Alchemy and Herbalism issues

Started by Sem, January 30, 2019, 02:55:49 PM

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Insofar as I have personally seen when using both crafting systems, quite a few themes of alchemy and at least one of herbalism are broken in someway.

Whenever I find a dud recipe, It correctly states that the recipe is a dud and nothing happens. However in some themes, every other combination and recipe nothing will happen. There is no text, there is no roll, nothing happens and the crafting ends.

For instance in herbalism using the default theme
[hide=Image, Herbalism][/hide]

It gets to that final line of text which indicates that all the ingredients are assembling and a result is about to happen. However that's the final message, there is no result.

This happens frequently in alchemy.

[hide=Image, Alchemy]


The following reagents have this happen to them with:

  • Demon flesh 
  • Shadowstone
  • Blood
  • Flawless Alchemical Crystal
  • Mummy dust
  • No Reagent Herbalism

Dud recipes correctly display the result text that they are duds

My PC is a level 6 Wizard with 29 herbalism, 42 Alchemy


I have successfully made Oil Bottle Bombs, Royal Fire, Paint Base, and Druidic Sacred Oil using the herbalist table.

There is certainly an issue where it seems like it is about to make an item, and then suddenly stops, regardless of it being a tier item or not. I had a lot more results using tier items (mostly oil flasks) to find recipes. Then I also had this issue where I successfully made an item, used the same exact recipe, and got this error.

After using the same recipe again, I then got a completely different result using the same exact recipe

Someone who was watching over my herbalism mentioned that the divide by zero seemed to have diverted the script to lead to a different result, but I don't know anything about coding myself.


Paint base reagents seem to also not provide a result on anything except disasters or duds


Achieved a divide by zero error in Oil Flask Herbalism, it appeared to have reset all of my recipes again but after a few minutes and attempts at rediscovering new recipes I found that it reverted this. However it still gives divide by zero errors if I attempt oil flask herbalism again.

The Jeffersons

This seems better, but also experiencing some errors, oil flask.


Magus Naoli Thrazulebh in the Peerage Ward sells a variety of alchemical reagents that are familiar in the old crafting system. I bought the skeleton bone ash and used it successfully as a reagent, so I thought the others would work as well. However upon purchase of this item:

It doesn't work as a reagent at all

I know she also sells odourless incense which was an old reagent however It costs 101gp and I wasn't willing to pay to test it but it might also not function.