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Messages - LawfulStupid

Bug Reports / Fissue QA - Warrens of the Smudgescales
November 11, 2019, 09:48:13 AM
Enemies seem to aggro from a significantly larger distance than before, the first two or three rooms are effectively combined into a single combat and is a colossal horde, especially with the high amount of priests spamming dispel and hold person.
Bug Reports / Re: Shrine to Pa(s)ha quest
June 19, 2019, 08:57:33 PM
Quote from: Quarterdragon on June 19, 2019, 05:41:33 PM
Additional bug report on this same quest: it did not spawn any enemies for a group I was with last reset.  Perhaps it breaks after the first group in a reset does it?

Stands to reason. That's when we did it.
Bug Reports / Re: Parrot Familiar spell repitoire
June 18, 2019, 09:49:10 PM
Eagle's Splendor disappears entirely. Here's a screenshot of his SLAs, he can't seem to cast his color sprays in this either, but it's possibly because I'm in the open door. Informed I cannot manually cast that And here's the screenshot of a level 1 Sorcerer with the same familiar, this parrot DOES have access to Eagle's Splendor. They seem to lose it around level 4 or 5, but I haven't seen him be able to cast it since level 5 at minimum, it's been awhile so my memory's a bit off.

I've also heard the Bat familiar has similar issues with not having Endurance but gaining it later? Though I don't have the specifics, I'd have to ask Easytoremember.
Bug Reports / Parrot Familiar spell repitoire
June 18, 2019, 06:42:51 AM
The Parrot (Ice Mephit) is able to cast Color Spray and Eagle's Splendor for the first 1 to 4 levels of having it as a familiar. Upon reaching level 5 and 6, it loses this cast of eagle's splendor, and instead, gains two casts of color spray.

I've dug around and seen this reported as far back as 2010, but have never seen any of these topics list a concise answer, and I have a stake in this, so I figured I'd try and confirm it once and for all, because it seems like a bit of a downgrade and not intentional.
Bug Reports / Re: Alice's Book Quest.
March 01, 2019, 09:58:10 PM
Yeah. I notice that, despite the buggy text, you seem to be able to turn in most variants of the quest between what she tells you to do and what you actually do, so long as you talk to her once or twice extra.  With the EXCEPTION of when she tells you to go deal with rogue spellbooks and actually going down to dig through the book piles. That one's just impossible to turn in.
General Discussion / Re: V5 Feedback Thread
February 25, 2019, 11:57:45 PM
The aspect of conflict, which, admittedly, is not something I'm super interested in, I think is having some issues for two main reasons.

1) Ticker Square is kind of a hub.

There's just too much of an economy in the square to be ignored by the other factions, combined with the fact that most PCs don't care if the Peerage come to shop.  Plus there are a lot of profitable low level quests.  But I think the more relevant one, in my opinion, is thus:

2) We're all too close to each other

It's cramped! It's hard to mark or claim territories because of how close the other factions are. It's like playing Team Fortress 2 and trying to get into the second floor of 2fort, the enemy team spawn is RIGHT THERE!
Bug Reports / Buzzing Orchard take limit
February 22, 2019, 09:37:11 AM
Having done this quest exactly once, trying to take it again gives me a 'quest take limit reached' message. If it can only be taken once, it isn't indicated in the description of the quest.
There are a lot of seemingly friendly things in The Grand Fissure, like the giant ticks. Can also confirm Breadbloods, that gets out of hand when they get faction bugged because the summoners just start popping off when you're miles away.
Bug Reports / Re: Alice's Basement
February 22, 2019, 12:16:08 AM
Quote from: Hollow_Mage on February 21, 2019, 09:43:48 PM
I've done this quest three times and have never seen an enemy. Would not have known it had enemies if it weren't for this post.

Well, there are three variants of the quest, one doesn't seem to have combat, one can rarely have combat, and one always has combat. But Alice has been bugged for awhile and not telling you the correct thing that you're actually going down there to do most of the time.
Bug Reports / Alice's Basement
February 21, 2019, 11:45:58 AM
When you take her quest to go deal with the rogue spellbooks, and someone has previously taken the quest, died, and logged off, the books don't seem to leave, as they figure they're still quest objects, and the person with the quest never turned it in or abandoned it. I went down the ladder  and my character was attacked by 4 to 6 living spellbooks, and a fresh spawn of 2 from having stared the quest. I was fear locked to death and really didn't have much of a chance to do anything. Normally you get enough time to rush the Ghostly Visage bookpile before the enemies actually begin to spawn.
Suggestions / Re: Add a Bag Merchant
February 14, 2019, 12:43:38 AM
I'm relatively certain you're looking for the Toyfolly Trader in the square.
Bug Reports / Spiders in the Theatre
February 12, 2019, 09:40:57 AM
This quest doesn't seem to be possible to complete, despite going in, clearing the spiders out and hitting the trigger that updates the quest, speaking to the employee again only prompts the option to be let back in or backing out of the dialogue.
Bug Reports / Griefer NPC Bandits
February 11, 2019, 11:25:00 AM
Encountered two Alley Backstabbers in the King's Commons, which was not a winning fight. Used an invisibility around the same time I went down, but I stabilized. These bandits then decided, while I was recovering, to plant traps  directly on top of my body. My first action upon getting up was using an invisibility curtain without moving, about 2-3 seconds passed and the trap promptly went off and killed me. I was under the impression that traps wouldn't generally go off if you're not moving within them, and I did think I was safe during the brief period before it killed me. I could just be wrong about the safety in not moving bit and maybe one of the backstabbers themselves triggered it? Regardless, I was recommended to make this thread to talk about the bandits trapping your body if they down you, as it, according to Pigadig, is extremely rude and also not something they're supposed to be doing.