Let me tell you about, Luna Wintergard

Started by -UnholyWon-, July 28, 2022, 05:13:26 AM

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Hello folks, yeah its a death thread, and yes... that bitch is dead.

History: Luna Wintergard was born into a life of serfdom in the Vineyards of House Velstra as all of her family members before her. Luna's father was a proud servant of House Velstra, and took a great amount of pride in the grapes he raised for his Lord. Luna's mother similarly toiled in the vineyards with her husband, the two had a truly loving marriage, and cared deeply for their children. Luna had four siblings, two brothers, Arnold and Wyatt, twins at birth and some would say had a reddish tint to their hair. A baby sister named, Mary Anne, roughly a year old, but we all know time keeping is illegal. A loyal family to House Velstra, who never wanted for anything, and provided House Velstra with devotion and loyalty.

Sadly, when the ghylherd came, they burned the vineyards and fields of those that served the Great Houses, and House Velstra was to late to the defense. Luna's father and brother put up a good fight, but none of them were warriors. Luna's mother died, not from a sweeping blade, or a crushing hammer, but from the overwhelming fear of the end. Luna tried to escape, taking her baby sister, and crawling out a window. She didn't make it far before they found her with a weeping baby in her arms. Several days of savage torture Luna endured, being broken first by the Ghylherd eating her baby sister, and then taking to Luna heinous crimes of pure evil. How did Luna survive, she never figured that out, and considered it one of life's greatest mysteries. She does remember waking up in the Glum with several other refugees.

Life as a refugee in Little Ticker wasn't easy, and Luna took quick to learning how to survive off the cut purses of Blackjacks, Merchants, Retainers, and Nobles. She knew her time pulling off petty crimes would catch up to her sooner or later. It was then she thought about casing the House Velstra, and wandered into the Vale. She smelled the wine and food, and couldn't help herself. She pilfered everything she could while stuffing her face with leftovers. Then from an open gate, Ser Adrian Velstra walks out, and Luna's heart sank. By luck or fate, Luna was -encouraged- to join House Velstra, and was even promised to be taught how to be a lady by Ser Adrian's current betrothed, Lady Rochelle Rhaechard. The idea of being taught proper, and becoming a real Lady of the Peerage Ward was way to enticing to turn down.

Again, luck and fate, Xiv stepped in to murder poor Lady Rhaechard removing any chance of Luna ever becoming a Lady of the Peerage Ward. Granted, its not like Luna didn't try reaching out to others to help, but help wasn't going to come. At least no help in making her a "lady".

Luna decided to seek the attentions of men, specifically knighted and dangerous men, Ser Adrian Velstra, Ser Manferd Japes, and Xiv the Assassin. None of those men were interested in love, or helping Luna advance her way to becoming a Lady of the Peerage Ward. Xiv became more a pen pal, and psychotic mentor.

Luna adventured for a long time, until she hit level eight, and Ser Adrian encouraged her to really pursue being the House Merchant. Luna made a deal with Ser Adrian to be the Manager of the Blacke Velvet, and earn 10% ownership. In the end, Luna was 60k away from having ten percent ownership of the Blacke Velvet, and it was by far her favorite title. The story changes and picks up from here, and there were many adventures, plots, schemes, and dreams.

Truths & Lies:

Truth: Luna never drank hard alcohol, she feared that it would dull her senses, and having her senses dulled reminded her of the time when suffered at the hands of the ghylherd.

Lies: Luna wanted people to believe she was some deviant harlot, and played the part as hard as she could. She really wanted to be a lady of the ward, but the ward wouldn't let her.

Truth: Luna saw the ghylhard and mongrels as the same thing, and they honestly made her have panic attacks or fly into a blind rage for survival.

Lies: Luna was never truly loyal to House Velstra, she was loyal to those she called family and to herself. She always dreamed of robbing House Velstra blind.

Truth: Luna was sad about her missing leg, but she owned the shit out of it. It became a major piece of who she was, and despite how others wanted her to get a "new" leg, she couldn't have been more proud of it.

Lies: Luna was not a stingy merchant, and would often give away groat to those in need. Hells, sometimes without calling it a loan.

Truth: Luna would've killed Lalena and Diethard in their sleep, but Lalena was family, and she could forgive Lalena for stealing her heart's desire.

Truth: Luna main goal was to always achieve power, control, and dominance in the Peerage Ward, but she wanted to do it by building a new thieves guild from within the Blacke Velvet. Unfortunately, it never took shape, mainly because Luna didn't know the first thing about creating or working for a guild.

Truth: Luna had no Appraise ranks, not until the very end, so she would set her prices high and wait for someone to counter and immediately take the offer. Occasionally, she was ballsy enough to counter the first offer, but that was a rarity. It wasn't until way later she became a confident merchant.   

Truth: Luna had a soft spot for halflings, even if she wanted Xiv to kill a few.

Truth: The Flame of Greed was her justification to become even more greedy and evil. In the end, she was becoming just as weak as she saw others to be.

Truth: The Unseen Hand may still linger... pilfering the pockets all those around.

Truth: Luna gave the Vunco Valiants the rights to pick pocket or rob anyone in the Blacke Velvet. She would have protected to a degree.

Truth: Luna told one PC the entire truth about her penpal affair with Xiv because she had taken a vow of silence. Luna was absolutely delighted to share this information with someone, and was absolutely thankful that she would never tell a soul.

I wasn't good at getting screen shot for Luna, and the few I do have are to good not to share.

I would like to think Abala, YMD, Baeric, Arc, BOM, Halfbrood, and every other DM that may have affected Luna's growth. To the players There are so many of you (94hippie, Ramc, Stranger, Scitus, Flamingfist, Heirophant, dtw, VanillaPudding, Diablo, Karpie, Naga, and many many more! I owe a gigantic thank you too!) that have shaped Luna in so many ways, I could keep writing and writing about it forever. You all know in some form or fashion what you did to make Luna shine, and for that I am greatful to you. Thank you for letting her be apart of your story.

Sadly, I didn't get any screen shots of her DM Loot, but its safe to say she had four pieces. One was a christmas gift from HB, One from the Feast of Folly, One from the Yucky Lucky Event, and one from Arc's event, the Flame of Greed!

[hide=Let there be Luna Wintergard!]
Luna's Creation Date!

Luna's House Date!

Luna's Deaths & Death Spiral!

[hide=Team Velstra! I survived all of you! LOL! Sorry Lalena, I didn't have a shot of you!]


[hide=Girls will gossip, wasn't the first time or the last time either!]


[hide=Anum's Experiment, P.S. Don't drink the water in Luna's bag! ]


[hide=YuckyLucky's Fiasco! One last moment to shine!]


[hide=Just a little secret between thieves][/hide]

[hide=The Cold & Hard Truth, Death]

End the End, Luna is Luna....


Discord - Howlando: UnholyWon, an Elder Thing that has crawled from the depths of Chapter 1, many a nature-pc and adventurer played in the past... a rare sighting IG in recent chapters, but perhaps less rare than we realize. Beware his professional insight into the minds of the mentally disturbed.

Lalena Steele

Thanks for the great character.   She'll be missed. No clue how it will hit me once I find out IC.   And with that the last of the Ser Adrian era Velstrans are gone from the Vale.   When I get home from work I'll scour my screenshots to see if I have any with Luna.


Damn, and we still had a bank to rob  :'(

Luna was a real swell pal to the Valiants. A great PC, who will be missed


Luna was a staple and a good ?friend? of Mebril. Just decompressing shooting the breeze and gossiping with Luna at her stall was a fun pasttime. Sorry we didn't get to do everything we talked about.

Luna's love-letters-to-serial-killers vibe was something else.

Don Nadie

Because of timezones, we didn't do that much together... But I absolutely loved checking out her correspondence like a creep!


That was a super cool run and for what i see a super interesting endlude... i envy you

We interacted few times but they were all great, my fav was with Geriance

Good luck on your next

The Old Hack

Imogen absolutely loved to hate Luna but came to grudgingly respect her in the end. She was great, a sharp-tongued manipulator that added so much intrigue to her surroundings :)

Thanks for sharing her! Hope to meet the new one!