As an abstraction of 'political capital', Legates should have favor points.
These favor points are needed to perform Legate actions, such as adding or removing titles, creating new titles, transferring dinars, or adding or removing laws, adding or lowering wages, etc. These favor points can only be spent on Legate actions, and have no bearing on things like loot, favor shop, etc. (save, perhaps, a favor shop where a Legate spends his favor point to buy Legal Papers from Ashbury).
These favor points abstract the political capital that a Legate has, and if a Legate lacks sufficient political capital, his actions are just bogged down by byzantine bureaucracy, reluctant scribes, or endless meetings and committee hearings.
Favor points are generated passively at a slow ticking rate, which encourages Legates to stay on and be active. Conducting Assemblies, rallies, debates, etc. would also lead to a substantial boost of favor points, which encourages Legates to actually do those and benefit from those. Finally, Voiced Citizens can give Legates a small amount of favor points once a week like faction officers, which abstract the support that a Legate is trying to garner by talking to and convincing Voiced Citizens to support his policies.
Legates who win elections would start with an enormous pool of favor points, say, 5,000 or 10,000, while Legates who become Legates because they were Prelates would not. This also properly abstracts how an elected Legate has more of a mandate than an unelected Legate.
+ Reduce frivolous Legate actions that just diminish the verisimilitude of the setting. A Legate that wants to add silly titles would have to diminish his favor points in so doing.
+ Give a greater impact to Legate actions, while encouraging Legates to discuss them, convince Voiced PCs to support these actions, etc.
+ Reduce the trend/phenomenon of Legates simply not conducting Assemblies or talking to the general player base before performing Legate actions.
+ Ensure that Legates have to remain politically engaged even outside of elections, since they will need a broad support base to get influxes of favor points.
These favor points are needed to perform Legate actions, such as adding or removing titles, creating new titles, transferring dinars, or adding or removing laws, adding or lowering wages, etc. These favor points can only be spent on Legate actions, and have no bearing on things like loot, favor shop, etc. (save, perhaps, a favor shop where a Legate spends his favor point to buy Legal Papers from Ashbury).
These favor points abstract the political capital that a Legate has, and if a Legate lacks sufficient political capital, his actions are just bogged down by byzantine bureaucracy, reluctant scribes, or endless meetings and committee hearings.
Favor points are generated passively at a slow ticking rate, which encourages Legates to stay on and be active. Conducting Assemblies, rallies, debates, etc. would also lead to a substantial boost of favor points, which encourages Legates to actually do those and benefit from those. Finally, Voiced Citizens can give Legates a small amount of favor points once a week like faction officers, which abstract the support that a Legate is trying to garner by talking to and convincing Voiced Citizens to support his policies.
Legates who win elections would start with an enormous pool of favor points, say, 5,000 or 10,000, while Legates who become Legates because they were Prelates would not. This also properly abstracts how an elected Legate has more of a mandate than an unelected Legate.
+ Reduce frivolous Legate actions that just diminish the verisimilitude of the setting. A Legate that wants to add silly titles would have to diminish his favor points in so doing.
+ Give a greater impact to Legate actions, while encouraging Legates to discuss them, convince Voiced PCs to support these actions, etc.
+ Reduce the trend/phenomenon of Legates simply not conducting Assemblies or talking to the general player base before performing Legate actions.
+ Ensure that Legates have to remain politically engaged even outside of elections, since they will need a broad support base to get influxes of favor points.