Daryck Halloran

Started by Talir, July 11, 2009, 11:02:53 AM

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Just want to share some screenshots with you guys that I have taken over the course of this character's lifetime. Also, I recommend highly to get involved or get into the Stygian Armada, which is one amazing faction. Get those applications running, people, I'd love to see more stygians.

His scimitar, the bane of minotaurs and undead alike.

After the death of Courtier Proverson, Specialist Antivar and Infantryman Halloran inspects the tower where the assassin shot his crossbow from.

Journey on boat. Due to the prayer, we were boarded by a Kraken later (no screens of that, was busy fighting).

Yet, Antivar knew how to set the mood.

Although blunt in many dealings, Daryck had his moments.

In the invasion, which you have seen so many screens of already, there was a lot of morale support. What we needed was more men down with us.

The Sanctum of Syndri, where Halloran later got killed by its master. The Ironhaloes are weakening and Mustafa lies upon the ground. Is this the end of Mustafa?

Good fun for everyone.

Special thanks to Skrillix, Yalta and Thomas for holding the events for my character. Also to Daz, Akke, Caddies and Alyssara for the good fun within the Stygian Armada, as well as VanillaPudding.

Reach the peak and fly above, all you amazing roleplayers and dungeon masters alike!




Quite the change from when he stumbled into the Ziggurat!

Daemonic Daz

good times and character, missing him already

Luke Danger

Ah, great character. Loved the final battle, really had an atmosphere to it.

Egon the Monkey

Haha. Awesome. You had that knife for ages, I remember IDing it. Cool that it got upgraded to DM loot :D. Also, BEST ever putdown on a Targusian PC in that screenie.

Great PC, a Stygian who always put the "professional" in "professional soldier" with his plans to make money off the Docks.


Kicked some ass. But not as much ass as me. Good work Talir

Oskar Maxon

Great character. Held that real aura of intimidation, while still being a professional and able to deal with, from what I saw.


Winston Martin

Fun fighting Syndri and his army with you. What's next?


Terribly sad I missed so many Stygian brothers.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals

Listen in Silence

Knowing you Talir, I expected nothing short of awesome.

I'm sort of sad I perma'd Miller so early.