Necromancy- De-Animating Corpses

Started by Zed, October 31, 2019, 06:51:06 PM

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Simple idea of a suggestion, but sometimes we pay gold to have a certain type of undead. And due to the nature of resets we necromancers find our undead disappearing with weapons after a reset.

As it can take quite sometime to animate/experiment as well as a generous gold cost I'm wondering if we can get a tool to return an undead back into a corpse item for use durring resets or unsummoning. Whether they retain their experimentations or not it would be a fantastic QoL update for us as we already spend a good amount of time gathering, animating and experimenting


That sounds like a really good idea but I think there would have to be a couple of things to avoid abusing this:

- Must be out of combat
- Probably take a few rounds of your pc being disabled to activate the tool
- Only recovers the corpse item and not the enhancements you've made, will need to re-do these (otherwise you've got potentially mega summons on demand)
- Maybe make it so that corpse can only be reclaimed if at full HP (so not damaged)


I think that sounds great. Id mostly like to see it be done in any capacity so that hard work doesnt go amiss but its a good balance point that youd ha e to re-run expirements and fits with the internal logic of experimentation


This should be possible and fairly easy to do, if the DMs desire it.