Building a Mercenary Company (Red Dragon Company)

Started by Hierophant, December 22, 2020, 04:17:53 PM

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Heya! Considering my playtimes aren't amazing, but I still wanted to organize something like this in the Peerage. I'm going to try and build up a mercenary company under my PC but without a very authoritarian hierarchy. So no Captain, just some form of sellsword council. Free soldiers who offer their sword for hire in the city. If you're interested, feel free to send me a PM! There is plenty of room for different concepts, be they diplomats/spies/merchants to handle delicate affairs and negotiate contracts, to warriors and archers/arbalists, to enterprising and ambitious men seeking to make a name for themselves. Casual and proactive PCs encouraged to shape the path this concept treads on.

Send me a PM on Discord at Hierophant for more info! Any alignment and race will work, but certain alignments may hold consequences down the line depending on our direction. All to be sorted IG! Cheers and happy holidays. Let's get some mercenary RP going.

How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?