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Topics - FarmGirl

QuoteHowland:   Plenty of places to get (Cat's Grace), but unfortunately druids can't cast it.
Howland:   Always struck me as dumb
Caster:   Spell override so that druids get cat's grace and endurance? :3

I think it would make sense that druids, with the ability to wildshape and cast bull's strength, should also be able to cast the other physical ability buffing spells such as cat's grace and endurance.
Bug Reports / Druid Ritual Boon
March 18, 2014, 12:45:49 AM
I performed the druid ritual and decided upon the boon when it finished. I was given a phenalope gem. It was a bit... underwhelming. Is a phenalope intended to be a possible boon?
Bug Reports / Boudin Noir not food for resting
March 12, 2014, 01:33:33 AM
It seems boudin noir does not count as food for resting. Right-clicking and using it has no effect on the ability to rest either.
Bug Reports / Spider Corpses Not Disappearing
February 23, 2014, 03:23:03 AM
The corpses of spiders no longer disappear, cluttering things up visually, messing with path finding and mouse navigation, preventing resting, and perhaps even contributing to lag.
It appears as if the Exploration- Underdark - Narrow Tunnels area is not a natural environment which was very disappointing when I tried to call boulders down on this mass of beetles that had made it their nest!

Bug Reports / Long Range Deathspore
February 17, 2014, 09:45:15 PM
This was something I actually came across a long time ago but only  recently remembered when I was going through my screenshots thread.

There  is a death spore mushroom random that appears to have a rather long range for triggering its .vs poison effect/script. I took a screenshot which can be  seen below.

Where I am currently standing in the screenshot is where the script was triggered. Not sure if that range of effect is intentional or not, but it seems a bit excessive for something which I presume can be very deadly!

Bug Reports / New Areas - General Bugs Thread
February 06, 2014, 01:10:16 AM
The cliffs in the New Area appear to be unclimable! This can result in people getting stuck if they enter via a certain climbing route.

Also, what I believe is supposed to be the transition in the Windy Canyon area which leads to the New Area does not work.
Suggestions / Time Till Rest Counter/Checker
January 27, 2014, 07:36:15 PM
I think it would be great if we could check how much time you need to wait until you can rest without actually starting to rest.

For certain classes, i.e., druids and rangers and those with EFUSS points in wilderness survival who do not need a campfire and/or food to rest, this would allow you to check if you can rest without you accidentally unbuffing yourself  in less than safe places.
Bug Reports / Deep Lizard AI
January 26, 2014, 06:07:32 AM
It seems that once a deep lizard is first aggroed, it is able to see through stealth regardless of whether or not line of sight has been broken by physical objects, transition, or time.

For example, if I am stealthed and I walk by a newly spawned deep lizard, the deep lizard does not do anything presuming I am not heard or spotted.

If I let a deep lizard see me so that it begins to chase after me but then transition out of the area and return to it many minutes later while stealthed, the deep lizard will always start chasing after me even from a great distance.

This also seems to be the case if somebody else (including NPCs) initially aggros the deep lizard. I have never seen an instance of anyone able to sneak past an aggroed deep lizard.
General Discussion / Transition Loading Times
January 12, 2014, 04:42:55 PM
So, as of late it's felt to me as if the length of loading times between transitions have been slower than usual. For example, I will go through a transition first with a bunch of other people following me. When the next area loads up, however, those same people are ten to twenty steps ahead of me.

Naturally, this can be problematic for a number of reasons. So I'm wondering if any of you ought there have any suggestions for tweaks of configuration changes that could help cut down on area loading times.
Bug Reports / QA - Exploring the 'Dark
December 02, 2013, 05:02:25 AM
user ID: FarmGirl
PC: Hanash al-Thar'bann

The Ancient Offering Sack behind the combination lock door was empty. The quest was previously done by someone else earlier, perhaps the sack did not reset after it was previously done.