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Topics - Svordaloz

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Viggo Feldstein
May 01, 2018, 06:22:05 PM
Well, it was a fun ride, but Viggo finally kicked it after being caught redhanded!  :P
For a first, I really struggled embodying his weak charisma, and I don't feel I always nailed it, if at all, but I always wanted to emphasis his weak personality, dependant on others to supply him with it, making him a total tool in many cases, using theirs wants and needs as reasoning. Still, he tried to be a good neighbour, and sometimes found himself at peace. Mostly.
Still, despite having only had very few characters die permanently in my entire career of playing NWN online, I must say I took rather well - it was natural, a sum of all parts. And that is the best feeling, knowing it was a death that came of understandable causes. And thanks to this, I feel fired up to try something new, thanks to this amazing community, and incredible backdrop!

Thank you guys, for giving me a chance and letting me have fun with you all. I hope to be back soon enough, ready to take on the world and (probably) fail!  Again!

(alas, no full body screenshots or funny texts - never thought of it sadly  :-\ )
Bug Reports / Dex & movement bugged by Web
April 12, 2018, 10:47:54 PM
Hey! Did the mines with the kobolds and was webbed. Afterwards, I had a dex and movement speed debuff that neither lesser restoration, rest or relog could fix it. I asked for help and was DM healed to restore my character.