Gerhardt Ewoux

Started by Axioein, January 31, 2021, 06:20:01 PM

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Gerhardt has passed on. He was my first attempt at a cleric and was a lot of fun to play. While I didnt get any screenshots or neat relics to entertain you with, the write up will have to do.

Gerhardt was born in Amn during the time of the war that rocked that country. The son of simple guardsman, his memories of his homeland or even his family were badly fragmented upon waking in the City. The only two clear memories he held was of a man he assumed to be his father demanding he 'be a man, fight' and visions of a burning town.

However, with things taken some are given. Upon awaking he did find a simple amulet around his neck that he would come to learn was the symbol of the Triune. Discovering the power of Faith and Prayer, a priest was born. This turned into his acceptance as the Lord's Bishop in the Vestry and some planned fun with the other Bishops.

All this said, the core of Gerhardt was a soul struggling to understand his God and his place in the City. A mixture of utter Faith in the Triune in the present and a dread of a terrible past he couldnt clearly remember. I was hoping to develop this more into an Inquisitor type of character going after the various Druids / Cults / etc while carrying a core of doubt about his own abilities, but events turned out differently.

Given the eventual PvP end goals I had for Gerhardt, I wanted to weave in a fatal flaw. If he was ever defeated, especially for anything touching on his Faith almost all of his hard earned wisdom deserted him. The core doubts that still lingered from his past became bitter seeds of poisoned rage resulting in the small town sell sword / tough he was before the City shinning through. Sadly this would prove Gerhardt's end.

If anyone is thinking about a cleric, strongly recommend giving it a go and focusing on the interaction aspects of it.