EFU:R Gossip, Major Events, and Rumors (IC Knowledge)

Started by Howlando, July 14, 2013, 11:19:22 PM

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::[ Ches 21st : 1386 DR ]::

Sanctuary Endures.

These words resound throughout the city, carried on chapped and bloodied lips, bellowed from sore-raked throats, and belched into the ceilings of the Grotto and the Baby both. The dark has been one of pain, fury, steel and sorcery, as Sanctuary and her beleaguered defenders fought tooth, nail, tendril and piston for their lives against the greatest assault yet mustered against them by the forces of the Dread Empire. Overseer Rhiannon Kingsley, flanked by twisted mockeries of her once loyal Ordinants, brought countless multitudes against the great Barbican Gate of Dunwarren, demanding their capitulation and surrender. Thanks to the valiant efforts of Sanctuary's defenders under Greer and Dhimani, timely aid from Magnatz the Red, and a final valiant push by Ser Malark Amblecrown, the people of Dunwarren will live for another dark.

Of the combatants, a few names are murmured more oft than their peers, and rumors fly high and low of their distinguished deeds:

Fallen Prefect Brent Kendall - The Hammer of the Bulwark, who stood against Rhiannon Kingsley and her elite cadre of Chosen, martyring himself upon the very gates of his holdfast, and so buying the defenders time to rally.

Benedekt Tarkatzous, the Knight of Flies - Who stepped over the fallen Prefect and (it is said) dueled Kingsley blade to blade amidst a field of the fallen, holding his own admirably against the scion of Sanctuary's demise.

Agent Elizabeth Thynne, the Sword of Serena - Who, despite being elevated to her rank but an hour hence, led sortie after sortie into the Dread's ranks, her greatsword blazing with crimson fires - poets and artists attest that she was the very vision of Melinda herself.

And a score of other heroes, their deeds unwitnessed amidst a swirling torrent of gore...

Though good feelings and cheer are shared in abundance, there are whispers at the edge of this revelry... asking troubling questions, and casting dark clouds over the thoughts of those who hear them... What did the Dread want? How soon - for surely they shall - will they return?

And what fell powers will they bring to bear, now that Sanctuary has shown itself a tenacious and worthy foe...

Many recall the conquest of their surface homes, and shudder...

​What will come next?


::[ Ches 24th : 1386 DR ]::

The sound of battle rung out from the Residential Flats this dark and when a number of Watchers and adventurers came to investigate, they were surprised to find that that the residents of the Bright Sea Flats themselves had barricade their own flat in an attempt to prevent Watchers and adventurers from entering. Within, a heated argument quickly broke out with the commoners demanding the Watchers and adventures leave while those who responded to the sound of battle demanded to why it sounded as if a melee was occurring within the flat.

With the commoners distrusting the adventurers due to the events of a few darks past and disillusioned with the Watchers for their apparent lack of interest in following up on the murders of their friends and neighbours, a stand still came to be. When Watchers began to violently tear down the barricade keeping them out, it is said one or some of the adventurers turned upon the Watchers, forcing the law enforcement agents out of the flat. It was this such action which impressed the residents who then changed their minds and allowed a small group of adventures within.

What happened within the flat is obscured and obfuscated by exaggeration and rumour-mongering, but it is agreed by many residents that this group of adventurers--consisting of Alia Millis, Calard Odileon, Darius Sand, Devintus Kesh, Francois Helmuth, Kaylee Leverage, and Presolt Beske--managed to not only stop a foul ritual underway by cultists who forced their way into the flat, but also managed to do so without any serious casualties to multiple hostages.

With such a great success, the adventurers were hailed as heroes and improved resident attitudes towards their type. The reputation of the Watchers amongst the residents, however, approaches a pathetic low...


::[ Ches 28th : 1386 DR ]::

This dark has been a blight upon Sanctuary.

Everything began with another skirmish between the Watchers and Markem's Men in Starag's Rest over, what people can imagine at this point, another trivial matter. During the chaos, a few innocent people, including a child, have found their deaths, but none can really pinpoint who caused it. The conflict seems to have ended with Markem's Men "win" and allowing the Watchers to head back to "Middle" Sanctuary, more or less unharmed.

While it seemed it was the end of it, it was not to be. Shortly after the battle, three explosions occurred in various places in the Public Housing Vaults all at once: Simms Square, The Roaches Encampment and a Housing Apartment, all suffered ruined properties, dozens of injured from the blasts and a few deaths. Markem's Men, lead by Rebecca Locke, and the Civil Servants, lead by Prefect Clarence Carlyle have handled the flames, while risking their lives when the flames nearly destroyed a power source, which caused heavy damage to all around. It was noticed by all that no Watchers, nor Warders, have showed up to help in the attempts to control the flames, and the Agents who have arrived did nothing but talk, about what can only be considered during such an event, a trivial matter, and left shortly after.

It appears that Markem's Men believed the Watchers to be in charge of the explosions as they quickly set out, lead by Benedekt Tarkatzous, to face the Watchers and demand answers. What they found was a blockade by the Watchers and Spellguard in Starag's Rest. Another battle soon took place when both sides couldn't find common grounds. Markem's Men have quickly gained the advantage when the savage Skuld Arondottir charged ahead, cutting at many as possible, and slaying Watcher Champion Ragnor Rathmore. When most of the Watchers and Warders were knocked on the ground, The Sword of Serena, Agent Elizabeth Thynne, has managed to even the odds, when single handily managing to cut down most of Markem's Men to the point of them gathering whatever wounded they could, and fleeing the scene back to the Public Housing Vaults, with Agent Thynne rushing after them. During all the chaos, Agent Vyrgil Vendelstalh has struggled in a mage duel against a Cunning Goblin Warlock.

The conclusion of the events is unclear to most. Markem's Men have caught Agent Thynne in her rampage, and after a failed assassination attempt on her life during captivity by an unknown woman she was escorted back to the Deep Forge. Some moments later it was announced that the Half Drow Merchant Ilindiira Harper was in charge of the explosions in the Public Housing Vaults, and she was executed for her crimes.

More and more residents of the Housing Vaults start to understand that the Watchers and Warders have abandoned them. Watchers grow bitter by their superiors ignorance to their lives, as slayers of Watchers, such as Skuld of Markem's Men are allowed to walk freely unpunished. The stench of death, fire and blood lingers across all of Sanctuary, while the sense of danger, both from inside and outside of it, is felt all around.


::[ Tarsakh 4th : 1386 DR ]::

This dark, relatively calm and uneventful, was marred by murder.

It's said that it all began when Prefect Clarence Carlyle was making his way through Upper Sanctuary towards the Watch House to deal with some rudimentary issue. Along the way, he was accosted by a pair of commoners. In reaction to the Prefect seemingly pardoning two goblin monsters who served as minions in the attack upon Upper Sanctuary by the Substance-addled Geldgier Schicksal a few darks past, the commoners accused the Prefect of being a goblin sympathizer in less than polite words and pelted him with rotten fruit.

A short but violent scuffle broke out and a second later one of the commoners lay dead on the ground while the Prefect's pike dripped with fresh blood. The surviving commoner fled, quickly spreading word of the murder before being detained and brought to the Watch House by Watchers. Upon arriving, Agent Elizabeth Thynne called out for the Prefect to be arrested which was done after the Prefect reportedly attempted to flee.

After the Prefect was brought to the Watch House in shackles, an awkward stillness seemed to come over Sanctuary. A crowd had began to mill about the slain commoner's corpse, unsure of what to do and wondering of what will happen to the Prefect. It was roughly a half hour after the whole ordeal began that the Prefect, Agent, and surviving commoner exited the Watch House. Together, they made their way to the House of Trade where from within the Prefect made a sending:

QuoteSanctuary! It appears there was but an egregious misunderstanding. The situation has been handled with all due care by our Watchers and Warders. I have been cleared of all wrongdoing after having defended myself from a vicious attack by a vaultsman brute. Please return to your business. Tah!

Moments later, the surviving commoner could be seen scurrying towards the Residential Flats with her head down, clutching an engorged coin purse to her chest.

With the aftermath of the dark's events resulting in an esteemed citizen of Final Sanctuary suffering no consequences for such a brazen murder, the mood of Middle Sanctuary grows dark and somber.


::[ Tarsakh 13th : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

On this dark, far and distant from Sanctuary, a god was devoured. In some strange distant planar realm, the deity Shaundakul was consumed after long chase by Dendar the Night Maiden. Consumed nearly whole, a single hand of Shaundakul did dribble from the maw of the serpent and land upon a far distant strange mountain of spongy purple-blue and unfamiliar hue.

And there the hand waited.

Somehow aware of the Hand and the powers that it promised, the Cults of Lower Sanctuary learned of how passage into this distant realm could be secured and so sent forth their boldest and most devoted champions.

Although what occurred in the beyond is not known in great detail, it is known that the three respective cults faced each in terrible and murderous battle. Slime Cultists, devoted Brethren of the Brotherhood of the Ascension, and Dark Dwellers fought against each other with every fiber of their being.

With great effort, the Hand was dragged back to Sanctuary. The fighting continued... but in the end, the Slime Cultists proved victorious. Gibbering in their exalted happiness, the Cultists heaved the Hand and their own frail bodies into the vast bulk of the swollen slime Slp'slp'grlp'alshlpt.

And so, empowered by some small measure of the power of a God, the SLIME rose.

And what followed....
  • ::[ DM Shout : A foul stench begins to rise from the sewers.... ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : Panicked Lowersmen begin to run for shelter... ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : And a tide begins to rise. A smooth, cresting wave of slime.....burbling masses of jelly oozing up from every crack and crevasse..... ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : Burble... burble... burble.... ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : From its earliest beginnings as a small jelly... Slp`slp`grlp`alshlpt has been fed by legions of devoted followers.... every rat, every sacrificed paladin or unfortunate follower.... ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : .... it has grown. Become engorged.... fat and swollen.... ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : Yet also has it missed its progenitor, its father... hidden in the Dark Lake far from Sanctuary. ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : Now, fed the HAND OF A GOD.... does it realize it is time to go home, at last. ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : And the slime rises. ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : And the people of Lower scream.... as the wave of slime floods through the streets.... ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : The remaining champions of the Sacred Cave of Ibrandul utter a chant... and rocks fall. Yet the slime seeps through the cracks... ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : The champions of the Brotherhood, tears streaming down their faces, battle the quivering jellies... yet, they too, are driven from their home. ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : The Slime rises, and washes over Lower. The Mourning Elves...... hold each other`s hands in a moment of quiet reflection as they are consumed.... ]::
  • > ::[ DM Shout : The Slime Rises... seeping through the buildings of Lower.... ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : And yet... and yet - ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : As the flood rises... the great, quivering BULK of Slp`slp`grlp`alshlpt emerges from the Sewers. And it slowly inches and slides.... ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : Its smaller parts and quivering jelly children making way.... ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : It quivers and enters into the Canal, smashing up shipping and docks on its way ]::
  • ::[ DM Shout : And Slp`slp`grlp`alshlpt sinks into the Canal, and swims into the Dark Lake beyond, seeking to rejoin that from which it came. Some darker purpose awaiting it. ]::


The relative peace and 'normality' of the Housing Vaults was shattered late last night, when there was rumour of a brutal murder of a group of hungry citizens in the shanty alleys. A group of investigators from the Collective attempted to uncover the perpetrators, but we're seemingly unable to, despite their best efforts.   Word is that the brtual and bloody attack was over a cache of food which is becoming ever more scarce after the influx of refugees from Sanctuary Below after the Flood.  Though there is not much else to be discovered about this worrying attack, it serves to forewarn of potentially further brutality to come...


::[ Tarsakh 15th :1386 DR ]::

As it is said, tragedies strike in threes, and this dark violence visited the Bright Sea Flats for the third time.

Word spreads that a resident of the flat, a man known as Ted Kleiner, was killed--assassinated even--by a pair of men masquerading as deliverymen. As soon as Ted opened the door to his room, the two bullrushed the door, stabbed Ted multiple times, and then fled--killing two other commoners who were unfortunately in the the path of their escape.

Unlike as has happened in the past, however, it was noted that the Watcher response was relatively orderly and measured. Though the identities of the two murderers remain unknown, some residents voice their appreciation of the thorough investigation undertaken by an unnamed surgeon, lead by a stoic Watch sergeant, and the gentle questioning by a man of Tyr who just recently enlisted with the Watchers.


::[ Tarsakh 17th : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

A caravan of men and dwarves departed from the Spire, torches aloft, rothe in tow. The beasts of burden were laden with supplies and precious minerals from the Foundry of Thane Vulkan Highhearth and were bound for the Public Housing Vault of Sanctuary. Unfortunately, the Thane entered the gates with nary a rothe in sight, supported by a mob of Watchers and Warders bearing the bodies of his companions.

The tale that followed in his wake varied wildly from speaker to speaker. Those deep in their cups mutter of treachery- some dark bargain struck between those enthralled and the free-minded; a sacrifice for the safety of those that limped into the city. Others regale listeners with bloody depictions of enthralled Drow and war horrors cut to pieces, strewn across the Low Road. Dwarven laborers and miners raise their cups in salute as they speak of the Thane Highhearth dueling one of the Swords of Kingsley- to a standstill. But while the exact details of what befell the caravan's defenders may be in doubt, what is known is that not a single rothe reached their final destination. The more cynical Ravens of Sanctuary have been heard to wonder aloud if this does not herald some greater strike on Sanctuary itself by Overseer Kingsley.


This cycle. An emissary to the Dread Empire, Overlord Orgollithid of Sector IV, approached the barbican of Sanctuary and demanded a parley with officials of Sanctuary. The specifics of the talk are lost to all but those who were present but rumors that Sanctuary has 1 dark to deliver preserved 'savant' brain or be raided by the Overlord's vast thrall army situated on the coast of the dark lake.

Infighting was seen erupting around those gathered about the proper course of action.


Sanctuary`s finest delivered 5 brains preserved in vats -- the exact source of these brains is unknown to most - while those who witnessed the townhall meeting believe these were the brains of old svirfneblin engineer stored in brine fluid in tube deep within the machine. The Overlord was pleased of the offering and departed from the gates with his minions. Although Sanctuary avoided this battle, paranoia seeps into the mind of many as to what this entails for the future.

Will the Overlord return and what will his demands be at that time? Will the Overlord protect Sanctuary from the malevolent eye of other ambitious mindflayer such as the one directed ex-director Kingsley? Will the secrets of the machine be discovered by the Mindflayers now that svirfneblin high engineer brains were delivered? ...

Only time will tell.


::[ Second of Mirtul : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

Denizens of the Underdark murmur of strange purple mist briefly passing over them before fading out of sight. Rumour in the Sanctuary speaks that some sort of opening ceremony for 'games' was held at the crossroads, where now an enigmatic purple sphere stands atop a stone pedestal. While the exact rules and nature of the game remained somewhat a mystery, it is said that a full set of nine 'cards' should be brought to the pedestal to claim victory. Indeed, already a few of adventurers and travelers have told about finding odd card pieces in the most curious of places.
"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip


::[ Mirtul 8th : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

The quiet of Sanctuary was broken this dark by a rumbling tremor throughout the Underdark, shaking books from shelves, drinks from tables, residents from their beds. A panicked sending by a Dwarven cleric of Berronar Truesilver led to confused and conflicting reports of her goddess' unresponsiveness. Some believe the entire Dwarven pantheon to be extinguished, while others speak of a 'prophecy' foretelling the betrayal of the Dwarven gods by Abbathor. Director Austanias Glademore called for an assembly within the House of Knowledge and explained that while he could not speak with authority as to the fate of the Dwarven gods, proof of some lingering Divine spark had been discovered. These relics and artifacts of the gods- fallen or otherwise- are sought desperately by the Director, who urged the adventuring population of Sanctuary to bring any they recover to the attention of the House of Knowledge.

There is an unmistakable aura of dread among the Dwarven populace of Sanctuary...


::[ Mirtul 10th : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

Rumours tell that the Sanctuary Below is now occupied by servants of the ooze, who call themselves the Covenant of the Pure.

Of course, the truth is as murky as the waters of the flooded ruins. The people of Lower Sanctuary, it is believed, have entered into the Covenant, along with ooze-slurping cavemen, and the drow that now occupy the Lower Sanctuary fortress.

How exactly this strange deal and completely undetected migrations came about is anyone's guess in Upper Sanctuary. Few believe the stories that the giant ooze masses in Lower Sanctuary warbled wet songs and opened like maws to spill out the unwelcome travellers. Few believe far-fetched tales of a formative meeting that occurred within the giant ooze in the Dark Lake itself, or in Lower Sanctuary, or in a variety of other speculated places.

But none can dispute the existence of the Covenant, and its intents to free the slaves, cleanse the world, and destroy tyrants.

The Watchers and Warders maintain stability amidst the transformations wracking Sanctuary. Meanwhile, the diseased (or as some conspiracies say, the aberrant sympathisers and monsters) of the Public Housing Vaults continue to stir anxieties in Upper Sanctuary. It is said that Idraen Markem's mysterious mentor, Malark Amblecrown, gathered together the Society for an urgent meeting regarding recent developments... Tales swirl. The Spellguard clamps down, ever denying the troubles of the vaults, ever quietly championing Director Idraen Markem's leadership of the Society and his efforts to reign in the strange excesses of the vaults.

Something older and stranger has risen now, and it threatens to break the brittle lies of the Watchers and Warders in pursuit of its quest for absolute purity.

Divine Intervention

Amidst the tumultuous emergence of new powers in the city of Dunwarren, rumours spread of lesser, but evidently no less concerning developments for the city of Sanctuary.  Notably, a peculiar outbreak of madness which has run the gamut of social status and geographic location within the metropolis.  The talk of the taverns is that at least half a dozen, if not more, citizens have been afflicted by a strange malady of the mind which seems to reduce them to screaming, horror stricken shells.  The gruesome self-mutilations, murders and suicides that have resulted from this hysterical insanity have left many people living in fear, given the silence of the Watchers and Warders on the matter and no evident cause or cure for those affected.  

Furthermore, within the Public Housing Vaults, the "Twisting Malaise" continues it's spread, with ever more strange sightings reported by the multitudes who yet dwell there.  Though many vault dwellers laud the efforts of Director Markem and a small band of his most loyal ordinants in attempting to quell the outbreak, deep suspicions surround the deformed Dark Brothers of Malark Amblecrown who stalk the vaults like nightmarish, surrealist impressions of the once noble knights.  Amongst the chaos brewing there, tales abound of a growing turf war between established criminals and upstarts, fled from the now ruined and ooze-ridden Lower...


::[ Mirtul 16th : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

Strange purple mist passes through the Underdark, whispering to its denizens: "The Champion... Tullus Horatii... has been Crowned." It fades into nothingness as swiftly as it came.

Travelers notice that the mysterious, glowing sphere on the Crossroads has vanished.
"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip