Anti-changeling Shackles/Brands

Started by SunrypeSlim, November 01, 2020, 06:07:09 PM

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I like the idea of having some sub-FD punishments for dirty changeling freaks. Something more interesting than the normal robbery and threats! With the rise of Nephezar, perhaps some artifacts to block shapeshifting/spellcasting/class abilities could be added. Forced rehabilitation, for those who may be begging for their life, but may not be trusted.
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Very good idea. Should probably see some pursuit IC to happen, and will likely face stiff opposition from some of the more anti-changeling / traditionalist figures, but I'm all for anything that offers alternative venues to straight FD / dry looting.
Current PC: Acolyte Itziyal Neniarral

Egon the Monkey

I think this is something that would be great to have available to any faction.

A selecion of favour store items applying spellfail, or -AC, etc or that had a "remote control" you could use to stun the wearer.
Anything where if you put that on your victim, they can't come back at you fully buffed as you, personally, have an advantage against them. 
So things Druids can put on servants of the king to leach their blood, or earthen chains the Recondite can use to apply speed penalties to a downed foe.

Because that way, to get free they have to beat you or buy you off. But they can't do it personally because you're holding the key to their shock collar.


I don't think it should be available to every faction for use against everyone. I think this is a good idea if it's a "Use against druids only" thing, because it gives incentive to keep druids alive.
[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]

Egon the Monkey

Your argument of "keep X alive" is exactly why I feel it should be available to every major faction (and to everyone else probably) IMO. Druids (and indeed everyone else) should have ways to actively hurt the Peerage wthout having to resort to FD. Cursing the shit out of a Retainer would be an obvious one.

There are few to no effective ways to screw over a character long-term without killing them.

  • Taking a hand or a leg off them requires a DM and is fairly permanent as it also requires a DM-granted reward to fix.
  • Bestow Curse is utterly trivial to remove.

The closest we seem to have got recently was with the Ghylherd mutations, which often were strictly a benefit, but caused you to become outcasts from anything featuring the Peerage. Importantly, you got yourself fixed by  beating the Ghylherd. Imagine if that was scripted. It gives players game in chasing down either the person who applied the cursed item, or whoever they handed the key off to for safekeeping.

I think the key for this sort of move is that it should cost a good amount of Faction favour to purchase the item, so everyone isn't running around with half a dozen. And it shoudl give some sort of benefit to the person who applies it to the victim. to make it a more than just painting a target on your back.   


I disagree if only because RPing as a Druid who has no powers is basically a watered down garbage tier sub-talented Ranger. And as someone who played a PC who was famously humiliated it gets really old, really fast having to play the beaten/contrition/submissive etc type RP when you choose it, let alone when it's forced on you.

Items that curse you aren't fun to "Remove" as Egon says most require a DM and especially because if someone did have a "key to changeling shackles" it's not hard to imagine them just glamping out in the Peerage or only leaving with a mob or anything else people do PvP related which means a Changeling would be pretty much boned. And even the Ghylherd "Mutations" were not something everyone was fond of as it involved some weird body-horror/Torture seeming RP and that's not something everyone consents to.

At the end of the day we're telling a story and in the scope and scale of the City of Rings Changelings are viewed as King-Hating Monsters and people go into taking the Class with eyes wide open and many benefits they get to counter the KOS status.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


If this becomes an item it should only be effective for a limited time (like the items that get destroyed after X rounds of use or destroyed on next reset).

If you make such an item i like the idea of it beeing a cominable one which needs an alchemy (some kind of magic suppressing substance) and a tinkering (some special shackels). The resources for the item should be very rare and only findable in one location each.

The idea behind this is that whoever want such a shackle needs not only a tinker and a alchemist that are willing to make one part each, but also need the resource. Having the resources come from only two known location, could allow players of the opposing faction to defend these loaction to either secure or deny acces to the resources.

Just my thoughts on how to make this whole disabeling thing abit more dynamic and engaging.


The express purpose of these items should be as anti-changeling devices, not as, "Here's a way to fuck with the Peerage/Ticker/Ponds". The items should only prevent shapeshifting (all spells and  class abilities).
[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]


I believe this can be implemented tastefully, and many of the possibilities for how to do so have already been suggested in this thread.


Thanks a ton for all the comments! These echo some of my thoughts, too.

So if:
-The shackles are bought with faction points.
-They prevent shapeshifting regardless of class.
-They have a timer.

Then all that's left is some flavour to make them dynamic and engaging. Maybe the timed-out shackles become a crafting ingredient, or even just a prestigious item to destroy for XP.
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