Echr Fryar

Started by Adam, January 03, 2013, 04:45:38 PM

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Seems he kicked the bucket, surprising and interesting death. But, whats a man to do! For my first pc, I thought I did a solid job.

Now, for the mad props:

I would like to thank DMs, Winston, Shadowcharlatan, Wcsherry, Sterhund, BigOrcMan, and, Core.

As for players, each and everyone of you. Everyone Echr ever said a word to, you guys were great and I enjoyed every moment of it.

*Glad Chitter*


Swag shot below.


now, the big question - what the hell was he?




el groso

Interesting toon! Very poweful too!

A... Bugman?
*puzzled chitter*


Th-, that was your first PC?


*Chitters sadly*

Awesome, and very frightening PC. So many unanswered questions about him though.


Awesome PC man. It's hard to believe he was your first! I look forward to the next.

Erwin the German

The Old Hack

Absolutely awesome character. Lucita liked him even as she was puzzled by him. Very cool, hope to see more from you soon!



Well done with Bugsy. :-)


Pretty cool for a cricket.


Quite a journey. From when our PCs first met after the gloaming shower riot and he was welcomed with esteem into the faith, to when he started to question Apocryphan's authority and that heated period after he murdered Alderick (which resulted in me issuing a divine commandment by the way!) to eventually cleansing him in holy fire and redeeming him after the Isengrim incident.

I have to admit, aside from first meeting him, I enjoyed the later stages of his story when he proved just how powerful a guardian he was. The middle was a bit hazy since we didn't interact that much with all the Regiata chittering.

Good show.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Who will chitter for JUSTICE now?!?