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Messages - cherrytop

Perhaps intentional, but there is no gold reward for this quest, neither from the NPC nor "small sacks of coins" or coin piles.
The imps are pretty chaotic. In my run of the quest, I experienced a scenario where two characters (combined health of about ~160) were downed almost instantly by the magic missile barrage. Other groups have complained of loading into immediate death from them as well. Unlike Darkskull, it doesn't feel like you're allowed a "moment of recognition" that blur is necessary here; death is instantaneous.

As an off note, if there's need to compensate elsewhere, the fire area seems particularly easy compared to the rest of the quest.
Suggestions / Tehoto sahuagin reward lackluster?
May 08, 2021, 04:25:30 PM
My understanding is that the final encounter goes, in order of difficulty, Slave Pens -> Temple -> Arena.

I was with a group that did both the Temple and Arena, but the reward was incredibly lackluster outside of the per member gold, which wasn't significantly different than most "endgame" quests I've done recently. Several of the chests had 9-14 gold pieces in them. While I don't mind the gold, having it be such a pittance versus, say, getting two haste potions from a chest is incredibly discouraging.
Suggestions / "Quiet" Upjumped Henriette
May 06, 2021, 11:04:40 PM
Towertop is a nice place to hang out! But Henriette's dialogue is long enough to interrupt the flow of conversations. Can her dialogue be "quieted" so that it isn't seen by players who aren't talking to her? Alternatively, using one of the neat "pay 12 groats" counter items like the Flagon has so that players can rest without the dialogue would be great.
I believe your character has met Reinys! This is something that I am OOCly interested in and that she would be receptive to IC.
This is very useful and well-written, thank you for posting!
I think I've done this right. Feel free to let me know if something is broke.

Reinys Amarel