Chose to spawn at my corpse, but went to the temple instead?

Started by Lascivious, July 16, 2009, 10:54:36 PM

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So I died to an ogre, asked to respawn to my corpse, but then went straight to the temple. I have a screenshot of the conversation between Cylaeria and the spirit if you'd like to see it.

Has this happened to anyone else before?


This happens if you crash or logout after you have died, it creates a new corpse in the 'safe spot' that it brings you too.

I personally think it would be easy to correct this, but apparently the EFU death system is very touch about being changed so they would rather leave it as it is.


That makes sense. I disconnected shortly after dying.


Quote from: Cruzel;135838I personally think it would be easy to correct this, but apparently the EFU death system is very touch about being changed so they would rather leave it as it is.

Nevermind that our attempt at persistent corpses fubared everything.

The Beggar

Yeah, persistent corpses got SnotFUBAReyed.


I think corpse persistence has some shortcomings anyway.


QuoteNevermind that our attempt at persistent corpses fubared everything.
I blame Johannes'  overfocus for absolute efficiency over functionality tbh.

IMO there is an easy way to at least allow a PC to spawn where they died after a crash/logout, even if you don't want to make a new corpse.

Write token var that gets set in the  OnPlayerdeath that contains the location, and when they choose to respawn, have the system send them to that location instead, then wipe the var.  Using a similar method in the onclientexit event can grab the location that the body is at before the other functions removing the body are carried out. This way if the body was moved they can spawn there instead.


Yes, changing it is relatively easy, but I don't think it should be changed.