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Messages - KreShar

(The introduction to a publication on the Esoteric Arts written by Sayyida Shajar)


Welcome, intrepid explorers of the Esoteric Arts!

The knowledge you seek is often hidden in cryptic cyphers, hinted at in metaphor, or implied through conspicuous absence, and in an endless catalog of symbols only understood by those initiated into the mysteries. Such is the essence of the Esoteric Arts, a knowledge shrouded in secrecy and hearsay.

The first question you might ask: What exactly are the Esoteric Arts? They are a broad collection of mystical and occult practices that delve into hidden or secret knowledge long associated with magick, spirituality, and the supernatural.

Esotericism is typically not openly taught or widely understood, and it often requires specialized knowledge, guidance, and a deep connection to the metaphysical. Esoteric Arts encompass a wide range of practices and beliefs, and they vary significantly across different cultures and tribes. They have been practiced throughout time in different forms and under various names.

However, the Esoteric Arts can generally be divided into six realms of knowledge:

Alchemy: The transformation of base metals and reagents into something more splendid, from gold to magical artifices to the very elixir of life.

Astrology: The study of the positions, movements, and patterns of celestial bodies that influence our mortal affairs and natural phenomena.

Divination: Methods of predicting the future or gaining insight into hidden knowledge, often through tools such as tarot cards, crystal balls, or runes.

Witchcraft: A practice associated with casting incantations and hexes and curses, brewing potions, and communing with nature and the spirit world. Witchcraft traditions and magick are diverse and vary from culture to culture.

Occultism: Hidden or mysterious practices that explore the supernatural, the paranormal, and the unknown.

Mysticism: The pursuit of a direct union with the divine or a higher reality or a higher being. Seeking transcendence or spiritual experiences beyond ordinary perception.

Few can uncover the mysteries of the Esoteric Arts, and even fewer master them. What will you sacrifice to bring light to the enigma of esotericism?

Brave students continue reading...
Suggestions / Re: Perk Suggestion Thread
October 04, 2023, 10:28:39 PM
Can we give + archaeology points to the archaelogist rogue perk and + lore points to the loremaster bard perk? Maybe +2 each?
Suggestions / Frost Domain Turn Undead Balancing
July 20, 2023, 02:28:41 PM
"Glacial Burst: All creatures in a huge radius take 1dCHA cold damage, then roll a fortitude save VS DC 10 + 2*CHA or are entangled in ice for 3 + 1*CHA rounds."

This turn undead is a bit overpowered. Clerics who builds toward high CHA, it basically becomes a long-lasting huge radius AoE hold.

For example, if you buffed to 22 CHA, you'd get a 22 DC vs Fort AoE entangle that lasted 9 rounds. At 30 CHA (18 base, +2 from aspect, +6 from empowered eagles, +4 from aura of glory) that DC goes to 30, lasting for 13 rounds.

This is really powerful for both PVE and PVP. Its especially strong against dex-based characters. As well, at the moment I think its bugged and it only affects enemies not both enemies+allies.

Suggested changes:
Lower duration of entangle to 3+1dCHA rounds instead of 3+1*CHA rounds.
Lower DC to 10 + 1.5*CHA

Make sure it affects both enemies and allies.

"Winter's Triumph: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +2 cold damage and a cold shield of 1dCHA for 5 + 3*CHA rounds."

This is a god tier buff. AoE flame weapon + damage shield that has decent duration.

Suggested change:
Lower to +1 cold dmg from +2 cold to be on par with other turn undead domains.
Suggestions / Add worm turn in to Creeps
July 09, 2023, 09:08:13 PM
Could we add a worm turn-in to the Creeps? For exiles etc to do a bit of worming.
Yes, "electric boom" the third turn undead does not break invis
Suggestions / Storm Domain Turn Undead balancing
June 24, 2023, 08:50:29 AM
“Storm Avatar: Nearby allies in a colossal radius receive +1 electrical damage for 5 + 3*CHA rounds. For every 4 affected allies, the spell Lightning Bolt is cast at the nearest enemies in the radius“

This turn undead is a bit overpowered, especially combined with GSF evoc effects.  The downside is that it is hard to control and easy to friendly fire. But with precise group movement, it can make some quests trivial. And it honestly makes for a dangerous/trolly bomb that I could see people abusing or mistakenly abusing during a dm quest.

Maybe change to only effect enemies at 50% rate? Or lower the range of the lightning bolt effect. I’d go with lowering the range .
Bump on above. Having ooze familiar last through rest would be a huge quality of life addition.
Bug Reports / Re: Ooze Savant + Augment Familiar
November 21, 2022, 04:03:37 PM
Bump on above. Would it be possible to check if this has been fixed 🙏🏻
Bug Reports / Stinking Mask
October 26, 2022, 04:59:44 AM
Item: Stinking Mask

This helm is supposed to give +2 dc to mestil's acid breath and 10% acid vulnerability but it does not give the +2 dc. I am not sure if the 10% acid vulnerability is working.
Bump on these great suggestions. The mush/corrode gameplay loop is very tedious and not fun rn. Having buffs last through rests would be great.

Also marking the Orbs and Acid Tomb quest as Sewer would be nice. Also marking all other drips quests as Sewer would be very helpful.

Also the 1/day crumble really doesn't make sense anymore on this setting.
Bug Reports / Ooze Savant + Augment Familiar
October 19, 2022, 01:22:56 AM
Augment familiar doesnt work with Ooze Savant, as suggested by log change a few months ago. You get the message "familiar not present".
Bug Reports / Zoo quest faction bug
December 14, 2021, 02:21:06 PM
There's a faction bug on the zoo quest. In the first big room when you enter the building where all the goblins are, the goblins always seem to start off fighting each other.

Also in the spider enclosure, the giant spiders and dire spiders fight each other.
Suggestions / More electricity spell options
December 14, 2021, 01:34:48 PM
Playing a crimson storm, it would  nice to have more options for electricity type spells for circle 1-2. Currently there's only 1 electricity type spell in both circle 1 and 2 , gedlees electric loop. 

Currently gedlee is very weak compared its circle 2 evocation peers like scorching ray, combust, or acid arrow.  Perhaps it could use a buff to make it more viable? I would suggest increasing its range at the minimum. Also, even though it's AoE was buffed to medium , it's target selection is very very random. Sometimes when I cast in a big group it'll only dmg 1-2 of them.

Maybe infusers and crimson storms could get a electricity version of combust or ghoul/vampiric  touch ?  Could represent like a long lasting electric shock or shocking grasp.

Having a burning bolt / magic missile equivalent for electricity types would be great. Maybe crimson storms could also get the buffed  horizikuals boom that adds electric dmg as well? I think crimson storms also getting the buffed electric jolt would be a nice buff.

Just in general, feels like I am casting only one electricity spell (besides electric jolt)  which is scintillating sphere.  Cold and fire elements just have way more options rn.

Also side note, maybe looking into the gsf evoker electricity bonus, it seems to be the weakest out of all 4 element types. Maybe increase the extra dmg or increase the chances of the electricity bouncing .

It would also be cool if electricity spells could have environmental dmg effects like how fireball does with grease/web. Maybe you could electrify grease puddles with scintillating sphere which would cause a short stun? Or electrify stinking cloud / cloud of bewilderment.
Bug Reports / death armor
August 18, 2021, 04:05:54 AM
death armor doesn't give the added negative damage immunity benefit from having SF/GSF necro.
Bug Reports / Nybors gentle reminder
July 16, 2021, 03:56:08 AM
I'm not sure this spell works. Every time I cast nothing happens, not even a saving throw by the enemy