Theories upon the stars, by Karl Herenicus

Started by sankarul, February 15, 2023, 11:52:03 PM

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This journal has been written to present the reader with an alternative view upon the stars and other various celestial bodies to consider for research. Consider for a moment the possibility that the heavenly bodies are not actual objects upon the sky, but instead, windows to eldritch knowledge.

The night sky, as we know it, is made up of many things. The moon, the stars, and the darkness in between them all, make up the most significant part of it all. All astronomers of note know the significance of these celestial bodies. But what, truly, are they?

Is the darkness up there a void, and these stars and the moon solid objects up there? Or could it perhaps be the very opposite? It is well known that any one taking a footstep on the path of an astrologian draw their powers from the skies and their connection to our world. But nobody has presented proof as to what they all truly are.

The idea is then presented here that indeed, these heavenly bodies are no more bodies than the air of the night sky. The 'void' of the darkness, it is no void. It is the only truly solid thing up there. The stars and the moon, they are windows leading on to distant worlds, eldritch knowledge.

This suggested theory of how astronomers might wish to view the sky and all therein is based around observations of the stars and the moon for many a nights. They all move in similar patterns, ways that can be calculated and expected. This would not make sense for bodies that fly freely! Thus, observe the following image presented of this model.
In this model as seen above one can observe the suggested night sky as indeed a series of spheres surrounding our world. Scattered upon these spheres are the stars, and of course the very moon. Brightest of our celestial bodies.

Where does all this light come from, to make them shine so brightly upon the sky? Sources of great power up in the sky. Worlds, far, so very far away. Perhaps the power that shines so very brightly are the very pantheons of divine beings upon these distant worlds?


With this theory presented here upon this journal, many questions arise. How does the Astrologian draw upon these powers? It is entirely possible that, just as a priest might draw upon a specific deity of their choice, when they chose to bless an ally. Perhaps these beings in the distant night sky allow those who revere them well enough, to draw upon them all. There are, after all, so very many of them - drawing upon them as a 'pantheon', as a priest draws upon the power of their god? Perhaps they would not even notice it.

A question, then, if these holes in the many spheres surrounding the world do lead towards other worlds with eldritch powers. Can one draw upon the energies of certain ones of them, and if so, would these powers notice? If these theories are to be expanded upon, it will be worth considering the dangers or the benefits of such.