is that EFU:A (like all PW servers) has novice, intermediate and advanced players. I understand too that this is Howl's and the DM's world and we just play in it but the rest of the world tries to keep everybody in the same playing field. On PW servers these same player levels (novice, intermediate & advanced) all play together. The more options given to the advanced players the more unbalanced the player environment becomes. I'm an intermediate player at best. Although my minds eye can see the ways to optimize my PC fairly well, I fail at computer knowledge and all the little tricks, (I'm still trying to figure out where ya'll get all the gold some toss around :oops: ).

Here is what I'm seeing with Morts "perks" (that I like)/(I'm not against them, I'm just questioning the playing balance)... Some perks are way more popular than others. What I would ask is why? Are they being bent? Is it going to make the advanced players have even more superiority over the intermediates, (not to even mention the novice)? Is it going to make the intermediates like myself that already lose in PvP have even less chance to at least hold my own? I'm not complaining about being an intermediate level player, I'm patting the advanced players on the back and giving them kudos. I'm saying the more options you add to the server is going to take away from the role-playing by unbalancing the player levels more than they already are.

I'm just digging myself a hole here. I said my piece and will continue to enjoy the role-playing here and try to keep biting my tongue when it comes to anything that isn't IG/IC.
General Discussion / poll ? in body of OP
March 26, 2010, 02:35:32 PM
Would you take a 4th level monk (with 4th level gear), using unarmed attack into the second half of the wolf quest?
This doesn't mean would you leach off of others and watch them do all the work while you stand there or occasionally fight a normal wolf.
This also does not mean would you take your monk that specializes unarmed fighting in there and use a weapon that can be enchanted, I'm talking using your unarmed attacks and unarmed abilities only. NOT being a leach, and no you don't have +5 anit-lycan omg holy avenger gloves (4th level gear only).
General Discussion / Game mechanics and AI
November 17, 2009, 03:25:21 PM
Just once I would love to see a DM take advantage of the the players the way the players take advantage of the game mechanics and AI. People talk all big and bad about charging and not luring the AI NPC's and all that. Just once I'd like to see the DM's say...
QuoteLook at those PC's standing right in front of the mouth of the trog cave buffing to the gills and chatting up a storm. Hmm... Maybe the Trogs might have actually seen and heard all this (YA THINK!?). [pause game] Move all the front trogs to the first water run. By the time the players get to this point thier the buffs are better than half over and they strip out of their armor to go for an easy swim past two trogs.. "OH NO! there are ten trogs now!" Then take the rest of the trogs (including the king) and for those that say they'd charge the AI, put them on the other side of the trap room. In case there are any STUPID enough to charge, make sure to have at least four trogs in the water under the trap room waiting for the solo's that will fall in...

Gee... Did I just make a TPK?
Off-topic Discussion / Factions rant
October 22, 2009, 12:46:45 PM
Let me start by saying I think the Mithrilsouls was the best faction I've ever belonged to thus far. For the most part those players always tried to include everybody in the faction into the goings on of the other members and (that I noticed) didn't play favorites based on player, PC concept, PC level, etc (no clique mentality, it was a faction mentality). They helped each other out and always shared loot and in the least (most of them) traded down to other members and then sold off the item nobody wanted, which in turn kept the faction very strong. They wern't greedy, took care of and included everybody in the faction into just about everything the faction was doing.
Now I'd like to say, what's the point in letting somebody join your fadction if you're going to ignore them and NOT include them in any of the faction activities. Just because a PC fits the criteria for your faction, don't insult and waste the players time by accepting them and then ignoring them. If you are going to send tells to one or two players when you log in about where you are and what you're doing then do it with ALL members or don't do it at all. If you do send tells to one or two and go off doing things without including other members that are IG, then face the facts, you're a player clique mentality schmuck, not a role-player.
Off-topic Discussion / Vifur
October 06, 2009, 10:31:11 AM
Not doing screenies and all that. But Vifur is perma'd and I thoght I'd let those that took the time to befreind her know and thank the players behind them that made her a hell of a lot of fun for me.
Draig and Nik, she would have been all over you two like stink on shit had ya at least been shield dwarf. ;)
Aaim ya old geezer, ya scared her at first but she warmed up to ya quickly.
Naida! BIG hugs!
She found an instant friend in Kisii, (wish Kisii didn't die :()
Last but not least Leged made her feel at home and helped keep her from having a breakdown.
There was quite a few others she met and liked but didn't live long enough to get to RP or quest with very much (Gloin, Calandir, Haevn, a bunch of Stargazer, some big scary dude with red horns and a host of others).
Anyway, Thanks for those fun times with her guys!!!
Suggestions / solo quests, outside the Zig
October 05, 2009, 01:52:03 PM
I think there should be a couple lower level solo quests placed outside the zig for those wilder concepts that may be a bit socialphobic.
FYI; Perma'd Vifur due to numerous deaths of a druid by failing stealth or AE because... Well, she never could get past 4th level without failing one or the other and ending up getting killed. Quite frankly as much as I liked her personality and fun I had RPing with her, she was nearly impossible to play due to her NOT being willing to go into the zig. Perhaps the bees quest could be made solo (solo druid would rock that quest). Or maybe actually earn a few XP for healing that silly mule. Or how about putting the pile of wood guy (forget his name) over by Johan's Mill or something...
I can have a PC to 5th level in a few hours solo in the zig running all the available solo quests. There isn't a one that I know of outside the zig, yet close enough NOT to get killed trying to get to it.
Suggestions / /c kata ???
October 01, 2009, 11:40:33 AM
I enjoy having my PC do some of the chat commands (/c dances and *shakes head* are a couple fun ones). Anyway, I was wondering if there could be a /c kata or katas (*kata*) that would make the PC icon go through all his attack moves. Just thinking (especially for monks) it would be kinda cool. Not sure if it can even be done but... .. .
A monk doing *kata* might even be a form of entertainment for others to watch.
Off-topic Discussion / What class is he?
September 18, 2009, 10:57:30 AM
Watch this movie clip and tell me what class you think a guy like the one played by Vin Diesel is and why.
I'm going to post a poll for it but if you have another idea besides one of the obvious please explain your reasoning.
There is a reason I'm asking this that I'll probably explain after there is a reasonable amount of response.