Stargazer Village quest bugs.

Started by UnholyWon, August 27, 2010, 10:11:23 PM

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Area: Starvillage
NPC: Feena Wise One
Quest: Maintaining Balance(?)

My PC can recieve the quest, and add others to the quest.

The transition leading into the QA is broken and doesn't allow my PC to enter the QA.

Speaking with the NPC allows me to quit the quest.  

Area: Starvillage
NPC: Elder Nagafa
Quest: Delivery - Lyacinth Bush item

The journal updates stating some one may need this ingredient, but when speaking with the NPC the dialogue doesn't recognize the PC is carrying the item it needs. The delivery remains incomplete.

Area: Starvillage
NPC: Huntress Lemuj
Quest: Fortress Vrazdn

The Huntress gives the quest to the party. When the quest is complete the journal updates stating completion. When the party speaks with the Huntress the option to close the quest and recieve reward is not given in the dialogue.

So the party was unable to recieve reward, but was able to close the quest by stating we cannot finish the quest.


Additional observations with PC: Mieryl Nightharp. Elven Bard
NPC: Feena Wise One
Quest: Maintaining Balance
When I speak to this one, all I get is "greetings" with no dialogue box.  Maybe must be Stargazer?  Not sure.
Area: Starvillage
NPC: Elder Nagafa
Quest: Delivery - Lyacinth Bush item
When approaching Elder Nagafa with the lyacinth bush already in hand.  The dialogue box only gives talk about a telescope.  Never the "are you in pain" like before.


These should be fixed.