Mers Pasha of Halemont

Started by Hierophant, August 15, 2020, 09:01:48 PM

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Was a blast through and through. From the prelude, to the tension with the Redwheats that didn't quite pick up to the point it would have and every PC I've interacted with on Mercer. I tried my best to go ham with politics in the Peerage and was constantly inviting people over to the estate and trying to cut deals and edge people out (to consider who I will DESTROY and who I will turn into a leal friend and ally). That was the bread and crumb of this concept- a political snake. The arrival of RWG's Inquisitor was a big part of Mercer's story for the last week, and I have to admit it did take away his focus from his own goals for a while but I started to come back by striking out on my own. Always proud of his lineage and rather stubborn, he went to the dispensary and got cut down with ease. And so ends Mercer of Halemont's story. Sad I didn't get to complete it to the end of his goals but was a very fun try never the less! Probably my favourite Peerage based PC of mine so far and it taught me a lot of how to make things work in my favour for whatever concept I have and all in all made me fall more in love with EFU. Excited for the next, see you guys IG and thanks for all the memorable moments.

Screenies- (Peerage Meeting in the Halemont Estate, my attempt at taking initiative in getting the Council of Peers sessions to continue after Orystir's absence) (Day 1 of Prelude) (Attacking the sun) (Only quote of his I screenshotted, drunken convo with Beaux, daddy issues) (Convo under the moon the day before Darcey died)

How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?


A great showing that if you're proactive and willing to take the leap, levels don't matter.

A relatively low tier noble house PC having a dinner party for the big wigs of the world as they sighed and said they hated politics was a truly beautiful thing to witness.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

Drink With Me

A great character. I always had fun interacting with him on Rooster. Perhaps my favorite of the interactions was when he couldn't pay the Orzan Tithe to get to the Mongrelwoods and my character lent him the groat.  But there were plenty notable times.
If you're evil, and you're on the rise
You can count on the four of us taking you down
'Cause we're good and evil never beats us
We'll win the fight and then go out for pizzas.  - Steven Universe


Was real fun to play second banana to Mercer for a while.  Can't wait to see your next!


Mercer was quite a character! He really tried hard to get some things done. I enjoyed getting to know him better. Well played! Can't wait to see what you play next. :)


We never got to have our second duel.  :'(

Mercer did a whole lot even when everything started to fall apart between our preludes and did a great job keeping the energy going. Fantastic player.


I enjoyed Mercer. He was a bit extreme at times, but he was fun to watch and interact with.
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