EFU:R Gossip, Major Events, and Rumors (IC Knowledge)

Started by Howlando, July 14, 2013, 11:19:22 PM

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Divine Intervention

::[ Second of Uktar : Year 163 : 1385 DR ]::

Amidst the blackness of the Underdark, the Dark Lake contrary to its name is shimmers with light from the fires and strange alien glows that burn brightly around the besieged city of Mutulakt. The seemingly impenetrable ring of drow warships of the Traensyr Fleet that surrounds the harbour of the Duergar fortress continues to deny any attempts at relief for those trapped within. Only the brave and foolhardy dare venture out onto the once placid waters of the vast inland sea, such is the looming threat of Ysinode's patrol squadrons capturing unfortunate sailors. In the ports of various cities, sailors scowl into their cups, unable to take their vessels out from their berths.

A constant stream of arrows, catapult rounds and barrels of fire-oil mark the defenders continued bitter resistance to the Illithid forces on the Lake, yet the question on all lips remains: "How long can Mutulakt hold on?"....


::[ Uktar 26th : Year 163 : 1385 DR ]::

A grisly and macabre display heralded the tolling of the morning bells in Lower this dark.  Members of the Brotherhood of Ascension, their gilded cloaks stained crimson with blood, were seen dragging one of their former flock out into the streets before the Cathedral.  Denouncing the man as a traitor and a tyrant, they raised him upon a great pyre and burned him alive.  His screams echoed through the nearby alleys, a dire warning and a deadly promise to those who would stand in the way of these self-proclaimed freedom fighters.

The sullen and pale Dwellers in Darkness are said to be greatly troubled by these events, and one eyeless beggar was heard to curse the Ascension for murderers and madmen, promising that such crimes would not go unpunished.  Men of the infamous and bloodthirsty Black King's Bastards are seen to mutter darkly among themselves, sharing cruel japes and sharpening their blades on the steps of their fortress, and congregations of the notoriously aloof Darkmen are spotted, droning strange prayers in the dark corners of the slum.



::[ Nightal 6th : Year 163 : 1385 DR ]::

Mutulakt Burns.

The industrious Duergar fortress-city has languished under a protracted Dread Siege for weeks now, and this morning marked a new stage of the Dread Empire's terrible strike against Sanctuary's sometimes rival. Bizarre and blinding coronas of an indecipherable color burn beneath the docks of Mutulakt, and queer shrill warhorns echo across the shining waters of the Dark Lake, reverberating each hour through Dunwarren's canals.

Rumors spread among the people of the Upper and Lower cities that emaciated and listless Duergar have been seen wandering the shores of the lake, crying out in vain for aid - the lucky few to have escaped before the city was isolated from the rest of the Dark. In the shadowed corners of Sanctuary's watering holes, members of the Watchers and Warders can be overheard whispering of an effort to aid the besieged city, a strike they've come to derisively call the "Fool's Errand."

The Deep Forges burn with crimson fire, and hazy, shimmering reflections of titanic war machines can now and again be glimpsed in the space where Serena Tower once stood.


Nightal 7th : Year 163

All around Sanctuary, Watchers and Warders can be seem whispering amongst themselves, some louder than others. Some citizens have already managed to hear the topic, and now the rumours spread like fire. "Mutulakt can`t hold on any longer". Most of the citizens don`t care, as Sanctuary is still in no immediate danger. Many however, remind of Sanctuary`s children who are still present in Mutulakt. Engineers are seen running back and forth between the Deep Forge and the Watchhouse. Aside from a few guards, Warders retreat back to the Forge and Watchers to the Watchhouse. All, no doubt to prepare for their orders, and to what seems like a battle soon to come.


In Sanctuary: Proclamations of an assault in order to aid the city of Mutulakt can be heard from the House of Governance. Watchers and Warders are seen prompting adventurers and other citizens to join the assault, with promises of gold, medals and honor.

In Lower: Most of the Lowermen ignore this matter. However, a select few whisper of bettering themselves and joining the storied mercenary companies around the Dark Lake. And a bold, brave number allegedly wish to join and plunder whatever they can from what they believe to be now a doomed city. Some, however, are still not too eager to board the boats of the Spellguard. Fortunately, fliers reeking of brimstone and sulphur advertise an alternative vessel for the brave of heart...

In the Canal: Animatrons can be spotted carrying heavy equipment onto Sanctuary's boats, and these loaded war barges ferry lumbering animatronic weaponry to and from the isle of the Kuo-Toa

While not everyone is happy with this assault, the powers-that-be insist that If Mutulakt falls to the Dread, they will be poised to bring their victorious fleets to Sanctuary.  The Blacks, an ever-dwindling minority under Murik, decry the efforts as a fool's grasp at glory undeserved, while the ever-burgeoning Reds, spurred on by Director-Marshall Greer and Director Mouldercrest (or, at the very least, the Fat Men who now control the late Gould's estate) board the waiting warships en masse.  

It's said even a luxurious pleasure ship has been dredged into the Canals from Final Sanctuary, where the well-to-do intend to observe the coming battle, as if it were an evening's entertainment...

//Event planned to this time

Divine Intervention

::[ Nightal 10th : Year 163 : 1385 DR]::

In the hours following the Battle of Mutulakt the burning hulks of dozens of ships continues to illuminate the stygian waters of the Dark Lake. The fortified city itself glowed with it's own grim lights, as vast pyres fuelled by the furnaces of the Duergar burned away industriously, reducing the slick mounds of dead bodies to charred bones and ash. After months of anxiety about the imposing Dread Fleet, the victory of Sanctuary's coalition forces has buoyed the hopes and spirits of all those opposed to the preponderance of Ysinode. Returning aristocrats and observers speak in elaborate, even poetic terms of the titanic clash, painting a picture of the courage and skill of the crews involved. The descriptions offered by those sailors, soldiers and adventurers involved in the struggle are distinctly more prosaic, bespeaking the heavy toll paid in blood for the victory over the Dread Empire's troops. Sanctuary's fleet returned to it's moorings considerably worse for wear, but afloat at least, many other allied ships were not so fortunate.

Despite the losses, it cannot be denied that the Battle of Mutulakt was a stunning victory for Sanctuary and her cohorts, demonstrating the growing martial might of the new Final Sanctuary and its rulers. Official and spontaneous celebrations have broken out across the city, with many on the Red side of the political spectrum hailing it as a triumph for not only the Spellguard, but as vindication of their program of military expansion and aggressive action. In the Canal Ward, labourers and artisans are seen rapidly erecting a huge stone monolith as a testament and memorial to the sacrifices made by the brave warriors of freedom.


Nightal 19th : Year 163

While many have thought a new age has come with Final Sanctuary, this was just not meant to be, as shortly after the Battle of Mutulakt, a chain of scandals has hit Sanctuary's Officials.

First, the one who led the initial attack on Mutulakt, Agent Vyrgil Vendelstalh, has insulted those who arrived to pay respect to those who fell in the battle, during the Memorial to the fallen. Some cannot even describe the words he used. Those who've seen him during the ceremony swear that he acted like nothing more than a drunk.

The other, more serious matter is now linked to Prefect Geldgier Schicksal, who is currently believed to have slaughtered an ambassador from Mutulakt. The Prefect was led to the Watch Barracks where a trial was about to begin, until it was suspended for further investigation.

Both the Red and the Black guilds remain unusually quiet, trying not to comment on either of these events, or show their support. Many fear for the future of what seems now to be a very short lived Sanctuary-Mutulakt alliance. However few of the radical red guilders believe Sanctuary should take opportunity with this recent chaos, betray Mutulakt, and conquer the city while they are still weakened from the siege...


::[ Nightal 30th : Year 163 : 1385 DR ]::

An altercation ensued in Starag's Rest this evening, involving viscous goo, grubs, and senility. Diligent members of the Watchers and Warders were seen scurrying to and from the Public Housing Vaults in various states of urgency. Shortly thereafter, a commotion at the Barbican drew curious citizens attentions to a lone wanderer at Sanctuary's great gate...

Director Idraen Markem, his armor rusted and rent and his helm dented and warped in a hundred places is said to have returned to the city after being presumed dead, a casualty of the titanic clash between Sanctuary's forces and those of the Dread Empire at Mutulakt. The Director made no official announcement, and quietly withdrew to the Vaults to confer - it is rumored - with Malark Amblecrown and the few surviving Ordinants of the Society. Though Markem submitted to the testing of the Reformed Order, dark murmurings in the Grotto and the Vaults insist that this auspicious return smacks of something other than happenstance, and some mark it the work of the Dread.


::[ Nightal 30th : Year 163 : 1385 DR ]::

Rumours quickly spread throughout the Upper Sanctuary saying that Prefect Ner`as Amarillis has been murdered in his own office at the Headquarters of Windwraith Trading. It is said he met his end cold-bloodedly in the hands of his own underlings, namely one called Aidan Galloway and another accomplice. The Watcher guarding the entrannce sounded an alarm after a loud yet short battle began but it was too late to save the Prefect's life. The culprits remained calmly at the scene of their crime, until Watcher reinforcements arrived and they were escorted to the Watchhouse.

Further investigations into the matter were conducted within the confines of the Watchouse, although it is said that a quite large cadre of Watchers and some concerned citizens were present. A bit later Agent Vyrgil Vendelstalh arrived to the Watchhouse and took the situation under his control. Meanwhile the body of Ner'as was seen being transferred to the Deep Forges. Later, a number of Watchers and Warders went to the Deep Forges likewise. Sending made by the Spellguard followed after some time, claiming that Prefect Ner'as had been influenced by aberrant forces, praising the killers as heroes and good citizens of Sanctuary for their deed. However, it is also being said that the investigations into this matter continue.

Many from the poorer standards of life mourn the death of Prefect Amarillis, who had been making sure that some of the profits accumulated by the House of Trade was being transferred to alleviate the needs of the poor. There are also some who simply "can't believe Prefect Amarillis had anything to too with the Dread Empire, he wasn't the sort". Although none seems to be openly celebrating this brutal event inside the House of Trade either, and some even whisper if the safety of their own wares and life can still be quaranteed inside the common market, there are a quite sizeable amount of those merchants who speak gladly about the passing of the Prefect. The siphoning of profits to the poor was certainly not to the liking of all fair tradesmen...

The City of Sanctuary though soon settles down, because Prefects seem to have a habit of dying an early death and there is always a new reckless one chasing the mantle. Time will tell who replaces the position left open by this sudden and tragic event.
"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip


::[ Hammer 4th : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

The streets of Sanctuary run crimson this eve!

The trial of one Aidan Galloway, murderer of Prefect Amarillis, ended messily this dark when a crowd of Black Guild ruffians led by a band of armed thugs calling themselves "Ma's Boys" clashed with the Watchers and Warders. The rioters set fire to a Mouldercrest's stall, blaming the rise of the Red Guild for their recent hardships and the poverty of the Public Housing Vault and demanding the rights to hang Galloway themselves for murdering Ma Murik's chosen prefect. As the 'Murdercrests' smoldered, Watchers led by a burly dwarven soldier of the Defensive Branch descended upon the crowd with bludgeon and blade to disperse the rowdy commonfolk, leading to a confused and bloody melee. In the aftermath, Galloway's execution was botched by an inexperienced headsman, and the mangled body was set ablaze by a passing rioter who had not yet fled.

Rumors of a further incident, involving Watchers and Warders bearing steel and spell against one another in the streets over some quarrel or another, persist... Though authorities are quick to deny such allegations, Watchers and Warders share icy glares across the Freedom Square, and Inspector Marigiri and Sergeant Bolton can be seen leading trains of Watchers with bared steel to and from the House of Governance in the twilight hour. Agent Vyrgil Vendelstalh, meanwhile, has not been seen since the onset of the riots...


::[ Hammer 20th : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

In a series of bizarre events, concluding with the trial of Gorathak Yrehp, leader of the fearsome mercenary company The Shattered Shore, the Orog Warlord has found his demise. By the accounts of citizens present for the trial, an adventurer assassinated him with a cast of spell from a scroll, hidden in her papers while reading her testimony.

Many Watchers and Warders are seen raising a glass for what may be seen as a happy occasion, to be ridden of The Shattered Shore's leader, as they won't have to deal with the monster anymore, or be intimidated by him. Some of the citizens however, understand that now, this group without a leader, may become even wilder and direct their anger and hostility on Sanctuary. They start to question if working with monsters truly worth it, and popular support starts to lean in the favor of the Black Guild.


 ::[ Hammer 23rd : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

Rumor quickly spreads of a breach in containment.  Following a Spellguard sending for citizens to remain calm, a squadron of elite personnel in Watcher and Warder colors stormed through the Housing Vaults.  Within half an hour, all that was left of the aberrant threat detected by Sanctuary's Epsilon Squadron was a smoking pile of ash.  The residents of the Housing Vaults are more fearful than ever, and it's unclear whether the threat of thralls or the threat of being wrongfully incinerated is worse.

In other news, some witnesses say that Brett Janowski was murdered by Brett Janowski and several others in Freedom Square.  Others say it was some kind of tentacle-mimic freak.  The amount of incendiaries Scrap-Hero Edward Velosia employed during and after the incident left little evidence to confirm either way.


::[ Hammer 23rd : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

Following the events in the Housing Vaults, a thick blanket of mist settled in over Sanctuary and the surrounding regions of the Underdark. While this was no more than a cause for confusion to most, some of Sanctuary's learned scholars and those residents whom could still remember a life on Ymph spoke with dread of the "Accursed Hammer 23rd" as a date of significance before the world's fall.

After swirling and cloying about the caverns for a time the mists seemed to congregate within the Crossroads, with travellers and adventurers bringing back reports of a path opened through the haze by the solitary harbinger Baltaire Magnolian, whom declared himself to be the last disciple of "Rabbanatha the Pure".

Through the veil it is said that impossible visions of a times past were seen, and by some even experienced in full.


::[ Hammer 25th : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

A series of numerous minor events of strangely varying degrees pester Sanctuary this dark. Stories range from a man killed by a drow, prefects being reprimanded for crimes such as "washing a monster" and "revenge for vandalism", and a small structure being set to flame.

Regardless of each new batch of problems that arise, many citizens are consistently praising on-duty Watchers and Warders for their diligence and quick response time.


::[ Hammer 28th : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

Word is spreading around about the troubles of the Public Housing Vault. Some say that aberrations and sicknesses have surfaced there. While others note that many of the monsters, troublemakers, and outcasts brought into Sanctuary since the Spellguard's departure have been "encouraged" into the Vaults by the Watchers and Warders. It has been whispered that the gates built in Starag's Rest some darks past are nothing less than a containment, a quarantine, that the Directorate and the Watchers and Warders have not revealed to the people.

The place has turned into a dumping ground for the problems of Upper Sanctuary, and some voices cry out for the monsters who loiter in Upper Sanctuary to be turfed into the vault "where they belong". The Black Guild is in disarray over the new trends, abhorring the monstrous influx and yet powerless to stop the force of Upper Sanctuary's disgust and the quiet consent - some say - of the Order of the Spellguard. And so the Public Housing Vault, where many of the most loyal supporters of Ma Murik dwell, is changing before their eyes.

Amidst the rumours, the strongest tale is that the Society of the Ordered Mind, led by Director Idraen Markem, are hard at work solving the crisis in the Vaults. Those who question or contradict this mantra - daring to point out that Malark Amblecrown and the Ordinants in his company may indeed be the source of the problem - are not heard from again. The Watchers and Warders have heightened their presence in taverns and at public gatherings, and a conspiracy of silence has solidified around the gates of Starag's Rest. Few dare to say what is really going on inside. Meanwhile, the affluent people of Upper Sanctuary are glad to signal their support again to the Crusade of the good old Society and its charismatic Commander Markem.