Changes to the death system

Started by Talir, January 15, 2013, 12:18:01 AM

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There's now one additional change to the way death is handled in Escape from Undeath: Mistlocke.

When you die, your pack is no longer dropped and you retain all equipments as you hit the fugue. Respawning will not remove any of these from you. If someone is in need of taking items from your dead PC, they may yank_pack your corpse to get to it. The corpse now also includes the weight of your equipment, so dragging someone away now is more cumbersome if they are stocked up on gear.

The exceptions are when someone kills you or when you respawn at a safe location. The pack drops as has been common then, for the latter at the place of death and not where your corpse is.

Blackout too works in the same manner. When knocked unconcious, you keep your belongings and they are added to the body's weight. To lessen the strain, the attacker must remove the pack to drag you away more easily -- unless they choose to bring it along at the same time.

As this is a major change, there may be some bugs left that I've not managed to crush. Make reports with as much detail as possible. I've been testing this extensively but there may be something I've missed.

-- EFUM DM Team