EFU:CoR Leaving/Returning Posts

Started by Howlando, July 14, 2013, 11:47:38 PM

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Not like I have been playing much anyways but I'll be away for a bit, this past month I've gotten some nasty ulcer flare ups which has left me pretty much bed ridden. And at the end of this month I will be moving to NC and wrap school and finals into all that as well!  :P

During this time I'll still have my discord up though not checking the channels much, if you want to play a casual game with me and I have the time or energy shoot me a PM  ;D

Feed me my kid cuisine meal, or I will say the F word.

if she's your girl then why does her leitmotif appear in my battle theme bro  :/


I will be gone for at least a week, probably 2-3 weeks, due to moving between countries.


A few folks have asked what I'm doing now that my Thaumaturge, Padernig, died. Well, I'm very busy doing Doordash and Uber Eats deliveries, while I look for a more permanent job. Have a new PC (Modares of Caerhithe), but I just don't have a lot of time to play. Consider me "inconsistent".

I hope to get a few hours in for questing here and there, but no promises.
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=691057.msg738645#msg738645]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=703311.msg738712#msg738712][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]



My work has been keeping me busy for the past week or so and it is likely to continue to limit my ingame time. I don't have terribly much free time that I can devote to EFU. I hope that changes, but  for the time being: if anyone wants to speak with Saibhon please contact me on Discord and I'll try to hop on from time to time.


Haven't managed to find my footing in CoR. Taking an extended break.



Hey, just an update for anyone who was curious about my sudden disappearance.  I received an update from the USAF that I've been waiting for, for some 6+ months now. Things are picking up and I'm already incredibly busy because of it IRL, so I won't be able to be in game with any consistency until I get out of training, some many months from now.

After that, I will consider playing again. Until then, it's been fun EFU.

Thanks for the good times -

As far as Valatina is concerned, consider her retired taking time to care for her adopted child until further notice. Should anything significant happen to glitt, that may be permanent.

Forever in the Shadows, yearning for the Light.


Quote from: TheShadow on August 12, 2020, 11:38:18 PM
Hey, just an update for anyone who was curious about my sudden disappearance.  I received an update from the USAF that I've been waiting for, for some 6+ months now. Things are picking up and I'm already incredibly busy because of it IRL, so I won't be able to be in game with any consistency until I get out of training, some many months from now.

After that, I will consider playing again. Until then, it's been fun EFU.

Thanks for the good times -

As far as Valatina is concerned, consider her retired taking time to care for her adopted child until further notice. Should anything significant happen to glitt, that may be permanent.

Good luck with everything in real life! I'm sure EFU will still be there rolling along should you find the time or inclination to immerse yourself into the realms of dark fantasy, mystery, and intrigue once again.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJAoaCHdTJY]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Hello my friends! I had to step away from the computer for a little while due to a variety of things going on. Too much time at my computer desk for work and play has caused me untold grief to my neck, back and ribs. The doctor told me I need to minimize computer usage for a while and maximize exorcise to get my body untwisted. Bad posture kills, my dudes.

So! I joined a HEMA (Historic European Martial Arts) and IMCF (International Medieval Combat Federation) club. I've picked up a sword (several of them) and started learning how to use it! I've been working 3-5 hours a day with a variety of weapons. So far I've found my best to be the German Longsword and the Highlands Claymore. I've been sparring hard, broke a few knuckles but otherwise my body is starting to cooperate with me again. Finally getting back into fighting shape, literally.

As well the city I live has been getting hit hard with riots, looting and protests. It is getting very dangerous out here IRL, so I have been spending my down time stocking on supplies, training and preparing for the very real possibility of bread riots if things don't start to improve economically here.

Angvald will return as soon as the doctor gives me a clean bill and things calm down a little. I miss you guys!

In the meantime... Enjoy some photos!
Angvald IRL in my training and sparring armor sets. Witcher and Highlander custom made and assembled. Pictured here are a Shortsword, a Longsword, a Claymore and a Bastard Sword. The Claymore and Shortsword have the brass hilts. Each is battle-ready but I've blunted the edges for safer sparring. I've been literally living on mountain tops, training day and night with sword, knife and axe.


Desir will be off the map for a week or two. Real life matters to take care of.
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=700140.0]Find custom lore for Yemani characters here.[/url]


Work continues to be extremely busy for me, unfortunately! Apologies to anyone seeking my PC!


Taking an extended break from efu and discord.


I've been pretty busy with work for the last months, not enough time to dedicate to playing a Peerage person who should be in the know of things, so I'm just taking a break. Not retiring my character or anything, Grayson's out there somewhere, mucking about.


I've had less and less time to play on the regular and I've got some happy RL events next month which will mean even less EFU, so I'm going to duck out now and wish y'all the best. I may pop into Discord from time to time but otherwise, keep on keeping on, EFU.