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Topics - tspawn35

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Ivan Rusev
January 13, 2020, 01:29:24 AM
I made Ivan because a rl friend was talking about EFU again.  He was a body guard by trade who joined House Nephezar due to feeling like it would best use his traits. More or less becoming High Thamaturge Maria's personal censor opened up a lot of things to me. It was a crazy, crazy time. That's how he got involved with the Tears in the first place. The Tears helped House Nephezar clear both 95 and 92 in the same day. Ivan was wanted to protect his High Thamaturge.  He than became a full member a little later.  It was this crew of people that made EFU the funnest time I have ever had and I thank you all for it. I do not have screen shots that are not spoilers. My pack was ripped off so I don't even have that info anymore. Things were amazing until Maria's death. Than things became hard do to me having to juggle two factions. Both my house and the Tears who were opposed to each other at that point. Still the most fun I have ever had with EFU and I will cherish the memories.

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Lucan Nailo
June 29, 2018, 03:10:30 AM
Well that was both the first time I have ever perma died and the shortest character I have ever played. There is nothing really to say other than he died in a duel that was forced on him by a lich. He will go down as a man few saw and whose name was never asked for at any time during the mission that he never should have been on. It was still really cool all in all.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Ivana Keralexis
February 22, 2011, 05:49:26 AM
She isn't dead yet.. But I wanted to post these before i forgot too.. Not the greatest I know.. but they are what they are. I have had a blast playing her and will more then liking continue too but at this point I am at a cross road. Just about everyone she has met since i made her in Oct of 2010 is dead. So i am not sure where to go from here... While i try to figure that out I might as well post what i have. If you want to read the chat box for whatever reason click the pic and then click the pic again in the new window... sorry didn't catch that till it was too late...

Off-topic Discussion / Character Pictures
December 01, 2010, 04:35:47 PM
If i wanted to add more pictures so that i can have more to choose from if i create a new char for efu or to see some that others use where would i put them in my nwn folder?
Bug Reports / Stuck in Furgue
October 25, 2010, 03:45:34 AM
Hi, My character Ivana Keralexis is stuck in the Furgue. Every time I click respawn I get an Error that states [Respawn]Error: Couldn't get corpse hook. What happen is I died clicked respawn at my corpse and in the process of respawning I ended back up in Furgue with all the items I had equipped when I died the first time which is odd because I never had access to my body and shouldn't have them now.. I have no idea what to do..