Make it Obvious the Fugue is IC area

Started by efuincarnate, January 13, 2013, 04:55:52 PM

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Spent a good portion of the night there repeatedly last night, and noticed that only thru PC admoniation would you know it is an IC area. Perhaps add a note to the placeable tombstone  there. YOU ARE IN AN IC AREA. Then tell them all about death, or some such.  We all know it is an IC area, but to anyone new, especially who dies in a invasion where there are alot of deaths in the event, this would keep any mistakes from ignorance from happening.  

Or make it an OOC area, so the hilarity can ensue. Not much to do in the fugue, why not crack jokes? You just had your ass handed to you, Your naked, standing around starring at a man in a robe, begs for humor..


When im in the fugue i dont really want to be r´ping, Making it an ooc place sounds like a good idea to me.


OOC area seems betters. When I die I also don't typically feel in the mood to roleplay "Where am I? How did we get here?" for the hundredth time.
<elmo>: i have to say for me your glory days have been on EFUR RagingPurpleGiant1


To be honest, I find it jarring when people are roleplaying there. The "I guess I'm dead" stuff just feels odd and wrong to me, so I just stand there quietly and do something else while I wait. If others want to roleplay there then that's fine, I can't fault them that, but I just can't bring myself to join in. It strikes me as vapid, forced, and very silly.

I don't mean to offend those who like to roleplay in the fugue, it's just a matter of personal taste.


Quote from: Guttersnipe;321928To be honest, I find it jarring when people are roleplaying there. The "I guess I'm dead" stuff just feels odd and wrong to me, so I just stand there quietly and do something else while I wait. If others want to roleplay there then that's fine, I can't fault them that, but I just can't bring myself to join in. It strikes me as vapid, forced, and very silly.

I don't mean to offend those who like to roleplay in the fugue, it's just a matter of personal taste.

My sentiments regarding the Fugue are exactly this; I don't really believe there's any need to roleplay within the Fugue, yet I wouldn't really care if it stayed an In Character area or not; I'll likely never roleplay there, either way.

Erwin the German

If I ever roleplay in there, it's always tongue-in-cheek. Most times I'm just not up for it.

Mr Howardson

Pretty sure this thread was about making it clear it's an IC area, not whether we like to role play there.


Erwin the German

I think we're mentioning that we don't like to roleplay there specifically so it's not made into an explicitly IC area. If people want to, fine, but if I'm in an IC area, I'd feel silly for not acting in character.


But all the best secrets are shared in the fugue, because what happens in fugue stays in fugue!

I can imagine it gets tiring if you're one of those friends of the fugue sorts though.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


I am in the group of guys that usually RP there. And I am of the thought that the place the way it is is not suited at all for the task of RPing. It does look like an OCC area.

It lacks the atmosphere the rest of the server has to be seen as an IC area. Maybe that's the reason people prefer not to RP there (added to the death pain).

I like a lot to start praying to whatever god my character worships and try to gather their attention, after a short moment of panic and confusion.

I dunno... but I think if the place is intended as an IC area, it would be good to receive some area messages and to have some ghost NPCs from the isle, all trying to find their way.

If it's better to keep it the way it is... then it will work better as an OOC area as many has suggested.


We all pretend we forgot what happened while we were there/dead anyway.

Man up


Just don't say anything in the fugue. I would not want free OOC blabbering to be going on where I'd be forced to listen after already being pissed off at failing to stay alive in the first place.

IC silence is golden.


There is no need for OOC blabbering in fugue, but there is no need to force RP either. If you want to discuss OOC, use tells as to not bother anyone else.


Once I read a campain where this character was killed and gone to the fugue plane. the place was crowded and there were diverse groups praying. each of them to a specific deity. some loners were kinda lost, probably faithless. the girl was slowly walking towards her deity and something pushed her back, it was her friends trying to bring her back to life.

I think it'd be interesting to add something else to the plane of fugue in order to make death more meaningful. All we got is a small island of ground to walk around in circles.

I don't know which flavor would be more suitable to EFU, as there are many options. Maybe, just maybe, some flavor to death would low down the OOC pain we usually feel when we die and respawn with the XP loss.

I like to observe other servers and try to get small bits of things that were well done. Ravenloft made something interesting about the fugue plane. It's not perfect. And I don't suggest we to go and copy it. It's just brainstorm. There you got three options:
  • to wait to be resurrected,
  • to respawn or
  • just to wander around like a ghost until someone rescues you.

But first you wander through the plane of fugue and try to find one of the many shafts of light that might bring you to an option or another. You see little in front of you and you walk instead of running.